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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Teens
- Theme: Drama / Human Interest
- Subject: Death / Heartbreak / Loss
- Published: 02/07/2012
Do u love me or not? (Part 4 - The End)
Born 2000, F, from PA / Philidelphia, United States.jpg)
Do U Love Me or Not? continued...
I was excited, I couldn’t wait to see you my friends and relatives. Danny helped me pack my bag. He would put a few things in the relaxed on my bed. He said that my room was so colorful. I smile at him and continued packing. When I was almost done packing I took a break. And jumped on the bed and laid next to him. He asked me what New York was like. I told him it was big, lights everywhere. It’s always loud, there. I got up and walked to my wall, behind one of my posters was a secret opening. I took a key that was on my charm bracelet around my arm and unlocked it. There was a box. I opened it and there were lots of things from New York. There were many pictures, and small things I got from there. I showed it to him and he took things out one by one. He looked at everything and asked questions about each one. He then asked me why I kept such small stuff. I told him that when we first moved here mom and dad destroyed everything that had to do with New York. They didn’t like them I guess. If I didn’t hide this box they would throw them away. And since its so small I can hide them because there my favorite things in the world. He told me If he could add something to it. He reached in his pocket and pulled out a bracelet. He put it on my wrist I looked at it. The jewel in the middle shun in the sun light that came from my window. I told him that it was beautiful. I turned around and kissed him.
I told him that we were going to leave in a few days. Until then we should hang out all day every day. I’m now a sixteen year old girl and I feel older than before. Danny turned sixteen before me but he still acts the same, other than the fact that he’s comfortable with being around me, he acts calm now and he doesn’t stutter a lot and act weird when I put doesn’t stutter a lot and act weird when I put m hand on my shoulder. He acts like he’s cool, the way those popular boys do on those shows that are back in the day and are in black and white. Mom and dad came in and my arms were still around his neck, and his arms were still around my waist. Dad interrupted before mom could talk by asking what we were doing. We both let go of each other. Danny balled up his fist and hit his hip with a smile on his face. Not a smile when you’re happy, the kind of smile you make when you’re scared. I was rubbing the back of my head when mom told dad to calm down. I guess dad was mad at what he saw when he came in. mom said before she said anything else was to keep my door open. Then she asked Danny if he could watch our house while we were gone. He said sure and told mom that hell do his best. Dad whispered to mom that he doesn’t trust Danny a whole lot. Dad looks different now. His mustache is so big that it covers his top lip. The front of his head was bald. He was tall and skinny but apparently he was strong considering he has no muscles. Mom was skinny and wore an apron, she has shot curly hair always wears shirts that button and light blue jean, and she is nine months pregnant. Mom told me to continue packing because we have to go to the store to get gifts. When they left out dad came back and peeped through the crack of the door. He left because the only thing we were doing was packing.
I walked over to my stereo and turned on a song from my favorite band. Danny came over grabbed my hand and spun me around the way they do on dancing shows. We danced while we packed. Mom and dad repeatedly came up to look at us to see what we were doing. We folded up clothes and threw them in neatly. When we finished we were tired and out of breath. Mom called us down stairs and we ran down the steps. I purposely fell down when I hit the carpet in the living room. We were laughing really hard the whole time. I laid on the carpet laughing and Danny was leaning on the side of the steps laughing and trying to catch his breath at the same time. When we stopped laughing he came and put his hand out smiling. I grabbed his hand and he helped me up. I walked over to the couch where mom was sitting. I sat next to her and rubbed her stomach. I asked them what they needed. Dad told me that we were leaving tomorrow and asked if I was finished packing. I nodded my head. He told Danny to walk into the back yard so he could talk to him. The two walked into the back yard. I looked at mom. She shook her head like she feels bad for him. I got up and began to slowly walk to the back door. Mom told me that’s it’s not good to eavesdrop. I turned my head to look at her and turned back to the door. I put my ear to the door. I heard dad talking to Danny about how to handle the farm, the names of all the animals, and that if he hurts my feelings hell hurt him. I heard Danny say yes sir after every statement. I heard them shake hands and dad patted his shoulder. They began walking to the door. I ran into the living room and dived on the couch. They came into the room. Danny walked over to me and I stood up and we walked back up to that hill with the tire swing, we haven’t been there in a while. I held his hand while we walked up the hill. I sat on the swing and Danny asked me if dad like him. I told him that I don’t think so. He chuckled a bit then sat behind me and bumped me with his back. I began to laugh, as he used his legs to swing us around in a circle. He asked me what you looked like. I told him that you had straight brown hair. You wore plaid shirts and