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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Adults
- Theme: Science Fiction
- Subject: Time: PAST/Present/FUTURE
- Published: 05/19/2011
Born 1957, M, from Baltimore, Maryland, United States.jpg)
Detective Jack Peterson, of the Charleston precinct in West Virginia, was at his desk reading a report. Suddenly the phone rang. Jack picked up the phone and answered, "Detective Jack Peterson, may I help you?". The person on the phone answered, "Yes, my name is Lorraine Humber and I would like to file a missing person report". Jack answered, "what is the name of the person you are filing?" Lorraine said "my ex husband, Dr. Richard T. Humber" and Jack answered "can you tell me the last time that you heard from Dr. Humber?" Mrs. Humber answered, "he was supposed to pick up his son this weekend for a camping trip to Cherokee Lodge in West Virginia, and that the last time I heard from him; but he never arrived to pick up his son". Jack asked "did he ever try to call you?". "No, I tried to call his house, no one answered the phone. I have been trying to reach him for ten days. Nothing". Jack answered, "Mrs. Humber, do you have his address?" "Yes, 10412 Hahn's Sac Drive, Virginia 45321." Jack said "okay I will go to see him and will get back to you as soon as possible, Thank you Mrs. Humber".
Jack went to Captain William Morgan's office and knocked on the door. Captain Morgan said, "come in". Jack walked in and said, "I received a call a few minutes ago, a Mrs. Humber stating her ex husband, Dr. Richard T. Humber, has been missing for about ten days. I'm going to check it out". Captain Morgan answered "okay Jack, do you need backup?" Jack answered "yes I'm going to take Detective Archer with me, we are going to check this out and I will give you a call if something happens".
Jack left the captain's office and walked toward Detective Archer's desk and said "Archer I need you as my backup to go check out a missing person". Detective Archer said "OK, I'm tired sitting at this desk, let’s go". Jack and Archer headed toward Dr. Humber’s home in West Virginia. Two hours later they arrived at 10412 Hahn's Sac Drive. Jack pulled up in the driveway and stopped. Jack and Archer got out of the car and moved towards the door. Archer rang the doorbell and waited for someone to open the door. Three minutes passed, Jack said, "I am going to check around the back to see if someone is there". Archer said "watch your back". Jack said "okay".
Archer yelled out "Dr. Humber! hello?". Archer turned the door knob to see if the door would open, but nothing happened so Archer called on the radio to Jack and said "can you get in the back?". Jack replied, "no everything back here is locked tight. I am coming back to the front". Archer said "okay". Less than a minute has passed. Jack says to Archer "it seems no one is at home". Jack said, "I'm not driving all the way back to the station for nothing".
So Jack picked up a rock from the ground to break the window. It shattered. Jack stuck his hand into the window and unlocked it, then he climbed into the house and unlocked the front door. Archer went inside. Jack yelled, "Hello, anyone home? Police". Archer noticed something strange. "Jack look, the lights are on". So Jack said to Archer, "you check down here and I will check upstairs". Archer said "okay, call me if you find something". Jack said "will do". He started toward the master bedroom and opened the door and yelled "hello, Detective Jack Peterson". He saw no one inside the room, but he saw clothing the bed, it looked like pajamas and slippers.
Jack said to himself, 'Hmm, that's strange'. So he called Archer on the radio and said, "come up to the master bedroom. What you got downstairs?" Archer said, "all clear". Jack replied "10-4". Meanwhile Jack searches the room to see if there is any evidence of foul play. Archer entered the room and said to Jack "what do we have here?". Jack said "well we have an empty room with some clothing on the bed. It looks like pajamas and slippers". "That all?" said Archer. Jack said "I picked up this book - it looks like a diary or something".
Jack Peterson and Joseph Archer started to read the doctor's diary and it stated:
Whoever finds this journal, by the time you finish reading it it might be too late to save us all. If you fall asleep you will be eaten alive by the dust mites. You wonder, what are dust mites? You think what you do not see cannot hurt you, but believe me, they can hurt you when you fall asleep. Dust mites are microorganisms so small that you only can see them in a microscope. But something went wrong with nature. It decided to take a step up in the evolution scale. They live on almost anything that they can cling to, like cotton fabric, sheets, pillows, the clothes you wear, and most of all carpets. They multiply like crazy. It took us over 40 years to find out what they are until now, and we know now they have mutated into something more dangerous that can destroy every living thing on the planet.
It startled July 19, 1945, at the top-secret military facility in Maryland, the facility where they do most of their research and development in microorganisms. The creation of a new species has come to life. We call them the Dust Mites. In this building, some twenty stories down on level 23. Working late that evening, at 2145 hours, two scientists by the name of Dr. Richard T. Humber and Dr. Susan McGraven, discovered a new non microorganism that can survive out of its environment almost indefinitely.
Dr. Humber called Dr. McGraven and said; "can you come here and take a look at this? I have found something remarkable, look at this specimen". So Dr. McGraven looked into the microscope. You could see amazement in her eyes and she said; "I cannot believe it, Dr. Humber, it's alive. How could that be? The last time we tested this specimen 35 minutes ago it had no activity at all. We've found no organic materials at all that have this type reaction" said Dr. Mc Graven. Dr. Humber answered, "are you sure you didn't miss anything when you did the test?". Dr. McGraven said, "I didn't miss a thing doctor. I'm 100% sure". Dr. Humber replied, "Mmm, this is very strange. Ok! Let us go by the number again, check all fluorescent spectrogram and the pyrimidine levels, and make sure they are set to .05539".
Thirty minutes later, Dr. Humber said, "did you see that they are multiplying like crazy?" "I'm amazed" said Dr. McGraven, "only small micro particles generate that much energy to form non organic microorganisms". Dr Humber said, "Yes, we have done it; we are going to be famous in the medical field, doctor".
"Okay" Dr. Humber said, "let’s put the new specimen in the quest star vacuum chamber to see it can withstand 22 atmospheric pressure". so Dr. McGraven put it into the non-micro chamber and closed the door and sealed it. "Okay!" Said Dr. McGraven "it’s done, let see what happens".
