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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Teens
- Theme: Science Fiction
- Subject: Horror / Scary
- Published: 02/03/2011
Dusty Vampire
Born 1960, F, from Frenchburg, Kentucky, United StatesSam Noble was eighteen years old; he was a handsome young man who had graduated high school. He was ready to start his life and go to college and fulfill his dreams like most guys.
It was a cool summer day in mid-August when Sam started packing to leave for college. His parents knew they would not see Sam for several months, only a phone call when he had time. Sam was an extremely smart young man who loved history and wanted to learn more about past history. He wanted learn about the unknown things that existed, or things people would never believe existed, in this present world.
He was excited as he placed his last bag in the trunk of his 2006 Rave-4. His parents were saddened to see their only son leave, but kissed him and waved good-bye as he drove off.
Sam was well prepared with snacks and just about anything you would need for a road trip. His mom was good at making sure he was well prepared. He drove well into the night without stopping, listening to his favorite CD.
It started to rain and it would get heavy at times; his windshield wipers could not keep up. He had trouble seeing the road and started to pull off when it happened, a big thump and the Rav felt like it was leaning to one side. Sam quickly got out, checking to see what happened, but the rain would not allow him, it was pouring. He jumped back in his vehicle and searched for a flashlight. He found a small one that he had placed in his emergency bag. He jumped back out to take another look and find out what was wrong with his vehicle. Sam was very disappointed when he saw the tire and the rim was completely off. He knew he hit something, but whatever it was it really messed it up. He knew he had a spare on the back so he proceeded to fix it in the rain. He had to keep wiping his face as the rain soaked his clothes and his black hair was wet and dripping with water. He hurried as fast as he could but the rain was hard to see through. It was no longer than when Sam was hoping the rain would slow down that it started to become a light mist. He was glad. He changed the tire and when it was done he realized it was almost daybreak. Sam looked around to examine his surroundings when he noticed he was right in front of a long driveway. Sam, being the curious person he was, especially anything about un-known stories about history, noticed a sign that was barely readable. He got back out of his vehicle to take a closer look and try to read the faded letters. Sam had heard rumors about this road, it was such a long drive that no one ever traveled it, not really knowing where it led. Stories were told that once you started to drive you could never turn back; it was a haunted road that took you to a ruined house.
Sam thought about all the stories and rumors about this road, called Dead End. He remembered his parents talking about this place, but he also remembered how they would hush talking about it every time he would come around. Sam felt his parents knew something about the place called Dead End Road.
His curiosity grew more and more the longer he stared at the long gravel driveway. It was really washed out with deep trenches on each side, but the middle of road still looked drivable. Sam knew he had plenty of time to get to his destination, and the more he looked at that gravel driveway that led straight up the more he was excited about checking it out.
Sam starts up his vehicle and locks it in four-wheel drive and slowly starts driving up the long steep gravel drive called Dead End. He seemed okay and had no fear about all the rumors or stories he'd heard all his life. The journey had begun, and he noticed the time was 6:00am in the morning when he started. Sam drove without really thinking about time and how it was passing, as he was listening to a CD. The road was rough and the Rav-4 would bounce and Sam’s CD would skip so he took it out again and turned the radio back on. He looked back in his rear view mirror. The road behind him was so steep and so long. He looked at his watch and was shocked to see it was nearly 12:00. He could not believe it had been six hours of driving. It only seemed like a couple of hours, he was surprised how steep the road got the further he drove.
Nearly into seven hours of driving he finally got a glance of a house with tall grass all around it. It looked in tact with windows and doors, but it was so weather worn. The closer he got the bigger it was. He was amazed at all the surroundings of tall trees, and beautiful wild flowers growing everywhere with colors of yellow, violet and lovely flaming red. Sam was really anxious to see inside of the huge house while it was still daylight and leave before dark.
