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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Adults
- Theme: Family & Friends
- Subject: Inspirational / Uplifting
- Published: 12/15/2011
A Cracker Christmastime
M, from Jensen Beach, FL, United StatesThe sun shines. Cool tropical breezes are wafting through sea oated dunes off the blue-green ocean's wave tops. Warm enough to break a sweat if you are laboring, but not if you are just walking in your shorts.
Strings of lights drape buildings, trees, signs and just about anything that doesn't move. They wait for evenings dimness to spread their spot of warm joyous glow on Florida. Red and green garlands, bows and flat bells festoon the streets, and bulls-eye wreaths are hung in the shopkeepers doors, like a target, for you, the speeding bullet.
Snowbirds and natives stand in the same lines, laden with gifts, or groceries or packages or envelopes to mail away, for everybody has somebody elsewhere. The instant thaws to mobility and shouts of cheery hellos are exchanged across parking lots and counters and aisles over the noise of trains and traffic, while the sun journeys to his watery night-home in the Gulf of Mexico, over land that once bore pineapple.
Clear dusk shimmers after the magenta-pink sunset as miniature lights are mimicking enough of what is no longer here, allowing us to see where we are going. This is the time of year when parents separate, one with all the children in tow, the other furtively dashing down the toy aisle, desperately seeking a clerk to buy a fad that may not last till the day it is given. They come together later, with knowing winks.
The children. The children, still in early December's low gear, show more excitement with life than they did when school began, and not as much as they will in a fortnight or so.
There is a respite. The travel agent, dentist, hair-dresser, artist, real estate man, masseuse, stock boy, banker, teller, truck driver, and the post-lady rub elbows as their offspring and siblings sing carols together, and join together at the tree lighting.
The respite of spirit and body is done. For a moment, we have lain aside the foreign wars, the interest rate and market variations, the crime in nearby neighborhoods, the insecurity of our wages and the scandalous politics in all the facets and levels of government. For a moment, just a fleeting micro-second it seems, as we have given of ourselves to others, to bring a tiny bright spot of joy into someone's life, this alien concept of "peace" has somehow crept in and invaded us while we were not looking.
Maybe, just maybe, the book got it backwards. Maybe it is by good will to men that we will have peace on earth.
Born in Los Angeles, Art grew up in Key West where he lived four years in the Hemingway Home. He is the son of internationally known artist, Van Noble ( who opened the Hemingway Home as an Art Gallery before it became a museum. On moving, he acquired a lamp from the home. He still writes under the lamp.
Writer, Speaker, Poet, Teacher, Art is an expert in the technical aspects of sexual love. His books in print include, Unmailed Letters to a Married Woman ( a literary,epistle piece, with poetry read on National Public Radio and The Sacred Female, ( a novel showing how sexual love may transform a man. The erotica focuses on responses rather than the act and there are more normal sexual responses than the general public is aware of.
Art has a broad knowledge of modern sexual science and ancient sexual history. He is not an expert in Tantra, relationships, or anything other than heterosexual love. He will be posting blogs for your review, some that will specualte based on scientific fact, and will tell you what is accepted fact, and what is my speculation. He has traced the source of some of the sexual myths we live with and will be blogging about them to show how they have impacted our sexuality.
After his novel, Art started a radio show on Women’s Radio Network where he met and interviewed more fantastic women: some scientists, some just regular women without scientific background. He am currently working on a non-fiction piece and has fantastic input from Dr. Beverly Whipple, et al, in the field of sexual science, and provide a new mechanism for looking at "love." They provided direction for this new book.
Noble holds a BS in Ocean Engineering and an MBA. Professionally, he was an adventurer on the cutting edge of technology and an executive engineer. Like Robert Service and scores of other poets and authors, he has acquired and held many jobs including technical writer and commercial diver in the offshore oil field, giving him an eclectic voice. He ended his diving career as an Associate Professor of Underwater Technology at Florida Institute of Technology, Jensen Beach. His poetry is published in South Florida publications, Anthologies, International magazines, and read on National Public Radio. He lives in Jensen beach with his Toy Poodle, Clousseau.