dark jeans. I jumped of the swing and went over to your side. I took my hand and pushed him though the hole. He fell through but his feet were still on the swing. He slipped through the hole and pushed me down to the grass. I rolled down the hill. He began rolling after me. H landed behind me and we both started laughing. He stood up and picked me up, swung me around, and put me down. He was defiantly stronger than you. We were both laughing and out of breath. I kissed him on the cheek and went back home. A few days later we went on the plane to New York. I was in the seat. Mom and dad were sitting next to me. They told me that I need to calm down. When the plane landed I was the first off. I could smell the smell of those busy streets factories and cigar smoke. Mom and dad were still coming out. She told me we were renting a hotel. When we got there, I didn’t unpack my things I just put o my hat that Danny gave me and ran out the door. I ran to my old school. School was over and I saw my friends walking the gate.. I called their names and waved at them. They looked at me but didn’t recognize me. I ran p to them and they saw my face. Their faces lit up. I hugged them all. I had some kind of accent. They asked me why I sounded like that. I told them that I’ve been in Tennessee for a while. They all said ooh at the same. They said that they thought I moved somewhere else in the city. I shook my head. We walked around the city. They asked me questions about Tennessee. I told them it’s nice and quiet, it’s very beautiful. The people there are so nice. They asked me if there was a boy that I liked there. I told them yes. They told me to tell them his name and what he looks like. I told them that he is super sweet and has the same accent as me, that’s where I got it. They asked me if he asked me out yet. I told them no, he didn’t ask me out, but he is my boyfriend. They asked me how he’s my boyfriend then. I told them that about two weeks ago, we were sitting on a hill and we had our first kiss. They told me that they wished there love life was that easy. I hung out with my friends all week long. I completely forgot about you. the middle of the week my friends and I were walking to their houses. They mentioned your name and my eyes opened. I asked them about you immediately. They looked at me like they were scared. I looked at them like I was confused. One of my friends asked another if they should tell me, they were pretty loud, so I was able to hear them.
I asked them, “Tell me what”. One of my friends walked up to me and said that Cameron died. I gasped so loud that I couldn’t breathe. Tears came from my eyes and I walked over to the closest gate and held on to it. My friends came over and said that they were sorry. I covered up my eyes with my hands and cried very hard. My friend gave me a hug, and I cried on their shoulder. They told me that he was hit by a car, while he was walking down the street. A car came zooming and it turned and crashed. The driver said that he lost control of the steering wheel. They told me that his funeral was tomorrow. I kept my face covered as they began to walk me to the hotel. When I got in my room, my parents were laying in their bed watching TV. They saw me crying and asked me what happened. My friends left out and went home. I took off my boots and hat and sat them on the floor. I sat down next to them and wiped my eyes with my sleeve. My face was red and so were my eyes. I told them what happened. And put my head under a pillow. My mother said softly “that’s so sad, I’m sorry sweetie”. Mom could barely her me from under the pillow when I said “he promised”. Mom asked me, “promised what?” I told her exactly what he said before we left for the airport. She said that she’s very sorry, and tried to hug me but she couldn’t because her stomach was so big. I put my head on top of the pillow and stayed there until the next day. I didn’t eat anything. I stayed there covering my face with my arm. Dad began to get worried about me. He told mom that I won’t move. She came over to my bed and asked me if I wanted to go to the funeral. They were doing it down stairs. I heard her but I didn’t answer. I didn’t move at all, I just laid there curled up in the dark. Mom and dad got ready and left out downstairs about twenty minutes later I slowly went downstairs in the same clothes I wore yesterday. I didn’t have on my shoes just socks, and I wasn’t wearing my hat. My hair was in a ponytail. I sat on the stairs and listened to a man speak about you. While I heard his voice I began to cry. I continued down the stairs and peeked inside of the room. Your coffin was open and people were crying. My parents were standing against the wall, but didn’t see me. I walked up to the coffin and looked inside. Your hair was done and you were wearing a white suit.. I started to talk to the body. “It looks like you’ve made it this far in your life. Your body is all crushed. What happened to you promising me that we’ll see each other?” Dad saw me and ran to pull me back.. He grabbed my arms, and began taking me away. I struggled to stay I fought my way back. “no you have to let me go, he promised, he promised, he said we would see each other again he promised” your parents started crying again. I released myself from dads grip and ran out of the building. I ran down to the beach. I sat down in the sand. I watched the tides go back and forth. I got up and ran to the park and looked at our tree. I looked at how our initials were crossed out. I went over to you and Megan’s tree and saw your initials. I went to the lake I threw my phone I and climbed the tree that was there. I sat in it and saw a birds nest. It was in the same place