Sam’s heart was pounding with excitement and thought he knew why no one ever wanted to come up here, the drive was long, over six hours, and it was a dead end when you got to the house. He slowly pulled as close as he could get to the old house. He hurried to check out the house. Sam could not believe he was actually there and looking at the old house that he had heard so many stories about. He looked at the big porch and some of the boards had fallen in. He stepped upon the porch and was careful to watch were he placed his feet. Sam turned the door knob to see if it was locked. He was surprised it was not locked and how easy the door opened. Sam walked in and stood in complete dis-belief of what he saw. Everything was beautiful and he was shocked to see the house that looked so bad outside so beautiful inside. The furniture was completely covered up with dust but the cob webs were pretty heavy as he waved his arms to break through them. He walked slowly through each room. There were many more rooms upstairs. Sam wanted to make sure he entered each room, and they were beautiful, beds with big posts and all rooms had huge pictures of people.
Sam’s attention was caught by one picture in particular of a beautiful young girl with Golden hair and she almost looked real, her eyes were the greenest of grass, her skin was like porcelain. He walked closer to the picture to see what it read beneath it, Emily Hedges’. He gazed at the picture for the longest time. Sam had never seen such a beautiful face and eyes in all his eighteen years. He stared so long at the picture that he felt dizzy. He finally walked away but felt as if the picture was watching him. Sam knew it was his own imagination along with all the stories that were told about the road called Dead End.
Sam became more curious about the house where no one ever came to because of all the stories that it was cursed, and people who had visited the house never returned, and that was why it got the name Dead End Road.
He walked over to the huge window in the big dining area with all the elegant windows that were so oddly shaped. Sam stepped closer to see the beautiful view outside. It was like another world. It took him seven hours to drive up the steep hill, but he thought it was worth it so far with everything he had seen in the house. Sam wanted to go upstairs’ and check out more of the beauty of the house. He proceeded upstairs, each step he took some of the steps that were weaker than others would make a creeping sound.
Sam was finally on the very top step, which was a total of twenty five steps. He looked down a long hallway and on each side there were many bedrooms, he started to count each one as he stepped inside to see the beauty of each room. He came to the last bedroom which was at the very end of the hallway, he reached to turn the door-knob to open it, but it was locked. He twisted and turned but it would not budge. Sam stepped back to look at the entire door and wondered why one door in the entire house would be locked. He thought it was probably just jammed, or the door was so old it might be the door knob was rusty. He was determined to get in this one last room of the house.
Sam thought about going back to the car and getting something to help him open the door, the more he tried to open it, the less it worked.
He hurried back down the twenty steps to rush out to his Rav and get something that would work to open the door. Sam was quickly going through all his tools and the emergency equipment he had brought on his trip. He grabbed a tire tool and a pry bar, two things in his hands he hurried back to the house; he lept up the steps and ran to the end of the hallway to the last door. Sam was a little out of breath from rushing and with excitement to see what was in this very last room that was locked. He quickly turned the knob one more time to make sure before he had to use any of the tools on the door, which he really dreaded doing because the door was simply beautiful, just as the entire house was. Sam was shocked when he turned the knob and the door gently opened. He thought maybe he had worked too hard the first time to open the door, but he was glad it opened up. Sam did not want to mess up the beautiful wood work.
Sam walked inside the last bedroom in the house. He had to remove lots of cob webs and the room was the dustiest room in the house. He was surprised to see so much dust. It covered everything in the bedroom. He never had seen a bed quite like the one it had, a green emerald in the head board. The post went all the way to the ceiling and it was a King size mattress, but due to all its beauty the dust was just too much for Sam, he wanted to see more of this extraordinary room. He took his tee- shirt off and placed his regular shirt back on, while holding his tee shirt over his nose and mouth, he leaned over the bed to get a better look at a rare looking jewel that was placed at the head board.
Sam was still holding tools in one hand while leaning over the bed and he accidently dropped the tire tool and it fell onto the mattress. The dust swirled around in the air. Sam went to grab the tool he dropped when he cut his arm on the edge of the tire tool by grabbing too hard. The blood from his arm dripped onto the mattress and was also taken up in the swirl of dust. Sam was coughing, and trying to hold the tee shirt around his mouth and nose, while his blood dripped more and more onto the bed. He became dizzy with all the dust. His eyes began to water, and then he started to see something in the mist of all that dust that was swirling around. He stumbled back after he picked up the tire tool and he leaned against the door with a look of disbelief and making sure it was not his imagination.
