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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Adults
- Theme: Fairy Tales & Fantasy
- Subject: Other / Not Listed
- Published: 12/10/2011
Hope Bell
Tomball, TX 77375
Good Afternoon,
I have recently completed a short fictional story of 1173 words called “Another World”. This short story is not a fictional story about aliens or the extraterrestrial. Nor does it carry any clichéd sci-fi related theme. “Another World” is about an everyday girl discovering something that is, in fact, out of this world.
Although I have never published an article before I have always been a strong admirer of writing. There is a large power behind words, and it is amazing to know the message you can create through the right choice of words. Through a Creative Writing class I have recently taken, I have gained understanding of what is needed to make a powerful piece and what is needed to portray what you are trying to say. This only made me appreciate the art or writing more.
Currently, I am working on my associates at Lonestar Community College and plan to transfer to the University of Houston in order to strengthen my writing skills and obtain a degree in Public Relations and Creative Writing.
Furthermore, I strongly appreciate your consideration of my piece and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Hope Bell
Another World
Feeling just like Walt Whitman, with the tips of clovers and grass tickling my skin, I meditate on the present moment.
Life was always stressful to me, but who doesn’t carry the burden of stress? I always worried about who I was going to become. But who doesn’t? Without sleep, I close my eyes and let my thoughts drift off to a supernova sense of belief.
Because of the sun’s extreme intensity on this May’s beautiful day, I squinted my eyes, although already closed. An aurora of colors filled the backs of my eyelids and I drifted off to a super human sense of state. Was I about to turn one with nature? I laugh.
The field that I was becoming so relaxed in was extremely important to me. Only from stories I have learned of its rich history; it has been told that my great grandfather had saved up since his sixteenth birthday to afford a plot of land in Texas. He was a hard headed Irish man and knew little about being a cowboy except that he was going to be one. He moved to Texas in his twenties, bought land, cattle, and found a wife. My great grandfather was not entirely educated with the cowboy way of life but he knew he was going to be one. He was a rebel, and I really admire that. He was different.
Unfortunately, no one knows what ever happened to him. His wife, my great grandmother, had always believed he was attacked by a bear or some other lethal creature in the forest. She was always worried about him when he went out to hunt. I guess I shouldn’t adventure far.
The wind passed over my body like a soul. Or better yet, like a sheet slowly gliding and then drifting off my legs and stomach. It was too bright to open my eyes, and I was so comfortable. My fingers combed the grass and clovers; I felt like I was laying on a bed of solitude. With all the busy moments in my life, you never really do get a chance to reflect.
A solid and cold object hit my fingertips while striking the grass. It was a gold and untimely key. I cup my hand over my left eye to get a better view. From the key, dangled a four leaf clover it had caught in the field. My whole life had I searched those clover patches on my families land and never have I came across one. I was more aggravated than happy that I found it. I found this silly; it was merely luck that I found a lucky four leaf clover. I smiled.
From a distance, I caught a glimpse of an odd, small rectangular building. It was partially hidden by the trees that shadowed it and was far, but not far enough to explore. I have never seen this building before, but, yet again, I always find new things on this field. Well, maybe never this big.
I sit up from my much needed oblivion, key in hand, and rub on my tired eyes. Both of my legs slowly balance my body to gain stability. I walk excitingly to the boxy building.
Upon arrival I study the building. I’m guessing it is some sort of a shed. From the site of the dust, I am a little wary to go in. I reach for the door knob, twist, and pull, but it was locked. Since I have been blessed by the lucky four leaf clover, why not try the key?
Once again, I take a look at the mysterious key. I put it in the lock, and of course, it opens.
I was shocked.
There was a long flight of stairs that took up the entire room. No, the stairs were not going down, they were going up! The building was only a couple feet taller than me from the outside, where could this lead to?
My curiosity, stronger than any force, moved my feet up the stairs. The red walls surrounding were wooden, a little dirty. Not bad for what I expected.