Dr. Humber turned on the switch and set the control to 22 atmospheric pressure. About five minutes later the lights went out. Dr. Graven said "what the hell happened, the lights went out". Dr. Graven went to the back of the wall to turn on the breaker panel switch, and when she came back into the test area she was frightened because of what she saw.
She said, "look at that, Doctor, it has grown out of the micro state, you can see it with the naked eye now. It looks like a fine gray powder and it is moving around." Dr. Humber said, "quickly Dr. McGraven, turn the controls to 523 atmospheric pressure to contain it. Do it now." So Dr. McGraven quickly changed the setting, and it stopped moving for the moment. Dr. Humber said, "we can move this specimen quickly into a larger containment chamber in level 23, so if something goes wrong we can destroy it". Dr. McGraven said, "I don't know if we can destroy it doctor, it is too unstable. What happens if it escapes?" Dr. Humber answered, "let's not worry right now; we must try to control it".
On level 23, which is the high maximum security area for containment, Dr. Humber and Dr. McGraven went into the elevator and entered code 23750, the elevator started to move. Dr. Humber told Dr. McGraven to hold on to the bar. A high pitched noise sounded as the elevator went down, then stopped at level 23. The door opened and they rolled the small containment chamber through the long hallway. There were two men dressed in biohazard suits with side arms. Their names were Sgt. Moore and Corporal William. Dr Humber said "I am taking this specimen into the chamber". Sgt Moore answered "pass code please". Dr. Humber answered "zero five seven three two". Sgt Moore punched in the number and the light turned green and said "thank you sir".
As the giant door opened Dr McGraven said, "we do not have much time". Dr. Humber answered "you are right, let's get this in right away before this containment fails". Dr. Humber rolled the small containment Chamber into the much larger room which housed a much larger containment chamber. The name on the door said, Cyclotron 2000. Dr. Humber asked Dr. McGraven, "Are you ready?" She answered "Yes Doctor". "Then go to the panel and enter the axis code". Dr. McGraven punched in 234-2813-147. "This will activate the Computer mainframe".
"Okay" said Dr. McGraven, "The computer is online". Dr Humber answered, "Press the Red button on your left hand side. That will activate the door while holding the small chamber. Dr. Humber waited for the large door to open. He started to roll the small chamber into the large one, then he told Dr. McGraven to close the door. As Dr. Humber walked to the computer control room, Dr McGraven said the red light went on in the smaller chamber. Dr Humber said "the containment failed, but we made it in time". Dr McGraven asked "why did the small containment chamber fail doctor?". Dr. Humber answered "the only possible way this might happen is that the non microorganism is expanding, but right now we have it in the larger containment". Dr. Humber told Doctor McGraven not to worry.
30 minutes passed. "A gray powder is covering the whole chamber inside" said doctor McGraven. "Don’t worry, this is the best air tight chamber we have. Everything is sealed, so calm down doctor" answered Dr. Humber. Dr. McGraven answered, "it didn't hold in the small chamber doctor, so I am very frightened this chamber might not hold. I have never trained for this type of non microorganism before, it is different than anything that I have encountered" she said to Doctor Humber, and he answered, "do you want to leave?". She said "no doctor, we have discovered this thing and we must try to stop it from growing". Dr. Humber said, "OK, Right now it's time to grow out and expand, so we must try to do a couple of tests. We know now that changing the atmosphere pressure can contain it for a while, but modular structure changes in different atmosphere so we must figure out a way to stabilize the reaction."
Two hours later doctor Mc Graven said "I think I have found something that might stabilize the non microorganism". Dr Humber said "good, what is it?" She said, "you know when I checked the microscope I noticed that the atom and nucleus are much smaller than the proton that generates the reaction. So the proton is the key factor of the molecule, but I see here that the proton changes in temperature ratio. If you lower the temperature the proton will stop the reaction of the non microorganism."
Dr. Humber said, "Hmm, I see your theory doctor, the proton is small but when you change temperature it reduces the reaction, of course that must be. OK, the cyclotron chamber has a port that can be used. We can install a freezing unit and use the compound H3B that contains oxycoden."
So Dr. Humber picked up the telephone and called the cryogenic section in level Twelve. The phone rang and someone picked up and answered "cryogenic laboratory, Doctor Morale speaking". "Dr Morale, this Dr. Humber speaking, I need a container of your freezing agent H3B right away". "OK, I will send someone down there in ten minutes". "OK" said Dr. Humber.
Dr. McGraven said "we haven't given this non microorganism a name yet". Dr. Humber said "any suggestions doctor?" "It looks gray and dusty; yes I think I will call it dust mites". "Hmm!!" said Dr. Humber "that's a catchy name, dust mites, I like that name. OK doctor, we will give it that name". Fifteen minutes passed. Someone pressed the bell to the chamber room. Dr. McGraven said "Dr. Humber, I will get the door. It must be the freezer unit that you asked for". "Good, let them in and have them set the freezer unit next to the chamber, and tell them to be very careful. We will set it up ourselves". Dr. McGraven punched in the code to open the door. The technician entered the Chamber. Dr. McGraven said "please put the freezer unit next to the chamber over there, we will install it ourselves". The technician said "thank you, have a nice evening Dr. McGraven".
Another hour had passed. "Let’s try some experiments." "But" Dr. McGraven said, "what kind of experiment, animal experiment? Are you sure we want to do this at this time?" "Yes." Dr. Humber said, "we have it contained and I am taking every precaution. All we need to do is install the freezer unit and start the experiment. I want to see the reaction of these dust mites on animal life. If something goes wrong I will use the freezing agent H3B on the dust mites. Right now let’s install the freezer unit".