Sam was watching a human form take shape right in front of his eyes, and he stood there frozen, every muscle in his body was so tight, his body felt so heavy he could not move. Sam just watched as the beautiful young woman appeared before his eyes. His mind was racing full of thoughts back to when he first walked into the house and the picture of the beautiful girl with the golden blonde hair and darkest of green eyes, so dark they would pierce a man’s heart. He thought he was dreaming seeing this beautiful young woman appear from dust.
Sam closed his eyes as the dust became more intense and he was coughing so hard he became more light-headed. The room was filled with a smog of chocking dust that Sam could no longer see through. He reached to feel for the door knob to escape from it all, but was too late. He fell upon the wooden floor. He lay there unconscious of his surroundings. It seemed like hours, but it had only been minutes before he woke up to find himself staring at a room completely changed. He rolled over and tried to push his body up onto his feet. He finally was standing. He rubbed his eyes but no longer felt the need of his tee-shirt to help him breath or see.
Sam was in a same room, only it sparkled with un-imaginable beauty, as the young woman he saw sitting in the chair with her eyes upon him. There was a moment of silence in the room as Sam stared at her beauty, but also disbelief with how she had appeared before him from dust. Suddenly the young woman spoke, her voice was soft and her lips were as red as a rose and shaped perfectly. Her eyes sparkled and her skin was like a porcelain doll. She wore a white gown so sheer you could see every inch of her hour-glass body. Sam stood without moving a muscle as he could not take his eyes off this beautiful creature. She was the most beautiful young woman his eyes ever beheld.
“Hello, said her gentle soothing voice, as she looked into Sam’s eyes. My name is Emily’ and what is yours?
Sam, my name is Sam Noble.
You saved my life Sam Noble, with your one drop of blood that fell on my dust covered body.
Sam looked quite puzzled when Emily spoke of saving her life. Sam was still so confused with what had happened and wondering what would happen next. He knew this was not real, or was he dreaming.
“Please don’t be afraid of me, Sam Noble. I can see in your face you have many questions to ask me, and I am willing to answer all of them for you. I have been here for years and my age was eighteen when I passed away, by the hands of one of my family members. I know what you’re thinking. You want to know if am real? You are confused. Yes, Sam, I am real, but only because of you, today, I have become more real and can now live, because of your drops of blood that gave me life one more time.”
Sam could not take his eyes off her beauty. It was like it controlled his soul and took his heart all in one. He noticed all the dust was completely gone from the room and everything glowed. Her diamond necklace around her neck sparkled.
Sam knew it was getting late and with everything that happened he was startled and confused, and he had a bit of fear that he tried to keep hidden.
“I am sorry, but with everything that has happened this is all very confusing to me,” said Sam.
Emily rose up out of her chair and she seemed to glide across the room closer to Sam. In seconds she was standing right beside him as she reached out for his hand. Sam took her hand, it felt cool. He followed her down stairs, where Sam noticed everything was completely changed; there was not a speck of dust. They reached the bottom of the steps and she walked over to a sofa where she told Sam to sit beside her.
“Are you afraid of me, Sam”? Emily asked. “No, no, just really confused, and this all seems like a dream”, Sam answered. She smiled at Sam showing her beautiful white teeth. She touched his hand and said “Please don’t be afraid, I am not going to harm you. I will admit too, I am hungry and it would be nice to have something to eat.” She said as she smiled. Sam thought to himself, I sure hope she eats regular food.” She turned and looked at him as she had read his mind. "Don’t worry, I am not a cannibal." She smiled. Sam was taken in by her beauty but still wondered about her. He thought, is she a vampire or---- he stopped thinking, trying to clear his mind. He felt like his mind was full of cobwebs from all the dust that was in the house. He joked to himself but yet was still cautious.
“Please stay here, I must take a moment to change.” Emily continued. Sam watched her walk every step until she vanished, then he quickly got up and ran out the door to his vehicle to grab some snacks he had packed. He hurried to get back inside fast as he could before she came back, he did not want to miss a moment of just looking at that beautiful face and body. He tried hard to avoid thinking of her shapely body when he had first seen her in the sheer gown, and it kept running through his mind. Sam was back sitting on the sofa that once was covered with a dusty plastic cover, as everything else was until Emily appeared, but now it all had suddenly vanished.