Seconds later, after experiencing this crazy discovery, my body started losing control. Everything was turning surreal. What’s scary is that I should be scared but I’m just not. Though, after the third lap up around the circling stairs I really started to worry. Where was I going to?
The stairs started to narrow in and colors started to change. My heart beats and beats more than ever before. More than the previous no heart beat at all when three steps ago I was so nervously wondering what in the hell I was doing. I looked back, but everything started to fade away. I was in another world.
There was nothing around. No nouns, places, names or things. It was all just ideas, bright lights, and outlines of nothing in particular. I was fascinated, and I didn’t realize I was still walking up the stairs. Not until I hit the last step. I had then stopped, and stared out vastly at a large blank flat surface of nothing. I was mesmerized.
I had fallen into a place of complete mental freedom. All of the media that has influenced as well as burdened my way of thinking lifted from my mind to free all original thoughts. All of the opinionated ideas my teachers trained me to think and the television stations that tricked my mindless attention lifted like weights off of my shoulders. At a million seconds per minute I thought of everything influencing my life. All my troubles and dreams bounced back and forth in my mind like a ping pong game.
Before I knew it, everything went black.
I wiped my eyes like an innocent child waking up from sleep. My hands combed the field around me, and my eyes squinted, although still closed, the sun was so bright.
“Where did you go? Where have you been?”
My mother stood above me shaking my shoulder. My eyes opened and looked at a concerned face; I didn’t know what to think. She pulled me by the hand and told me to come along, as I did I looked back at the trees that shadowed where I had pictured that building. To my surprise, it stood there like a proud compilation of wood and mysteriousness. “Have you ever gone in there?”
“Where?” She doesn’t even look around.
“There” I pointed at the building.
“That old thing? No, it’s been locked for a while,” She squints her eyes as she looks into the horizon, “My grandfather never let me play in it when I was a kid. Probably nothing but dust and rusty tools anyways.” My mother walks back to the house and I follow. As I put my hand in my jacket pocket I grasp the key which once again, had fallen into my possession.
Another World(Hope Bell)
Hope Bell
Tomball, TX 77375
Good Afternoon,
I have recently completed a short fictional story of 1173 words called “Another World”. This short story is not a fictional story about aliens or the extraterrestrial. Nor does it carry any clichéd sci-fi related theme. “Another World” is about an everyday girl discovering something that is, in fact, out of this world.
Although I have never published an article before I have always been a strong admirer of writing. There is a large power behind words, and it is amazing to know the message you can create through the right choice of words. Through a Creative Writing class I have recently taken, I have gained understanding of what is needed to make a powerful piece and what is needed to portray what you are trying to say. This only made me appreciate the art or writing more.
Currently, I am working on my associates at Lonestar Community College and plan to transfer to the University of Houston in order to strengthen my writing skills and obtain a degree in Public Relations and Creative Writing.
Furthermore, I strongly appreciate your consideration of my piece and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Hope Bell
Another World
Feeling just like Walt Whitman, with the tips of clovers and grass tickling my skin, I meditate on the present moment.
Life was always stressful to me, but who doesn’t carry the burden of stress? I always worried about who I was going to become. But who doesn’t? Without sleep, I close my eyes and let my thoughts drift off to a supernova sense of belief.
Because of the sun’s extreme intensity on this May’s beautiful day, I squinted my eyes, although already closed. An aurora of colors filled the backs of my eyelids and I drifted off to a super human sense of state. Was I about to turn one with nature? I laugh.
The field that I was becoming so relaxed in was extremely important to me. Only from stories I have learned of its rich history; it has been told that my great grandfather had saved up since his sixteenth birthday to afford a plot of land in Texas. He was a hard headed Irish man and knew little about being a cowboy except that he was going to be one. He moved to Texas in his twenties, bought land, cattle, and found a wife. My great grandfather was not entirely educated with the cowboy way of life but he knew he was going to be one. He was a rebel, and I really admire that. He was different.