Four hours passed. They have checked all the connections and the seal. "Everything’s connected and is working perfectly and I made sure that the seal around the chamber was secure. I used the x-ray specter gram to check the seal ratio" Dr. Humber said. "Let's bring out our test subject". Dr. McGraven was carrying a small plastic container that housed one hamster so she put the specimen into the chamber. Dr. Humber said "ok let's do it".
He told Dr. McGraven to turn on the video monitor and camera to record their progress and to press the green button to activate the small chamber door inside. Dr. McGraven watched the video monitor and told Dr. Humber to come right away. Dr. Humber approached the monitor. McGraven said "look at this, the dust mites are covering the whole chamber. I cannot see anything on the video monitor at all". "Hmm" said Dr. Humber "switch to infrared. See, there it is, we can see the heat signature of the hamster on the video monitor". "Okay" said Dr. McGraven, "now I can see the hamster moving around in the chamber. It seems the dust mites have no effect on the hamster". Dr. Humber said "it might take a little time".
Three to four hours had passed with no results. Dr. McGraven said "I cannot believe there's no reaction at all. The hamster seems not to be bothered at all". Dr. Humber said "that's amazing. Okay, I will be right back. I am going to get me something to eat. Do you want something?" Dr. McGraven answered "you can bring me a cup of coffee, black please".
While Dr. McGraven was working on something she heard a weeping sound and she walked up to the video monitor. She saw there was no hamster inside the chamber. Dr. Humber walked in and she said to him, "doctor, you are not going to believe this, the hamster specimen is gone!" Dr. Humber said, "what do you mean gone?" Dr. McGraven said, "I was working on the table over there and I heard a squeaking sound on the video monitor and I went to investigate and I noticed that the hamster was not in the chamber". Dr. Humber said "he must have crawled out of the cage". "No" said Dr. McGraven, "there's no way he can get out of that chamber, it is sealed tight". Dr. Humber said, "Are you triing to tell me that these dust mites consumed a whole hamster?" Dr. McGraven said "yes, see it for yourself, the chamber’s clear. Zoom into the container, do you see? There are no traces or skeletal remaining, no hair, nothing". Dr. Humber said "that's amazing, do you know what we have here? A non microorganism that can consume a living animal". Dr. Mc.Graven said "I know, and that scares me, okay".
Dr. Humber said, "let's playback the video and see what happened". They watched the video with amazement. Dr. Humber said, "did you see that on the infrared specter gram? The hamster was sleeping at the time of the attack. That’s strange, it seems that the dust mites only attack the living host when it is resting. Estimated time of consumption is approximately 68 seconds".
Dr. McGraven said, "we must destroy it as soon as possible". Dr. Humber said, "You are mad! Destroy the creation of the century? I will not do it! We need to do more tests. We will bring in a larger animal". Dr. Mc.Graven said, "No Doctor, these dust mites must be destroyed. If they ever get loose we would not be able to stop them and every living creature on the planet will die. I will not have anything to do with the destruction of humanity!"
Doctor Humber laughed out loud and said, "Are you kidding?" "No" said Dr. Mc.Graven "I'm not. I am quitting this research. And if I were you, I would destroy these dust mites". Dr. Humber told Dr. McGraven, "Calm down, take it easy, I know you are upset because of what happened today. Look at me, Dr. Mc.Graven, everything is going to be fine. We discovered these dust mites by accident. This does not happen every day. We need to study them. I know how you feel right now. Understand me, I have taken every precaution. We are 23 stories down underground. If anything happened the personnel inside this facility could handle any situation". "OK", Dr.McGraven said, "I am a little afraid that something might go wrong". Doctor Humber said, "I have been in research and development for the last thirty five years. In my experience, I haven't had an accident, so don't worry yourself so". Dr. McGraven smiled and said, "OK doctor".
Two weeks later, tests after tests, results are the same. Dr. Humber has the most powerful organism ever created by man. But one thing they didn't expect was that what man had created was a life form with intelligence.
Dr. Humber picked up the phone and called Professor Greenwalt. He was in charge of the special weapons program. "Professor Greenwalt, this is Dr. Humber." "How's everything down there on level 23?" Dr. Humber said, "you might say I'm doing very well. I have something to show you. This might be something you can use. I've discovered something remarkable that might change conventional warfare as we know it today." Professor Greenwalt said "Really? When can I see what you have?" Dr. Humber said, "I am having a meeting with the scientists and the Joint Chiefs of Staff this Tuesday 3:30 PM at the Pentagon, Room 7." Professor Greenwalt said "I will be there".
In room 7 the meeting is starting. Dr. Humber and Dr. McGraven were sitting down at a large rectangle table. Dr. Humber said "It seems everyone is here, so let’s start. "Ladies and gentleman, today me and Dr. McGraven have accidentally discovered a new non micro organism. The data sheet which you have in front of you describes the DNA sequence subject which we have named aka 'dust mites'. These micro particles, as you can see, can multiply at a cellular rate of 100 parts per billion. But the inactive temperature is below thirty-two degrees Celsius. The test video you're watching, shows in infrared that the dust mites only attack a living host when the individual host is resting. We estimat the time is 68 seconds for the entire host to be completely gone, but the most
impressive thing is that it leaves no cellule residue."
Professor Greenwalt answered, "I am completely amazed. It's an ingenious creation. How did you stabilize the non microorganism?" Dr. Humber replied, "stabilization was simple. Dr. McGraven noticed that the small proton and its nucleus was the key factor and to stabilize the dust mites we use a freezing agent compound called H. B. 3."
Mrs. June Cunningham, Department of Defense, asked, "Dr. Humber, what are you saying? These dust mites can be a weapon that we can use?" Dr. Humber answered, "Yes, there is a possibility that we can use these dust mites as a non biological weapon. Let me give you an example: In a large populated area, which one of our F-16 air craft would fly over, such as Iraq military sites, if we deposit the dust mite particles in that area whoever comes in contact with these particles, they will attach on the subject clothing and almost immediately start to multiply and spread to our enemies." Mrs. June Cunningham said "have you tried it on humans yet?" Dr. Humber said "No, but I am sure of the tests that we made on animal subjects, which we have shown you on the video."