He looked up to see her walking back down the staircase with a lovely yellow cotton dress that fit her body just right, and made her eyes more green. He noticed her face had a glow of peach in her cheeks. She looked even more beautiful. She was flawless, her breasts were full and round and he could see her cleavage as she leaned over. His heart pounded when she would get close to him or touch him, he had wanted to feel more at ease around her. Was Sam Noble falling in love with Emily? He felt a strange sensation as he tried to resist her beauty. It was a beauty that would drag a man’s soul to the pits of hell if he would let it. He had never encountered such a lovely face and body that made him ache inside with passion.
Sam watched intensely as she talked and walked around the room. He was more drawn to her beauty and her voice which was so enchanting. It made warm feelings go through his body and his heart was pounding with so much excitement.
There was so much he was wondering about and his mind was jumping around with so many questions. Yet he knew he must be on his way and leave to get to his destination and his friends at college. Sam could not stop looking or thinking about this beautiful woman who had appeared from dust.” He thought to himself, she came from the dust of that old bed after he touched the Emerald at the top of the headboard. This would be strange enough for any man to want to leave, but something had a hold on him, a strange feeling and warmth that seemed to flow through every vein of his body.
He thought, why this did happen to him of all people? Sam had a feeling come over him like he had been here before, it was a strange feeling. This feeling that kept pulling at his heart, his soul, to not leave, it was his destiny. He closed his eyes only for a moment and in that one moment she was there. Sam could not stop whatever was happening to him. He started to get up, knowing he needed to leave, but how can he leave such a princess? His eyes had never seen such beauty in all his eighteen years. Sam had entered a world full of unknown history and would soon find out his own past. Emily was beautiful, but she was not only hungry but thirsty. As she leaned over to bite Sam, he slumped down on the sofa, and it was only seconds until he was in the world called Dead End.
There is more to this story filled with mysteries, as Sam finds out more about his past. Was he more than a vampire? How he would soon face his enemy. Dragon Red and Blockhead, with his army of black hearts filled with evil.
Dusty Vampire(Janice Walters Rawlins)
Sam Noble was eighteen years old; he was a handsome young man who had graduated high school. He was ready to start his life and go to college and fulfill his dreams like most guys.
It was a cool summer day in mid-August when Sam started packing to leave for college. His parents knew they would not see Sam for several months, only a phone call when he had time. Sam was an extremely smart young man who loved history and wanted to learn more about past history. He wanted learn about the unknown things that existed, or things people would never believe existed, in this present world.
He was excited as he placed his last bag in the trunk of his 2006 Rave-4. His parents were saddened to see their only son leave, but kissed him and waved good-bye as he drove off.
Sam was well prepared with snacks and just about anything you would need for a road trip. His mom was good at making sure he was well prepared. He drove well into the night without stopping, listening to his favorite CD.
It started to rain and it would get heavy at times; his windshield wipers could not keep up. He had trouble seeing the road and started to pull off when it happened, a big thump and the Rav felt like it was leaning to one side. Sam quickly got out, checking to see what happened, but the rain would not allow him, it was pouring. He jumped back in his vehicle and searched for a flashlight. He found a small one that he had placed in his emergency bag. He jumped back out to take another look and find out what was wrong with his vehicle. Sam was very disappointed when he saw the tire and the rim was completely off. He knew he hit something, but whatever it was it really messed it up. He knew he had a spare on the back so he proceeded to fix it in the rain. He had to keep wiping his face as the rain soaked his clothes and his black hair was wet and dripping with water. He hurried as fast as he could but the rain was hard to see through. It was no longer than when Sam was hoping the rain would slow down that it started to become a light mist. He was glad. He changed the tire and when it was done he realized it was almost daybreak. Sam looked around to examine his surroundings when he noticed he was right in front of a long driveway. Sam, being the curious person he was, especially anything about un-known stories about history, noticed a sign that was barely readable. He got back out of his vehicle to take a closer look and try to read the faded letters. Sam had heard rumors about this road, it was such a long drive that no one ever traveled it, not really knowing where it led. Stories were told that once you started to drive you could never turn back; it was a haunted road that took you to a ruined house.