Unfortunately, no one knows what ever happened to him. His wife, my great grandmother, had always believed he was attacked by a bear or some other lethal creature in the forest. She was always worried about him when he went out to hunt. I guess I shouldn’t adventure far.
The wind passed over my body like a soul. Or better yet, like a sheet slowly gliding and then drifting off my legs and stomach. It was too bright to open my eyes, and I was so comfortable. My fingers combed the grass and clovers; I felt like I was laying on a bed of solitude. With all the busy moments in my life, you never really do get a chance to reflect.
A solid and cold object hit my fingertips while striking the grass. It was a gold and untimely key. I cup my hand over my left eye to get a better view. From the key, dangled a four leaf clover it had caught in the field. My whole life had I searched those clover patches on my families land and never have I came across one. I was more aggravated than happy that I found it. I found this silly; it was merely luck that I found a lucky four leaf clover. I smiled.
From a distance, I caught a glimpse of an odd, small rectangular building. It was partially hidden by the trees that shadowed it and was far, but not far enough to explore. I have never seen this building before, but, yet again, I always find new things on this field. Well, maybe never this big.
I sit up from my much needed oblivion, key in hand, and rub on my tired eyes. Both of my legs slowly balance my body to gain stability. I walk excitingly to the boxy building.
Upon arrival I study the building. I’m guessing it is some sort of a shed. From the site of the dust, I am a little wary to go in. I reach for the door knob, twist, and pull, but it was locked. Since I have been blessed by the lucky four leaf clover, why not try the key?
Once again, I take a look at the mysterious key. I put it in the lock, and of course, it opens.
I was shocked.
There was a long flight of stairs that took up the entire room. No, the stairs were not going down, they were going up! The building was only a couple feet taller than me from the outside, where could this lead to?
My curiosity, stronger than any force, moved my feet up the stairs. The red walls surrounding were wooden, a little dirty. Not bad for what I expected.
Seconds later, after experiencing this crazy discovery, my body started losing control. Everything was turning surreal. What’s scary is that I should be scared but I’m just not. Though, after the third lap up around the circling stairs I really started to worry. Where was I going to?
The stairs started to narrow in and colors started to change. My heart beats and beats more than ever before. More than the previous no heart beat at all when three steps ago I was so nervously wondering what in the hell I was doing. I looked back, but everything started to fade away. I was in another world.
There was nothing around. No nouns, places, names or things. It was all just ideas, bright lights, and outlines of nothing in particular. I was fascinated, and I didn’t realize I was still walking up the stairs. Not until I hit the last step. I had then stopped, and stared out vastly at a large blank flat surface of nothing. I was mesmerized.
I had fallen into a place of complete mental freedom. All of the media that has influenced as well as burdened my way of thinking lifted from my mind to free all original thoughts. All of the opinionated ideas my teachers trained me to think and the television stations that tricked my mindless attention lifted like weights off of my shoulders. At a million seconds per minute I thought of everything influencing my life. All my troubles and dreams bounced back and forth in my mind like a ping pong game.
Before I knew it, everything went black.
I wiped my eyes like an innocent child waking up from sleep. My hands combed the field around me, and my eyes squinted, although still closed, the sun was so bright.
“Where did you go? Where have you been?”
My mother stood above me shaking my shoulder. My eyes opened and looked at a concerned face; I didn’t know what to think. She pulled me by the hand and told me to come along, as I did I looked back at the trees that shadowed where I had pictured that building. To my surprise, it stood there like a proud compilation of wood and mysteriousness. “Have you ever gone in there?”
“Where?” She doesn’t even look around.
“There” I pointed at the building.
“That old thing? No, it’s been locked for a while,” She squints her eyes as she looks into the horizon, “My grandfather never let me play in it when I was a kid. Probably nothing but dust and rusty tools anyways.” My mother walks back to the house and I follow. As I put my hand in my jacket pocket I grasp the key which once again, had fallen into my possession.
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