you and I use to sit when we were in the fifth grade. I stayed there all night. I fell asleep in the tree, until I heard someone coming. I jumped out of the tree an ran to the cemetery. I looked around until I saw your name. it was dawn and there was little light. I started crying again. I wasn’t loud but tears came from my eyes. I ran back to the hotel and went inside of my room. Mom was on the bed crying, there were many tissues around her. Dad was sitting next to her trying to comfort her. They both looked and saw me. My face was red and my eyes watery. I was tired and I cried so much that didn’t have on makeup anymore it all washed off. My parents came to hug me. Dad bent down and moved my hair away from my face so he could see my eyes. He told me that I’ll have to be patient, and except the fact that what happened will happen. I nodded my head and gave him a hug. That day was only half of our trip. I asked my parents if we could go home. They accepted and we went on a plane back to Tennessee. I was very quiet the whole ride in the plane and in the car. I cried the whole ride. I would stop momentarily but then start again. While we were in the car, mom and dad said nothing. They just stared at the road. I guess Danny got the message that we were coming back early and he was waiting outside. I got out the car and glanced at him. I grabbed my bag and walked over to him with my head down. My eyes were still red and so was my face. When I was halfway over to him I let go of my bag and ran over to him. I hugged him so tight, and I cried on his shoulder. Dad came over and took my bag, he gave Danny a thumbs up and went into the house. Danny looked at me smiling. I was sniffling and I smiled a little. He asked me what happened while we walked up the hill to the tree. I told him that while we were there, you were killed. We sat down next to the tree. I leaned on him, and he had his arm around me. It was sunset and the sun was setting in front of us. Danny turned to me and kissed my forehead. He asked me if there was anything that I every told you that was so important but was never answered. I nodded my head, and looked at him. He asked me what it was. I told him that when I was first put in the mental institution, I asked you a question but you didn’t answer me. Danny asked me what it was. I looked at the grass with a serious face. I told him it was “Do You Love Me Or Not?”
The End….
Do u love me or not? (Part 4 - The End)(Jannah Lee)
Do U Love Me or Not? continued...
I was excited, I couldn’t wait to see you my friends and relatives. Danny helped me pack my bag. He would put a few things in the relaxed on my bed. He said that my room was so colorful. I smile at him and continued packing. When I was almost done packing I took a break. And jumped on the bed and laid next to him. He asked me what New York was like. I told him it was big, lights everywhere. It’s always loud, there. I got up and walked to my wall, behind one of my posters was a secret opening. I took a key that was on my charm bracelet around my arm and unlocked it. There was a box. I opened it and there were lots of things from New York. There were many pictures, and small things I got from there. I showed it to him and he took things out one by one. He looked at everything and asked questions about each one. He then asked me why I kept such small stuff. I told him that when we first moved here mom and dad destroyed everything that had to do with New York. They didn’t like them I guess. If I didn’t hide this box they would throw them away. And since its so small I can hide them because there my favorite things in the world. He told me If he could add something to it. He reached in his pocket and pulled out a bracelet. He put it on my wrist I looked at it. The jewel in the middle shun in the sun light that came from my window. I told him that it was beautiful. I turned around and kissed him.
I told him that we were going to leave in a few days. Until then we should hang out all day every day. I’m now a sixteen year old girl and I feel older than before. Danny turned sixteen before me but he still acts the same, other than the fact that he’s comfortable with being around me, he acts calm now and he doesn’t stutter a lot and act weird when I put doesn’t stutter a lot and act weird when I put m hand on my shoulder. He acts like he’s cool, the way those popular boys do on those shows that are back in the day and are in black and white. Mom and dad came in and my arms were still around his neck, and his arms were still around my waist. Dad interrupted before mom could talk by asking what we were doing. We both let go of each other. Danny balled up his fist and hit his hip with a smile on his face. Not a smile when you’re happy, the kind of smile you make when you’re scared. I was rubbing the back of my head when mom told dad to calm down. I guess dad was mad at what he saw when he came in. mom said before she said anything else was to keep my door open. Then she asked Danny if he could watch our house while we were gone. He said sure and told mom that hell do his best. Dad whispered to mom that he doesn’t trust Danny a whole lot. Dad looks different now. His mustache is so big that it covers his top lip. The front of his head was bald. He was tall and skinny but apparently he was strong considering he has no muscles. Mom was skinny and wore an apron, she has shot curly hair always wears shirts that button and light blue jean, and she is nine months pregnant. Mom told me to continue packing because we have to go to the store to get gifts. When they left out dad came back and peeped through the crack of the door. He left because the only thing we were doing was packing.