Sam thought about all the stories and rumors about this road, called Dead End. He remembered his parents talking about this place, but he also remembered how they would hush talking about it every time he would come around. Sam felt his parents knew something about the place called Dead End Road.
His curiosity grew more and more the longer he stared at the long gravel driveway. It was really washed out with deep trenches on each side, but the middle of road still looked drivable. Sam knew he had plenty of time to get to his destination, and the more he looked at that gravel driveway that led straight up the more he was excited about checking it out.
Sam starts up his vehicle and locks it in four-wheel drive and slowly starts driving up the long steep gravel drive called Dead End. He seemed okay and had no fear about all the rumors or stories he'd heard all his life. The journey had begun, and he noticed the time was 6:00am in the morning when he started. Sam drove without really thinking about time and how it was passing, as he was listening to a CD. The road was rough and the Rav-4 would bounce and Sam’s CD would skip so he took it out again and turned the radio back on. He looked back in his rear view mirror. The road behind him was so steep and so long. He looked at his watch and was shocked to see it was nearly 12:00. He could not believe it had been six hours of driving. It only seemed like a couple of hours, he was surprised how steep the road got the further he drove.
Nearly into seven hours of driving he finally got a glance of a house with tall grass all around it. It looked in tact with windows and doors, but it was so weather worn. The closer he got the bigger it was. He was amazed at all the surroundings of tall trees, and beautiful wild flowers growing everywhere with colors of yellow, violet and lovely flaming red. Sam was really anxious to see inside of the huge house while it was still daylight and leave before dark.
Sam’s heart was pounding with excitement and thought he knew why no one ever wanted to come up here, the drive was long, over six hours, and it was a dead end when you got to the house. He slowly pulled as close as he could get to the old house. He hurried to check out the house. Sam could not believe he was actually there and looking at the old house that he had heard so many stories about. He looked at the big porch and some of the boards had fallen in. He stepped upon the porch and was careful to watch were he placed his feet. Sam turned the door knob to see if it was locked. He was surprised it was not locked and how easy the door opened. Sam walked in and stood in complete dis-belief of what he saw. Everything was beautiful and he was shocked to see the house that looked so bad outside so beautiful inside. The furniture was completely covered up with dust but the cob webs were pretty heavy as he waved his arms to break through them. He walked slowly through each room. There were many more rooms upstairs. Sam wanted to make sure he entered each room, and they were beautiful, beds with big posts and all rooms had huge pictures of people.
Sam’s attention was caught by one picture in particular of a beautiful young girl with Golden hair and she almost looked real, her eyes were the greenest of grass, her skin was like porcelain. He walked closer to the picture to see what it read beneath it, Emily Hedges’. He gazed at the picture for the longest time. Sam had never seen such a beautiful face and eyes in all his eighteen years. He stared so long at the picture that he felt dizzy. He finally walked away but felt as if the picture was watching him. Sam knew it was his own imagination along with all the stories that were told about the road called Dead End.
Sam became more curious about the house where no one ever came to because of all the stories that it was cursed, and people who had visited the house never returned, and that was why it got the name Dead End Road.
He walked over to the huge window in the big dining area with all the elegant windows that were so oddly shaped. Sam stepped closer to see the beautiful view outside. It was like another world. It took him seven hours to drive up the steep hill, but he thought it was worth it so far with everything he had seen in the house. Sam wanted to go upstairs’ and check out more of the beauty of the house. He proceeded upstairs, each step he took some of the steps that were weaker than others would make a creeping sound.
Sam was finally on the very top step, which was a total of twenty five steps. He looked down a long hallway and on each side there were many bedrooms, he started to count each one as he stepped inside to see the beauty of each room. He came to the last bedroom which was at the very end of the hallway, he reached to turn the door-knob to open it, but it was locked. He twisted and turned but it would not budge. Sam stepped back to look at the entire door and wondered why one door in the entire house would be locked. He thought it was probably just jammed, or the door was so old it might be the door knob was rusty. He was determined to get in this one last room of the house.