Col. Rubin Jackson said "I am impressed. This weapon will save a lot of American lives." Dr. Kelly Saigon said, "What about the environment? Will these dust mites change the ecosystem?" Dr. Humber answered "Yes, the ecosystem will change a little, but it wouldn't be noticeable. But we must make sure that we contain all the dust mites in that area." Dr. Kelly Saigon said "that will be acceptable limits". Dr. Humber said, "we need more funding and research before we can use these dust mites for military use." Mrs. June Cunningham said "we will authorize the funding for you, Dr. Humber, please let us know of your progress and you will report to me only. I'll notify the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the oversight committee to let them know that you are in charge of this research and development project and also we have another facility at the Aberdeen proving grounds. You will move to that facility as soon as possible." Dr. Humber said thank you.
During the whole time Dr. McGraven did not say much at the meeting. After everything was over she confronted Dr. Humber and said "may I talk to you?" He said, "Yes, we did it, we got the funding that we wanted." Dr. McGraven said, "What do you mean, we did it? Seems that you wanted this funding more than I did, Doctor Humber. I tried to explain to you that these dust mites are very dangerous, but all you care about is the money and funding this experiment of yours, no matter what cost. I am tired doctor. I want to be transferred to another facility." Dr. Humber answered, "you can't transfer now, I need your expertise." Dr. McGraven said, "you will have to find someone else to help you doctor, if I cannot get a transfer I will resign." Doctor Humber said, "I will see what I can do."
Mrs. June Cunningham overheard what Dr. Humber and Dr. McGraven were talking about. She approached doctor Humber as Dr. McGraven left the room and said, "It seems we have a problem with Dr. McGraven. She does not agree with your work." Dr. Humber answered, "Dr. McGraven wants a transfer." Mrs. Susan Cunningham said to Dr. Humber, You know this research is very important to the military bio weapons program. We must not let one individual jeopardize your work." Dr. Humber answered, "I'm afraid Dr. McGraven might go public." Mrs. Susan Cunningham said "Let me talk to Dr. McGraven. I will try to convince her to stay with the program, or, if not, I will make some arrangement for her transfer. Let make a few phone calls Dr. Humber, and I will take care of this matter as soon as possible. Don't you worry, I will find someone else to help you in your research. Someone who's more qualified than Dr. McGraven."
Mrs. Susan Cunningham went to her office and picked up her Notepad as she searched for the number. She picked up the phone and started dialing. "Glenn, this is Susan." Glenn answered, "It's been a long time to hear from you Susan, how's everything doing? I heard that you got a promotion." Susan laughed and said "how did you hear about the promotion?" Glenn answered "I have my sources". Susan said, "I need your expertise." Glenn answered, "Really? You must have a problem." Susan answered "meet me at Patapsco State Park, 1:45 PM. I will be wearing a blue and white dress with flowers on it." Glenn said "I will be there. You take care, Susan."
Ret. Col. Glenn Madison specialized in covert operations. His assignment during the Vietnam War was to set up and eliminate enemy positions. During that time he received the Silver Star and the bronze Medal of Valor. Approximately one-hour 45 minutes, at the Patapsco State Park, he saw a woman dressed in a blue and white floral printed dress. He approached and said, "Good evening Susan, long time. You look very nice in that dress." Susan replied, "you still look the same. The last time we worked together was 20 years ago, wasn't it?" Glenn said "yes, you still remember, do you?" Susan said "I have a job for you and I know you are very discrete." Glenn said "yes". Susan passed him an envelope and said, "make it look like an accident." Glenn said "no problem".
One week later, at 1:00 am, someone pulled up in a black car with tinted windows and parked across the street from the home of Dr. McGraven. He came out of the car wearing all black and carrying a black bag with him. As he approached the house he walked around towards the back. He knelt down toward the window and pulled out his tools, then he unlocked the window, crawled inside the house and turned on his flashlight. He looked around in the basement then he said to himself 'there it is'. He approached the gas meter, then he opened his bag and pulled out an electronic device attached with explosives and he set the time for ten minutes. Then he exited the basement, locked the window and headed back to his car. He drove about six blocks and stopped, turned off the headlights and waited.
At 1:35 AM a large explosion rocked the whole neighborhood. A large white and orange fireball lit the sky. He turned on his lights, started the engine and drove away. Two weeks later Mrs. Susan Cunningham received a call. "Hello Glenn, nice to hear from you. How's everything?" Glenn replied "fine". Susan said "I read in the paper you did a good job." Glenn answered "it was easy". Susan said, "I would like to invite you to dinner so we can talk about the job you did for me." Glenn said, "that's fine. Meet me downtown at the Sheraton Inn, 7:15 pm. I will call for reservations." "Okay." Susan replied. "That will be real nice. Talk to you later".
Six hours passed. Downtown at the Sheraton Inn, in the restaurant, Mrs. Susan Cunningham was waiting at the table for about five minutes when Glenn walked in and said, "Hi Susan". She smiled. As Glenn sat down Susan passed a black case under the table. Glenn picked up the case and said "thank you Susan". "You haven't lost your touch, Glenn." "I will never lose it, my darling. So let's see what they have on the menu. I have a taste for a T-bone steak with mashed potatoes and their best bottle of campaign." Susan replied, "I will have the same." So both of them talked about old times, finished their dinner and left the restaurant.
One week later Mrs. Susan Cunningham called doctor Humber on the phone to check up on his progress. Dr. Humber reported everything was going well, really well. Then he asked, "did you hear what happened to Dr.McGraven?" Susan Cunningham said "it was such a tragedy. The police are still investigating. They said it was a gas leak that night. It was terrible. They showed the house in the paper. The only thing left was a giant crater. I am very sorry about what happened to her." Dr. Humber said "I am going to miss her. She helped me a lot." Susan Cunningham said "you have my sympathy, doctor. How is your new assistant doing?" Dr. Humber replied, "He is great. He knows his stuff." Susan Cunningham said "Let me know if you need anything." Dr. Humber replied "okay, thank you".