Art's website is Have a great day and keep open to love: it is all around us.
A Cracker Christmastime(Art Noble)
The sun shines. Cool tropical breezes are wafting through sea oated dunes off the blue-green ocean's wave tops. Warm enough to break a sweat if you are laboring, but not if you are just walking in your shorts.
Strings of lights drape buildings, trees, signs and just about anything that doesn't move. They wait for evenings dimness to spread their spot of warm joyous glow on Florida. Red and green garlands, bows and flat bells festoon the streets, and bulls-eye wreaths are hung in the shopkeepers doors, like a target, for you, the speeding bullet.
Snowbirds and natives stand in the same lines, laden with gifts, or groceries or packages or envelopes to mail away, for everybody has somebody elsewhere. The instant thaws to mobility and shouts of cheery hellos are exchanged across parking lots and counters and aisles over the noise of trains and traffic, while the sun journeys to his watery night-home in the Gulf of Mexico, over land that once bore pineapple.
Clear dusk shimmers after the magenta-pink sunset as miniature lights are mimicking enough of what is no longer here, allowing us to see where we are going. This is the time of year when parents separate, one with all the children in tow, the other furtively dashing down the toy aisle, desperately seeking a clerk to buy a fad that may not last till the day it is given. They come together later, with knowing winks.
The children. The children, still in early December's low gear, show more excitement with life than they did when school began, and not as much as they will in a fortnight or so.
There is a respite. The travel agent, dentist, hair-dresser, artist, real estate man, masseuse, stock boy, banker, teller, truck driver, and the post-lady rub elbows as their offspring and siblings sing carols together, and join together at the tree lighting.
The respite of spirit and body is done. For a moment, we have lain aside the foreign wars, the interest rate and market variations, the crime in nearby neighborhoods, the insecurity of our wages and the scandalous politics in all the facets and levels of government. For a moment, just a fleeting micro-second it seems, as we have given of ourselves to others, to bring a tiny bright spot of joy into someone's life, this alien concept of "peace" has somehow crept in and invaded us while we were not looking.
Maybe, just maybe, the book got it backwards. Maybe it is by good will to men that we will have peace on earth.
Born in Los Angeles, Art grew up in Key West where he lived four years in the Hemingway Home. He is the son of internationally known artist, Van Noble ( who opened the Hemingway Home as an Art Gallery before it became a museum. On moving, he acquired a lamp from the home. He still writes under the lamp.
Writer, Speaker, Poet, Teacher, Art is an expert in the technical aspects of sexual love. His books in print include, Unmailed Letters to a Married Woman ( a literary,epistle piece, with poetry read on National Public Radio and The Sacred Female, ( a novel showing how sexual love may transform a man. The erotica focuses on responses rather than the act and there are more normal sexual responses than the general public is aware of.
Art has a broad knowledge of modern sexual science and ancient sexual history. He is not an expert in Tantra, relationships, or anything other than heterosexual love. He will be posting blogs for your review, some that will specualte based on scientific fact, and will tell you what is accepted fact, and what is my speculation. He has traced the source of some of the sexual myths we live with and will be blogging about them to show how they have impacted our sexuality.
After his novel, Art started a radio show on Women’s Radio Network where he met and interviewed more fantastic women: some scientists, some just regular women without scientific background. He am currently working on a non-fiction piece and has fantastic input from Dr. Beverly Whipple, et al, in the field of sexual science, and provide a new mechanism for looking at "love." They provided direction for this new book.
Noble holds a BS in Ocean Engineering and an MBA. Professionally, he was an adventurer on the cutting edge of technology and an executive engineer. Like Robert Service and scores of other poets and authors, he has acquired and held many jobs including technical writer and commercial diver in the offshore oil field, giving him an eclectic voice. He ended his diving career as an Associate Professor of Underwater Technology at Florida Institute of Technology, Jensen Beach. His poetry is published in South Florida publications, Anthologies, International magazines, and read on National Public Radio. He lives in Jensen beach with his Toy Poodle, Clousseau.
Art's website is Have a great day and keep open to love: it is all around us.
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