Sam thought about going back to the car and getting something to help him open the door, the more he tried to open it, the less it worked.
He hurried back down the twenty steps to rush out to his Rav and get something that would work to open the door. Sam was quickly going through all his tools and the emergency equipment he had brought on his trip. He grabbed a tire tool and a pry bar, two things in his hands he hurried back to the house; he lept up the steps and ran to the end of the hallway to the last door. Sam was a little out of breath from rushing and with excitement to see what was in this very last room that was locked. He quickly turned the knob one more time to make sure before he had to use any of the tools on the door, which he really dreaded doing because the door was simply beautiful, just as the entire house was. Sam was shocked when he turned the knob and the door gently opened. He thought maybe he had worked too hard the first time to open the door, but he was glad it opened up. Sam did not want to mess up the beautiful wood work.
Sam walked inside the last bedroom in the house. He had to remove lots of cob webs and the room was the dustiest room in the house. He was surprised to see so much dust. It covered everything in the bedroom. He never had seen a bed quite like the one it had, a green emerald in the head board. The post went all the way to the ceiling and it was a King size mattress, but due to all its beauty the dust was just too much for Sam, he wanted to see more of this extraordinary room. He took his tee- shirt off and placed his regular shirt back on, while holding his tee shirt over his nose and mouth, he leaned over the bed to get a better look at a rare looking jewel that was placed at the head board.
Sam was still holding tools in one hand while leaning over the bed and he accidently dropped the tire tool and it fell onto the mattress. The dust swirled around in the air. Sam went to grab the tool he dropped when he cut his arm on the edge of the tire tool by grabbing too hard. The blood from his arm dripped onto the mattress and was also taken up in the swirl of dust. Sam was coughing, and trying to hold the tee shirt around his mouth and nose, while his blood dripped more and more onto the bed. He became dizzy with all the dust. His eyes began to water, and then he started to see something in the mist of all that dust that was swirling around. He stumbled back after he picked up the tire tool and he leaned against the door with a look of disbelief and making sure it was not his imagination.
Sam was watching a human form take shape right in front of his eyes, and he stood there frozen, every muscle in his body was so tight, his body felt so heavy he could not move. Sam just watched as the beautiful young woman appeared before his eyes. His mind was racing full of thoughts back to when he first walked into the house and the picture of the beautiful girl with the golden blonde hair and darkest of green eyes, so dark they would pierce a man’s heart. He thought he was dreaming seeing this beautiful young woman appear from dust.
Sam closed his eyes as the dust became more intense and he was coughing so hard he became more light-headed. The room was filled with a smog of chocking dust that Sam could no longer see through. He reached to feel for the door knob to escape from it all, but was too late. He fell upon the wooden floor. He lay there unconscious of his surroundings. It seemed like hours, but it had only been minutes before he woke up to find himself staring at a room completely changed. He rolled over and tried to push his body up onto his feet. He finally was standing. He rubbed his eyes but no longer felt the need of his tee-shirt to help him breath or see.
Sam was in a same room, only it sparkled with un-imaginable beauty, as the young woman he saw sitting in the chair with her eyes upon him. There was a moment of silence in the room as Sam stared at her beauty, but also disbelief with how she had appeared before him from dust. Suddenly the young woman spoke, her voice was soft and her lips were as red as a rose and shaped perfectly. Her eyes sparkled and her skin was like a porcelain doll. She wore a white gown so sheer you could see every inch of her hour-glass body. Sam stood without moving a muscle as he could not take his eyes off this beautiful creature. She was the most beautiful young woman his eyes ever beheld.
“Hello, said her gentle soothing voice, as she looked into Sam’s eyes. My name is Emily’ and what is yours?
Sam, my name is Sam Noble.
You saved my life Sam Noble, with your one drop of blood that fell on my dust covered body.
Sam looked quite puzzled when Emily spoke of saving her life. Sam was still so confused with what had happened and wondering what would happen next. He knew this was not real, or was he dreaming.
“Please don’t be afraid of me, Sam Noble. I can see in your face you have many questions to ask me, and I am willing to answer all of them for you. I have been here for years and my age was eighteen when I passed away, by the hands of one of my family members. I know what you’re thinking. You want to know if am real? You are confused. Yes, Sam, I am real, but only because of you, today, I have become more real and can now live, because of your drops of blood that gave me life one more time.”