The End.
Detective Jack Peterson, of the Charleston precinct in West Virginia, was at his desk reading a report. Suddenly the phone rang. Jack picked up the phone and answered, "Detective Jack Peterson, may I help you?". The person on the phone answered, "Yes, my name is Lorraine Humber and I would like to file a missing person report". Jack answered, "what is the name of the person you are filing?" Lorraine said "my ex husband, Dr. Richard T. Humber" and Jack answered "can you tell me the last time that you heard from Dr. Humber?" Mrs. Humber answered, "he was supposed to pick up his son this weekend for a camping trip to Cherokee Lodge in West Virginia, and that the last time I heard from him; but he never arrived to pick up his son". Jack asked "did he ever try to call you?". "No, I tried to call his house, no one answered the phone. I have been trying to reach him for ten days. Nothing". Jack answered, "Mrs. Humber, do you have his address?" "Yes, 10412 Hahn's Sac Drive, Virginia 45321." Jack said "okay I will go to see him and will get back to you as soon as possible, Thank you Mrs. Humber".
Jack went to Captain William Morgan's office and knocked on the door. Captain Morgan said, "come in". Jack walked in and said, "I received a call a few minutes ago, a Mrs. Humber stating her ex husband, Dr. Richard T. Humber, has been missing for about ten days. I'm going to check it out". Captain Morgan answered "okay Jack, do you need backup?" Jack answered "yes I'm going to take Detective Archer with me, we are going to check this out and I will give you a call if something happens".
Jack left the captain's office and walked toward Detective Archer's desk and said "Archer I need you as my backup to go check out a missing person". Detective Archer said "OK, I'm tired sitting at this desk, let’s go". Jack and Archer headed toward Dr. Humber’s home in West Virginia. Two hours later they arrived at 10412 Hahn's Sac Drive. Jack pulled up in the driveway and stopped. Jack and Archer got out of the car and moved towards the door. Archer rang the doorbell and waited for someone to open the door. Three minutes passed, Jack said, "I am going to check around the back to see if someone is there". Archer said "watch your back". Jack said "okay".
Archer yelled out "Dr. Humber! hello?". Archer turned the door knob to see if the door would open, but nothing happened so Archer called on the radio to Jack and said "can you get in the back?". Jack replied, "no everything back here is locked tight. I am coming back to the front". Archer said "okay". Less than a minute has passed. Jack says to Archer "it seems no one is at home". Jack said, "I'm not driving all the way back to the station for nothing".
So Jack picked up a rock from the ground to break the window. It shattered. Jack stuck his hand into the window and unlocked it, then he climbed into the house and unlocked the front door. Archer went inside. Jack yelled, "Hello, anyone home? Police". Archer noticed something strange. "Jack look, the lights are on". So Jack said to Archer, "you check down here and I will check upstairs". Archer said "okay, call me if you find something". Jack said "will do". He started toward the master bedroom and opened the door and yelled "hello, Detective Jack Peterson". He saw no one inside the room, but he saw clothing the bed, it looked like pajamas and slippers.
Jack said to himself, 'Hmm, that's strange'. So he called Archer on the radio and said, "come up to the master bedroom. What you got downstairs?" Archer said, "all clear". Jack replied "10-4". Meanwhile Jack searches the room to see if there is any evidence of foul play. Archer entered the room and said to Jack "what do we have here?". Jack said "well we have an empty room with some clothing on the bed. It looks like pajamas and slippers". "That all?" said Archer. Jack said "I picked up this book - it looks like a diary or something".
Jack Peterson and Joseph Archer started to read the doctor's diary and it stated:
Whoever finds this journal, by the time you finish reading it it might be too late to save us all. If you fall asleep you will be eaten alive by the dust mites. You wonder, what are dust mites? You think what you do not see cannot hurt you, but believe me, they can hurt you when you fall asleep. Dust mites are microorganisms so small that you only can see them in a microscope. But something went wrong with nature. It decided to take a step up in the evolution scale. They live on almost anything that they can cling to, like cotton fabric, sheets, pillows, the clothes you wear, and most of all carpets. They multiply like crazy. It took us over 40 years to find out what they are until now, and we know now they have mutated into something more dangerous that can destroy every living thing on the planet.
It startled July 19, 1945, at the top-secret military facility in Maryland, the facility where they do most of their research and development in microorganisms. The creation of a new species has come to life. We call them the Dust Mites. In this building, some twenty stories down on level 23. Working late that evening, at 2145 hours, two scientists by the name of Dr. Richard T. Humber and Dr. Susan McGraven, discovered a new non microorganism that can survive out of its environment almost indefinitely.
Dr. Humber called Dr. McGraven and said; "can you come here and take a look at this? I have found something remarkable, look at this specimen". So Dr. McGraven looked into the microscope. You could see amazement in her eyes and she said; "I cannot believe it, Dr. Humber, it's alive. How could that be? The last time we tested this specimen 35 minutes ago it had no activity at all. We've found no organic materials at all that have this type reaction" said Dr. Mc Graven. Dr. Humber answered, "are you sure you didn't miss anything when you did the test?". Dr. McGraven said, "I didn't miss a thing doctor. I'm 100% sure". Dr. Humber replied, "Mmm, this is very strange. Ok! Let us go by the number again, check all fluorescent spectrogram and the pyrimidine levels, and make sure they are set to .05539".
Thirty minutes later, Dr. Humber said, "did you see that they are multiplying like crazy?" "I'm amazed" said Dr. McGraven, "only small micro particles generate that much energy to form non organic microorganisms". Dr Humber said, "Yes, we have done it; we are going to be famous in the medical field, doctor".
"Okay" Dr. Humber said, "let’s put the new specimen in the quest star vacuum chamber to see it can withstand 22 atmospheric pressure". so Dr. McGraven put it into the non-micro chamber and closed the door and sealed it. "Okay!" Said Dr. McGraven "it’s done, let see what happens".
