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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Kids
- Theme: Fairy Tales & Fantasy
- Subject: Fairy Tale / Folk Tale
- Published: 02/08/2011
One Mid Summer Night
Born 1949, F, from Aurora, CO, United States.jpg)
One Mid Summer Night
By Joy Casaus
The full moon shone brightly on that Mid Summers Eve, rousing the curiosity of a child that is still small, I slipped from my bed and went to my window, climbing out carefully so I would not fall. I bound from my house and into the woods, running around trees and jumping over thickets. Silence surrounded me as I slipped through the woods, except for the echo of my feet and the chirping of crickets.
In a short time I came to the mound surrounded by forest and hand over hand I began to climb upward into a very tall tree. Gazing down from my loft I was quickly amazed when I lowered a branch so that I could see. For I had heard it said once that this was the night when all creatures magical would begin to converge. When through a vaporous mist and from out of the mound something wonderful happened, they began to emerge.
I held my breath in anticipation at that very special moment, knowing it was one that I would always treasure. One by one they stepped lightly with merriment and laughter, followed by others who played music for their pleasure. There were miniature ladies adorned in their finest in long silk and lace trimmed dresses. Jeweled tiaras sat on the top of their heads gently holding back their long flowing tresses.
Hand in hand they slowly glided in their slippers of velvet while alongside of them strolled the men of their kind. At first glance I was taken by an illusion of tallness, but I presently discovered their height was much smaller than mine. These ladies were escorted by tiny little men, who wore shirts of fine satin and soft velvet suits. They threw back their heads and stepped out proudly as if prancing in their fine leather boots.
The music floated in the air as it was played merrily by light hearted elves of various shapes and sizes. Looking so comical with their long leathery faces, making me feel as light as the air when it rises. Brownies were there also dancing amongst them, smaller and quicker and light on their feet. Mischievous in nature, they played a few pranks then danced away swiftly not missing a beat.
I watched from my tree full of amazement as the lights around me began to move to and fro, whizzing and buzzing in circles around and around then shooting upwards then swooping down very low. I realized suddenly with a flutter of a rapid beating heart these were not June flies buzzing in the night, but small little fairies that glittered as they zipped by in their flight! With wings as translucent as a clear crystal liquid and dresses so gauzy they glittered in the night. They glided around and up to the heavens, leaving behind their long trails of light.
Then came a pounding of the elves low sounding drums, signaling a hush, no one making a sound, a look of reverence crossed all of their faces, they lowered themselves and looked towards the mound. There a soft light began slowly to appear, growing in size there in its center stood the most beautiful of creatures. She was a head taller than all of the rest but still very delicate and petite in her features. Her eyes were the color of blue sprinkled with silver, the same exact shade of her long flowing gown. In her small hand she held a clear crystal wand, on the top of her long golden hair sat the matching crown.
With a nod from this lady the elves began playing, once more bringing forth laughter from these mysterious ladies and men. They danced and they danced and they played and they sang, and I watched and I smiled, falling in love again and again. But the hour was late and I was still a small child, my eyes became heavy and my limbs felt like lead. Suddenly I found myself slipping away from the branch, falling slowly, I thought I was dead.
With a heavy thud I landed, bumping my head, I let out a loud cry that escaped from my mouth. I found myself lying there sprawled out on the ground, surrounded by twenty tiny little elf. Before I could speak words defending myself, the great lady came over to stand above me. Looking down at my body and shaking her head, she glanced up and looked at the tree. Glancing at the others and smiling she spoke, “Why are you here child, this is not for you, you should be home in bed where it is safe and it is warm.” The others murmured their agreement, taking her cue. Then softly she touched my head with the tip of her wand, sending me into darkness, nothing else was to be said. I remember nothing of what was done next, only that I woke up the next morning home in my bed.
Slowly I sat up and turned to my window, which was not open but closed firmly shut. Frowning, I reached up, rubbing the bump on my head, knowing not how it got there or from what. I thought I had dreamed a wonderful dream of everything that had happened the night before. I smiled to myself as I remembered the lady, of course I shrugged, these creatures existed no more.
That afternoon I was drawn to the woods for a walk. I came to a empty clearing with a tiny round mound. In something of frustration I sadly sat down, plucking up a handful of dirt from the ground. As it sifted through my fingers my eyes did light up, and jumping up I began dancing around and around, singing a song I knew that the fairies had sung. I danced some more until I fell laughing to the ground.