I walked over to my stereo and turned on a song from my favorite band. Danny came over grabbed my hand and spun me around the way they do on dancing shows. We danced while we packed. Mom and dad repeatedly came up to look at us to see what we were doing. We folded up clothes and threw them in neatly. When we finished we were tired and out of breath. Mom called us down stairs and we ran down the steps. I purposely fell down when I hit the carpet in the living room. We were laughing really hard the whole time. I laid on the carpet laughing and Danny was leaning on the side of the steps laughing and trying to catch his breath at the same time. When we stopped laughing he came and put his hand out smiling. I grabbed his hand and he helped me up. I walked over to the couch where mom was sitting. I sat next to her and rubbed her stomach. I asked them what they needed. Dad told me that we were leaving tomorrow and asked if I was finished packing. I nodded my head. He told Danny to walk into the back yard so he could talk to him. The two walked into the back yard. I looked at mom. She shook her head like she feels bad for him. I got up and began to slowly walk to the back door. Mom told me that’s it’s not good to eavesdrop. I turned my head to look at her and turned back to the door. I put my ear to the door. I heard dad talking to Danny about how to handle the farm, the names of all the animals, and that if he hurts my feelings hell hurt him. I heard Danny say yes sir after every statement. I heard them shake hands and dad patted his shoulder. They began walking to the door. I ran into the living room and dived on the couch. They came into the room. Danny walked over to me and I stood up and we walked back up to that hill with the tire swing, we haven’t been there in a while. I held his hand while we walked up the hill. I sat on the swing and Danny asked me if dad like him. I told him that I don’t think so. He chuckled a bit then sat behind me and bumped me with his back. I began to laugh, as he used his legs to swing us around in a circle. He asked me what you looked like. I told him that you had straight brown hair. You wore plaid shirts and dark jeans. I jumped of the swing and went over to your side. I took my hand and pushed him though the hole. He fell through but his feet were still on the swing. He slipped through the hole and pushed me down to the grass. I rolled down the hill. He began rolling after me. H landed behind me and we both started laughing. He stood up and picked me up, swung me around, and put me down. He was defiantly stronger than you. We were both laughing and out of breath. I kissed him on the cheek and went back home. A few days later we went on the plane to New York. I was in the seat. Mom and dad were sitting next to me. They told me that I need to calm down. When the plane landed I was the first off. I could smell the smell of those busy streets factories and cigar smoke. Mom and dad were still coming out. She told me we were renting a hotel. When we got there, I didn’t unpack my things I just put o my hat that Danny gave me and ran out the door. I ran to my old school. School was over and I saw my friends walking the gate.. I called their names and waved at them. They looked at me but didn’t recognize me. I ran p to them and they saw my face. Their faces lit up. I hugged them all. I had some kind of accent. They asked me why I sounded like that. I told them that I’ve been in Tennessee for a while. They all said ooh at the same. They said that they thought I moved somewhere else in the city. I shook my head. We walked around the city. They asked me questions about Tennessee. I told them it’s nice and quiet, it’s very beautiful. The people there are so nice. They asked me if there was a boy that I liked there. I told them yes. They told me to tell them his name and what he looks like. I told them that he is super sweet and has the same accent as me, that’s where I got it. They asked me if he asked me out yet. I told them no, he didn’t ask me out, but he is my boyfriend. They asked me how he’s my boyfriend then. I told them that about two weeks ago, we were sitting on a hill and we had our first kiss. They told me that they wished there love life was that easy. I hung out with my friends all week long. I completely forgot about you. the middle of the week my friends and I were walking to their houses. They mentioned your name and my eyes opened. I asked them about you immediately. They looked at me like they were scared. I looked at them like I was confused. One of my friends asked another if they should tell me, they were pretty loud, so I was able to hear them.