Sam could not take his eyes off her beauty. It was like it controlled his soul and took his heart all in one. He noticed all the dust was completely gone from the room and everything glowed. Her diamond necklace around her neck sparkled.
Sam knew it was getting late and with everything that happened he was startled and confused, and he had a bit of fear that he tried to keep hidden.
“I am sorry, but with everything that has happened this is all very confusing to me,” said Sam.
Emily rose up out of her chair and she seemed to glide across the room closer to Sam. In seconds she was standing right beside him as she reached out for his hand. Sam took her hand, it felt cool. He followed her down stairs, where Sam noticed everything was completely changed; there was not a speck of dust. They reached the bottom of the steps and she walked over to a sofa where she told Sam to sit beside her.
“Are you afraid of me, Sam”? Emily asked. “No, no, just really confused, and this all seems like a dream”, Sam answered. She smiled at Sam showing her beautiful white teeth. She touched his hand and said “Please don’t be afraid, I am not going to harm you. I will admit too, I am hungry and it would be nice to have something to eat.” She said as she smiled. Sam thought to himself, I sure hope she eats regular food.” She turned and looked at him as she had read his mind. "Don’t worry, I am not a cannibal." She smiled. Sam was taken in by her beauty but still wondered about her. He thought, is she a vampire or---- he stopped thinking, trying to clear his mind. He felt like his mind was full of cobwebs from all the dust that was in the house. He joked to himself but yet was still cautious.
“Please stay here, I must take a moment to change.” Emily continued. Sam watched her walk every step until she vanished, then he quickly got up and ran out the door to his vehicle to grab some snacks he had packed. He hurried to get back inside fast as he could before she came back, he did not want to miss a moment of just looking at that beautiful face and body. He tried hard to avoid thinking of her shapely body when he had first seen her in the sheer gown, and it kept running through his mind. Sam was back sitting on the sofa that once was covered with a dusty plastic cover, as everything else was until Emily appeared, but now it all had suddenly vanished.
He looked up to see her walking back down the staircase with a lovely yellow cotton dress that fit her body just right, and made her eyes more green. He noticed her face had a glow of peach in her cheeks. She looked even more beautiful. She was flawless, her breasts were full and round and he could see her cleavage as she leaned over. His heart pounded when she would get close to him or touch him, he had wanted to feel more at ease around her. Was Sam Noble falling in love with Emily? He felt a strange sensation as he tried to resist her beauty. It was a beauty that would drag a man’s soul to the pits of hell if he would let it. He had never encountered such a lovely face and body that made him ache inside with passion.
Sam watched intensely as she talked and walked around the room. He was more drawn to her beauty and her voice which was so enchanting. It made warm feelings go through his body and his heart was pounding with so much excitement.
There was so much he was wondering about and his mind was jumping around with so many questions. Yet he knew he must be on his way and leave to get to his destination and his friends at college. Sam could not stop looking or thinking about this beautiful woman who had appeared from dust.” He thought to himself, she came from the dust of that old bed after he touched the Emerald at the top of the headboard. This would be strange enough for any man to want to leave, but something had a hold on him, a strange feeling and warmth that seemed to flow through every vein of his body.
He thought, why this did happen to him of all people? Sam had a feeling come over him like he had been here before, it was a strange feeling. This feeling that kept pulling at his heart, his soul, to not leave, it was his destiny. He closed his eyes only for a moment and in that one moment she was there. Sam could not stop whatever was happening to him. He started to get up, knowing he needed to leave, but how can he leave such a princess? His eyes had never seen such beauty in all his eighteen years. Sam had entered a world full of unknown history and would soon find out his own past. Emily was beautiful, but she was not only hungry but thirsty. As she leaned over to bite Sam, he slumped down on the sofa, and it was only seconds until he was in the world called Dead End.
There is more to this story filled with mysteries, as Sam finds out more about his past. Was he more than a vampire? How he would soon face his enemy. Dragon Red and Blockhead, with his army of black hearts filled with evil.
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