Staring in wonder at the treasure I had found, carefully and slowly I opened my hand, there in my palm set a tiny blue slipper filled in the bottom with fairy dust and sand.
One Mid Summer Night(Joy Casaus)
One Mid Summer Night
By Joy Casaus
The full moon shone brightly on that Mid Summers Eve, rousing the curiosity of a child that is still small, I slipped from my bed and went to my window, climbing out carefully so I would not fall. I bound from my house and into the woods, running around trees and jumping over thickets. Silence surrounded me as I slipped through the woods, except for the echo of my feet and the chirping of crickets.
In a short time I came to the mound surrounded by forest and hand over hand I began to climb upward into a very tall tree. Gazing down from my loft I was quickly amazed when I lowered a branch so that I could see. For I had heard it said once that this was the night when all creatures magical would begin to converge. When through a vaporous mist and from out of the mound something wonderful happened, they began to emerge.
I held my breath in anticipation at that very special moment, knowing it was one that I would always treasure. One by one they stepped lightly with merriment and laughter, followed by others who played music for their pleasure. There were miniature ladies adorned in their finest in long silk and lace trimmed dresses. Jeweled tiaras sat on the top of their heads gently holding back their long flowing tresses.
Hand in hand they slowly glided in their slippers of velvet while alongside of them strolled the men of their kind. At first glance I was taken by an illusion of tallness, but I presently discovered their height was much smaller than mine. These ladies were escorted by tiny little men, who wore shirts of fine satin and soft velvet suits. They threw back their heads and stepped out proudly as if prancing in their fine leather boots.
The music floated in the air as it was played merrily by light hearted elves of various shapes and sizes. Looking so comical with their long leathery faces, making me feel as light as the air when it rises. Brownies were there also dancing amongst them, smaller and quicker and light on their feet. Mischievous in nature, they played a few pranks then danced away swiftly not missing a beat.
I watched from my tree full of amazement as the lights around me began to move to and fro, whizzing and buzzing in circles around and around then shooting upwards then swooping down very low. I realized suddenly with a flutter of a rapid beating heart these were not June flies buzzing in the night, but small little fairies that glittered as they zipped by in their flight! With wings as translucent as a clear crystal liquid and dresses so gauzy they glittered in the night. They glided around and up to the heavens, leaving behind their long trails of light.
Then came a pounding of the elves low sounding drums, signaling a hush, no one making a sound, a look of reverence crossed all of their faces, they lowered themselves and looked towards the mound. There a soft light began slowly to appear, growing in size there in its center stood the most beautiful of creatures. She was a head taller than all of the rest but still very delicate and petite in her features. Her eyes were the color of blue sprinkled with silver, the same exact shade of her long flowing gown. In her small hand she held a clear crystal wand, on the top of her long golden hair sat the matching crown.
With a nod from this lady the elves began playing, once more bringing forth laughter from these mysterious ladies and men. They danced and they danced and they played and they sang, and I watched and I smiled, falling in love again and again. But the hour was late and I was still a small child, my eyes became heavy and my limbs felt like lead. Suddenly I found myself slipping away from the branch, falling slowly, I thought I was dead.
With a heavy thud I landed, bumping my head, I let out a loud cry that escaped from my mouth. I found myself lying there sprawled out on the ground, surrounded by twenty tiny little elf. Before I could speak words defending myself, the great lady came over to stand above me. Looking down at my body and shaking her head, she glanced up and looked at the tree. Glancing at the others and smiling she spoke, “Why are you here child, this is not for you, you should be home in bed where it is safe and it is warm.” The others murmured their agreement, taking her cue. Then softly she touched my head with the tip of her wand, sending me into darkness, nothing else was to be said. I remember nothing of what was done next, only that I woke up the next morning home in my bed.
Slowly I sat up and turned to my window, which was not open but closed firmly shut. Frowning, I reached up, rubbing the bump on my head, knowing not how it got there or from what. I thought I had dreamed a wonderful dream of everything that had happened the night before. I smiled to myself as I remembered the lady, of course I shrugged, these creatures existed no more.
That afternoon I was drawn to the woods for a walk. I came to a empty clearing with a tiny round mound. In something of frustration I sadly sat down, plucking up a handful of dirt from the ground. As it sifted through my fingers my eyes did light up, and jumping up I began dancing around and around, singing a song I knew that the fairies had sung. I danced some more until I fell laughing to the ground.
Staring in wonder at the treasure I had found, carefully and slowly I opened my hand, there in my palm set a tiny blue slipper filled in the bottom with fairy dust and sand.
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