Dr. Humber turned on the switch and set the control to 22 atmospheric pressure. About five minutes later the lights went out. Dr. Graven said "what the hell happened, the lights went out". Dr. Graven went to the back of the wall to turn on the breaker panel switch, and when she came back into the test area she was frightened because of what she saw.
She said, "look at that, Doctor, it has grown out of the micro state, you can see it with the naked eye now. It looks like a fine gray powder and it is moving around." Dr. Humber said, "quickly Dr. McGraven, turn the controls to 523 atmospheric pressure to contain it. Do it now." So Dr. McGraven quickly changed the setting, and it stopped moving for the moment. Dr. Humber said, "we can move this specimen quickly into a larger containment chamber in level 23, so if something goes wrong we can destroy it". Dr. McGraven said, "I don't know if we can destroy it doctor, it is too unstable. What happens if it escapes?" Dr. Humber answered, "let's not worry right now; we must try to control it".
On level 23, which is the high maximum security area for containment, Dr. Humber and Dr. McGraven went into the elevator and entered code 23750, the elevator started to move. Dr. Humber told Dr. McGraven to hold on to the bar. A high pitched noise sounded as the elevator went down, then stopped at level 23. The door opened and they rolled the small containment chamber through the long hallway. There were two men dressed in biohazard suits with side arms. Their names were Sgt. Moore and Corporal William. Dr Humber said "I am taking this specimen into the chamber". Sgt Moore answered "pass code please". Dr. Humber answered "zero five seven three two". Sgt Moore punched in the number and the light turned green and said "thank you sir".
As the giant door opened Dr McGraven said, "we do not have much time". Dr. Humber answered "you are right, let's get this in right away before this containment fails". Dr. Humber rolled the small containment Chamber into the much larger room which housed a much larger containment chamber. The name on the door said, Cyclotron 2000. Dr. Humber asked Dr. McGraven, "Are you ready?" She answered "Yes Doctor". "Then go to the panel and enter the axis code". Dr. McGraven punched in 234-2813-147. "This will activate the Computer mainframe".
"Okay" said Dr. McGraven, "The computer is online". Dr Humber answered, "Press the Red button on your left hand side. That will activate the door while holding the small chamber. Dr. Humber waited for the large door to open. He started to roll the small chamber into the large one, then he told Dr. McGraven to close the door. As Dr. Humber walked to the computer control room, Dr McGraven said the red light went on in the smaller chamber. Dr Humber said "the containment failed, but we made it in time". Dr McGraven asked "why did the small containment chamber fail doctor?". Dr. Humber answered "the only possible way this might happen is that the non microorganism is expanding, but right now we have it in the larger containment". Dr. Humber told Doctor McGraven not to worry.
30 minutes passed. "A gray powder is covering the whole chamber inside" said doctor McGraven. "Don’t worry, this is the best air tight chamber we have. Everything is sealed, so calm down doctor" answered Dr. Humber. Dr. McGraven answered, "it didn't hold in the small chamber doctor, so I am very frightened this chamber might not hold. I have never trained for this type of non microorganism before, it is different than anything that I have encountered" she said to Doctor Humber, and he answered, "do you want to leave?". She said "no doctor, we have discovered this thing and we must try to stop it from growing". Dr. Humber said, "OK, Right now it's time to grow out and expand, so we must try to do a couple of tests. We know now that changing the atmosphere pressure can contain it for a while, but modular structure changes in different atmosphere so we must figure out a way to stabilize the reaction."
Two hours later doctor Mc Graven said "I think I have found something that might stabilize the non microorganism". Dr Humber said "good, what is it?" She said, "you know when I checked the microscope I noticed that the atom and nucleus are much smaller than the proton that generates the reaction. So the proton is the key factor of the molecule, but I see here that the proton changes in temperature ratio. If you lower the temperature the proton will stop the reaction of the non microorganism."
Dr. Humber said, "Hmm, I see your theory doctor, the proton is small but when you change temperature it reduces the reaction, of course that must be. OK, the cyclotron chamber has a port that can be used. We can install a freezing unit and use the compound H3B that contains oxycoden."
So Dr. Humber picked up the telephone and called the cryogenic section in level Twelve. The phone rang and someone picked up and answered "cryogenic laboratory, Doctor Morale speaking". "Dr Morale, this Dr. Humber speaking, I need a container of your freezing agent H3B right away". "OK, I will send someone down there in ten minutes". "OK" said Dr. Humber.
Dr. McGraven said "we haven't given this non microorganism a name yet". Dr. Humber said "any suggestions doctor?" "It looks gray and dusty; yes I think I will call it dust mites". "Hmm!!" said Dr. Humber "that's a catchy name, dust mites, I like that name. OK doctor, we will give it that name". Fifteen minutes passed. Someone pressed the bell to the chamber room. Dr. McGraven said "Dr. Humber, I will get the door. It must be the freezer unit that you asked for". "Good, let them in and have them set the freezer unit next to the chamber, and tell them to be very careful. We will set it up ourselves". Dr. McGraven punched in the code to open the door. The technician entered the Chamber. Dr. McGraven said "please put the freezer unit next to the chamber over there, we will install it ourselves". The technician said "thank you, have a nice evening Dr. McGraven".
Another hour had passed. "Let’s try some experiments." "But" Dr. McGraven said, "what kind of experiment, animal experiment? Are you sure we want to do this at this time?" "Yes." Dr. Humber said, "we have it contained and I am taking every precaution. All we need to do is install the freezer unit and start the experiment. I want to see the reaction of these dust mites on animal life. If something goes wrong I will use the freezing agent H3B on the dust mites. Right now let’s install the freezer unit".
Four hours passed. They have checked all the connections and the seal. "Everything’s connected and is working perfectly and I made sure that the seal around the chamber was secure. I used the x-ray specter gram to check the seal ratio" Dr. Humber said. "Let's bring out our test subject". Dr. McGraven was carrying a small plastic container that housed one hamster so she put the specimen into the chamber. Dr. Humber said "ok let's do it".