I asked them, “Tell me what”. One of my friends walked up to me and said that Cameron died. I gasped so loud that I couldn’t breathe. Tears came from my eyes and I walked over to the closest gate and held on to it. My friends came over and said that they were sorry. I covered up my eyes with my hands and cried very hard. My friend gave me a hug, and I cried on their shoulder. They told me that he was hit by a car, while he was walking down the street. A car came zooming and it turned and crashed. The driver said that he lost control of the steering wheel. They told me that his funeral was tomorrow. I kept my face covered as they began to walk me to the hotel. When I got in my room, my parents were laying in their bed watching TV. They saw me crying and asked me what happened. My friends left out and went home. I took off my boots and hat and sat them on the floor. I sat down next to them and wiped my eyes with my sleeve. My face was red and so were my eyes. I told them what happened. And put my head under a pillow. My mother said softly “that’s so sad, I’m sorry sweetie”. Mom could barely her me from under the pillow when I said “he promised”. Mom asked me, “promised what?” I told her exactly what he said before we left for the airport. She said that she’s very sorry, and tried to hug me but she couldn’t because her stomach was so big. I put my head on top of the pillow and stayed there until the next day. I didn’t eat anything. I stayed there covering my face with my arm. Dad began to get worried about me. He told mom that I won’t move. She came over to my bed and asked me if I wanted to go to the funeral. They were doing it down stairs. I heard her but I didn’t answer. I didn’t move at all, I just laid there curled up in the dark. Mom and dad got ready and left out downstairs about twenty minutes later I slowly went downstairs in the same clothes I wore yesterday. I didn’t have on my shoes just socks, and I wasn’t wearing my hat. My hair was in a ponytail. I sat on the stairs and listened to a man speak about you. While I heard his voice I began to cry. I continued down the stairs and peeked inside of the room. Your coffin was open and people were crying. My parents were standing against the wall, but didn’t see me. I walked up to the coffin and looked inside. Your hair was done and you were wearing a white suit.. I started to talk to the body. “It looks like you’ve made it this far in your life. Your body is all crushed. What happened to you promising me that we’ll see each other?” Dad saw me and ran to pull me back.. He grabbed my arms, and began taking me away. I struggled to stay I fought my way back. “no you have to let me go, he promised, he promised, he said we would see each other again he promised” your parents started crying again. I released myself from dads grip and ran out of the building. I ran down to the beach. I sat down in the sand. I watched the tides go back and forth. I got up and ran to the park and looked at our tree. I looked at how our initials were crossed out. I went over to you and Megan’s tree and saw your initials. I went to the lake I threw my phone I and climbed the tree that was there. I sat in it and saw a birds nest. It was in the same place you and I use to sit when we were in the fifth grade. I stayed there all night. I fell asleep in the tree, until I heard someone coming. I jumped out of the tree an ran to the cemetery. I looked around until I saw your name. it was dawn and there was little light. I started crying again. I wasn’t loud but tears came from my eyes. I ran back to the hotel and went inside of my room. Mom was on the bed crying, there were many tissues around her. Dad was sitting next to her trying to comfort her. They both looked and saw me. My face was red and my eyes watery. I was tired and I cried so much that didn’t have on makeup anymore it all washed off. My parents came to hug me. Dad bent down and moved my hair away from my face so he could see my eyes. He told me that I’ll have to be patient, and except the fact that what happened will happen. I nodded my head and gave him a hug. That day was only half of our trip. I asked my parents if we could go home. They accepted and we went on a plane back to Tennessee. I was very quiet the whole ride in the plane and in the car. I cried the whole ride. I would stop momentarily but then start again. While we were in the car, mom and dad said nothing. They just stared at the road. I guess Danny got the message that we were coming back early and he was waiting outside. I got out the car and glanced at him. I grabbed my bag and walked over to him with my head down. My eyes were still red and so was my face. When I was halfway over to him I let go of my bag and ran over to him. I hugged him so tight, and I cried on his shoulder. Dad came over and took my bag, he gave Danny a thumbs up and went into the house. Danny looked at me smiling. I was sniffling and I smiled a little. He asked me what happened while we walked up the hill to the tree. I told him that while we were there, you were killed. We sat down next to the tree. I leaned on him, and he had his arm around me. It was sunset and the sun was setting in front of us. Danny turned to me and kissed my forehead. He asked me if there was anything that I every told you that was so important but was never answered. I nodded my head, and looked at him. He asked me what it was. I told him that when I was first put in the mental institution, I asked you a question but you didn’t answer me. Danny asked me what it was. I looked at the grass with a serious face. I told him it was “Do You Love Me Or Not?”
The End….
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