He told Dr. McGraven to turn on the video monitor and camera to record their progress and to press the green button to activate the small chamber door inside. Dr. McGraven watched the video monitor and told Dr. Humber to come right away. Dr. Humber approached the monitor. McGraven said "look at this, the dust mites are covering the whole chamber. I cannot see anything on the video monitor at all". "Hmm" said Dr. Humber "switch to infrared. See, there it is, we can see the heat signature of the hamster on the video monitor". "Okay" said Dr. McGraven, "now I can see the hamster moving around in the chamber. It seems the dust mites have no effect on the hamster". Dr. Humber said "it might take a little time".
Three to four hours had passed with no results. Dr. McGraven said "I cannot believe there's no reaction at all. The hamster seems not to be bothered at all". Dr. Humber said "that's amazing. Okay, I will be right back. I am going to get me something to eat. Do you want something?" Dr. McGraven answered "you can bring me a cup of coffee, black please".
While Dr. McGraven was working on something she heard a weeping sound and she walked up to the video monitor. She saw there was no hamster inside the chamber. Dr. Humber walked in and she said to him, "doctor, you are not going to believe this, the hamster specimen is gone!" Dr. Humber said, "what do you mean gone?" Dr. McGraven said, "I was working on the table over there and I heard a squeaking sound on the video monitor and I went to investigate and I noticed that the hamster was not in the chamber". Dr. Humber said "he must have crawled out of the cage". "No" said Dr. McGraven, "there's no way he can get out of that chamber, it is sealed tight". Dr. Humber said, "Are you triing to tell me that these dust mites consumed a whole hamster?" Dr. McGraven said "yes, see it for yourself, the chamber’s clear. Zoom into the container, do you see? There are no traces or skeletal remaining, no hair, nothing". Dr. Humber said "that's amazing, do you know what we have here? A non microorganism that can consume a living animal". Dr. Mc.Graven said "I know, and that scares me, okay".
Dr. Humber said, "let's playback the video and see what happened". They watched the video with amazement. Dr. Humber said, "did you see that on the infrared specter gram? The hamster was sleeping at the time of the attack. That’s strange, it seems that the dust mites only attack the living host when it is resting. Estimated time of consumption is approximately 68 seconds".
Dr. McGraven said, "we must destroy it as soon as possible". Dr. Humber said, "You are mad! Destroy the creation of the century? I will not do it! We need to do more tests. We will bring in a larger animal". Dr. Mc.Graven said, "No Doctor, these dust mites must be destroyed. If they ever get loose we would not be able to stop them and every living creature on the planet will die. I will not have anything to do with the destruction of humanity!"
Doctor Humber laughed out loud and said, "Are you kidding?" "No" said Dr. Mc.Graven "I'm not. I am quitting this research. And if I were you, I would destroy these dust mites". Dr. Humber told Dr. McGraven, "Calm down, take it easy, I know you are upset because of what happened today. Look at me, Dr. Mc.Graven, everything is going to be fine. We discovered these dust mites by accident. This does not happen every day. We need to study them. I know how you feel right now. Understand me, I have taken every precaution. We are 23 stories down underground. If anything happened the personnel inside this facility could handle any situation". "OK", Dr.McGraven said, "I am a little afraid that something might go wrong". Doctor Humber said, "I have been in research and development for the last thirty five years. In my experience, I haven't had an accident, so don't worry yourself so". Dr. McGraven smiled and said, "OK doctor".
Two weeks later, tests after tests, results are the same. Dr. Humber has the most powerful organism ever created by man. But one thing they didn't expect was that what man had created was a life form with intelligence.
Dr. Humber picked up the phone and called Professor Greenwalt. He was in charge of the special weapons program. "Professor Greenwalt, this is Dr. Humber." "How's everything down there on level 23?" Dr. Humber said, "you might say I'm doing very well. I have something to show you. This might be something you can use. I've discovered something remarkable that might change conventional warfare as we know it today." Professor Greenwalt said "Really? When can I see what you have?" Dr. Humber said, "I am having a meeting with the scientists and the Joint Chiefs of Staff this Tuesday 3:30 PM at the Pentagon, Room 7." Professor Greenwalt said "I will be there".
In room 7 the meeting is starting. Dr. Humber and Dr. McGraven were sitting down at a large rectangle table. Dr. Humber said "It seems everyone is here, so let’s start. "Ladies and gentleman, today me and Dr. McGraven have accidentally discovered a new non micro organism. The data sheet which you have in front of you describes the DNA sequence subject which we have named aka 'dust mites'. These micro particles, as you can see, can multiply at a cellular rate of 100 parts per billion. But the inactive temperature is below thirty-two degrees Celsius. The test video you're watching, shows in infrared that the dust mites only attack a living host when the individual host is resting. We estimat the time is 68 seconds for the entire host to be completely gone, but the most
impressive thing is that it leaves no cellule residue."
Professor Greenwalt answered, "I am completely amazed. It's an ingenious creation. How did you stabilize the non microorganism?" Dr. Humber replied, "stabilization was simple. Dr. McGraven noticed that the small proton and its nucleus was the key factor and to stabilize the dust mites we use a freezing agent compound called H. B. 3."
Mrs. June Cunningham, Department of Defense, asked, "Dr. Humber, what are you saying? These dust mites can be a weapon that we can use?" Dr. Humber answered, "Yes, there is a possibility that we can use these dust mites as a non biological weapon. Let me give you an example: In a large populated area, which one of our F-16 air craft would fly over, such as Iraq military sites, if we deposit the dust mite particles in that area whoever comes in contact with these particles, they will attach on the subject clothing and almost immediately start to multiply and spread to our enemies." Mrs. June Cunningham said "have you tried it on humans yet?" Dr. Humber said "No, but I am sure of the tests that we made on animal subjects, which we have shown you on the video."
Col. Rubin Jackson said "I am impressed. This weapon will save a lot of American lives." Dr. Kelly Saigon said, "What about the environment? Will these dust mites change the ecosystem?" Dr. Humber answered "Yes, the ecosystem will change a little, but it wouldn't be noticeable. But we must make sure that we contain all the dust mites in that area." Dr. Kelly Saigon said "that will be acceptable limits". Dr. Humber said, "we need more funding and research before we can use these dust mites for military use." Mrs. June Cunningham said "we will authorize the funding for you, Dr. Humber, please let us know of your progress and you will report to me only. I'll notify the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the oversight committee to let them know that you are in charge of this research and development project and also we have another facility at the Aberdeen proving grounds. You will move to that facility as soon as possible." Dr. Humber said thank you.
During the whole time Dr. McGraven did not say much at the meeting. After everything was over she confronted Dr. Humber and said "may I talk to you?" He said, "Yes, we did it, we got the funding that we wanted." Dr. McGraven said, "What do you mean, we did it? Seems that you wanted this funding more than I did, Doctor Humber. I tried to explain to you that these dust mites are very dangerous, but all you care about is the money and funding this experiment of yours, no matter what cost. I am tired doctor. I want to be transferred to another facility." Dr. Humber answered, "you can't transfer now, I need your expertise." Dr. McGraven said, "you will have to find someone else to help you doctor, if I cannot get a transfer I will resign." Doctor Humber said, "I will see what I can do."
Mrs. June Cunningham overheard what Dr. Humber and Dr. McGraven were talking about. She approached doctor Humber as Dr. McGraven left the room and said, "It seems we have a problem with Dr. McGraven. She does not agree with your work." Dr. Humber answered, "Dr. McGraven wants a transfer." Mrs. Susan Cunningham said to Dr. Humber, You know this research is very important to the military bio weapons program. We must not let one individual jeopardize your work." Dr. Humber answered, "I'm afraid Dr. McGraven might go public." Mrs. Susan Cunningham said "Let me talk to Dr. McGraven. I will try to convince her to stay with the program, or, if not, I will make some arrangement for her transfer. Let make a few phone calls Dr. Humber, and I will take care of this matter as soon as possible. Don't you worry, I will find someone else to help you in your research. Someone who's more qualified than Dr. McGraven."
Mrs. Susan Cunningham went to her office and picked up her Notepad as she searched for the number. She picked up the phone and started dialing. "Glenn, this is Susan." Glenn answered, "It's been a long time to hear from you Susan, how's everything doing? I heard that you got a promotion." Susan laughed and said "how did you hear about the promotion?" Glenn answered "I have my sources". Susan said, "I need your expertise." Glenn answered, "Really? You must have a problem." Susan answered "meet me at Patapsco State Park, 1:45 PM. I will be wearing a blue and white dress with flowers on it." Glenn said "I will be there. You take care, Susan."
Ret. Col. Glenn Madison specialized in covert operations. His assignment during the Vietnam War was to set up and eliminate enemy positions. During that time he received the Silver Star and the bronze Medal of Valor. Approximately one-hour 45 minutes, at the Patapsco State Park, he saw a woman dressed in a blue and white floral printed dress. He approached and said, "Good evening Susan, long time. You look very nice in that dress." Susan replied, "you still look the same. The last time we worked together was 20 years ago, wasn't it?" Glenn said "yes, you still remember, do you?" Susan said "I have a job for you and I know you are very discrete." Glenn said "yes". Susan passed him an envelope and said, "make it look like an accident." Glenn said "no problem".
One week later, at 1:00 am, someone pulled up in a black car with tinted windows and parked across the street from the home of Dr. McGraven. He came out of the car wearing all black and carrying a black bag with him. As he approached the house he walked around towards the back. He knelt down toward the window and pulled out his tools, then he unlocked the window, crawled inside the house and turned on his flashlight. He looked around in the basement then he said to himself 'there it is'. He approached the gas meter, then he opened his bag and pulled out an electronic device attached with explosives and he set the time for ten minutes. Then he exited the basement, locked the window and headed back to his car. He drove about six blocks and stopped, turned off the headlights and waited.
At 1:35 AM a large explosion rocked the whole neighborhood. A large white and orange fireball lit the sky. He turned on his lights, started the engine and drove away. Two weeks later Mrs. Susan Cunningham received a call. "Hello Glenn, nice to hear from you. How's everything?" Glenn replied "fine". Susan said "I read in the paper you did a good job." Glenn answered "it was easy". Susan said, "I would like to invite you to dinner so we can talk about the job you did for me." Glenn said, "that's fine. Meet me downtown at the Sheraton Inn, 7:15 pm. I will call for reservations." "Okay." Susan replied. "That will be real nice. Talk to you later".
Six hours passed. Downtown at the Sheraton Inn, in the restaurant, Mrs. Susan Cunningham was waiting at the table for about five minutes when Glenn walked in and said, "Hi Susan". She smiled. As Glenn sat down Susan passed a black case under the table. Glenn picked up the case and said "thank you Susan". "You haven't lost your touch, Glenn." "I will never lose it, my darling. So let's see what they have on the menu. I have a taste for a T-bone steak with mashed potatoes and their best bottle of campaign." Susan replied, "I will have the same." So both of them talked about old times, finished their dinner and left the restaurant.
One week later Mrs. Susan Cunningham called doctor Humber on the phone to check up on his progress. Dr. Humber reported everything was going well, really well. Then he asked, "did you hear what happened to Dr.McGraven?" Susan Cunningham said "it was such a tragedy. The police are still investigating. They said it was a gas leak that night. It was terrible. They showed the house in the paper. The only thing left was a giant crater. I am very sorry about what happened to her." Dr. Humber said "I am going to miss her. She helped me a lot." Susan Cunningham said "you have my sympathy, doctor. How is your new assistant doing?" Dr. Humber replied, "He is great. He knows his stuff." Susan Cunningham said "Let me know if you need anything." Dr. Humber replied "okay, thank you".
The End.
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