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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Kids
- Theme: Fairy Tales & Fantasy
- Subject: Fairy Tale / Folk Tale
- Published: 03/01/2012
Born 1969, F, from Miami, United StatesFOX’S CAVE
Daisy the penguin opened her gym locker and was surprised to find a heart shaped box in it. She looked around to see if there was any one else in the room, but it was empty. That’s weird, I wonder who could’ve put this in here? She thought to herself. When she began opening it a bad smell filled the room. Ugh! What’s that smell? She cried out loud, dropping the box onto the floor. She bent down, but instead of picking it up, seeing that there was some green smoke coming out of it, Daisy quickly kicked the
box across the floor then grabbed her stuff and ran out of the locker
room. After school she met her friends at the local pizza shop and told them what happened.
Okay, let me get this straight. someone broke into your locker and left
you some smelly box that pours out green smoke when you open it? Tommy the tiger cub asked.
I didn’t open it, I dropped it on the floor when I smelled it and that’s when the smoke came out of it.
Why would someone leave something like that? Vicky the dragonfly asked.
Don’t know, but I don’t think it was very funny, Daisy frowned.
Maybe you’ve a secret admirer, Sammy the turtle smiled.
Or a smelly one! Tommy laughed.
Very not funny! Daisy smirked.
So where’s this famous box now? Cookie asked.
Probably where I left it, why?
I want to take a look at it. maybe whoever left it also left a clue of who
they are, Cookie replied.
Soon afterwards they were back inside the locker room.
It should be right underneath that bench, Daisy said. that’s where I
kicked it to.
Are you sure, cause it's not here, Sammy answered, after looking
underneath the bench.
What? I swear it was there where when I left.
Maybe, it grew little feet and walked away! Tommy laughed.
Remind me to laugh later. hey what’s this?
It's just a candy wrapper, Sammy shrugged.
I know what it is dummy. what I meant was something is written inside of it, Daisy smirked. She picked it up then read the message out loud: IF YOU WANT TO KNOW WHO LEFT YOU THE BOX MEET ME AT FOX’S CAVE TOMORROW AFTER SCHOOL.
Oh wow! It looks like we got ourselves a little mystery to solve! Cookie laughed.
What do you mean, we? Daisy’s the one who received the box.
Oh come on Vicky, Sammy’s the one who usually chickens out. don’t tell me that you believe all those dumb stories about Fox’s cave? Cookie asked.
Hey! Sammy cried out.
Cookie’s right, not only can we find out who left me that dumb box, but this can be our chance to prove to everyone that the legend of
that place is nothing more then a made up story. so what do you say, you in? Daisy added.
Vicky could tell by the way that Daisy was staring at her that she didn’t want to go there either. And she definitely didn’t want to go there alone. So after thinking about it for a few more minutes she smiled, then said, I’m in.
The next day they all met in front of Cookie’s house. So are we ready to go? Cookie asked.
Yeah, hey Sammy what’s inside the bag? Daisy asked.
Umm, let’s see, I’ve got some snacks, a couple of flashlights and some
other stuff that I thought we might need, he shrugged.
Gee Sammy, we’re only going to go there for a few hours, not the whole
night! She laughed.
Okay here’s the plan. me and Sammy will check out the left side of
the cave. And you girls check out the right and we’ll meet back here
in hour. But if you guys see anything just yell, Tommy explained, as he
handed each a flashlight.
Okay where do you guys want to start? Cookie asked. But the other
girls didn’t answer her. Umm, hello, what’s the matter?
Vicky shined her flashlight on the object so Cookie could see it better.
Standing in front of them was a strange looking monster that seemed to be growling at them. For a few seconds none of them could move nor speak until Vicky finally let out a loud scream and took off running, followed by Cookie and Daisy. And they didn’t stop running until they got back to
Cookie’s house.
Ten minutes later the boys showed up.
Hey what happened to you guys? Why did you just take off like that without telling us? Tommy asked frowning.
The, the, Vicky began.
The what?
The rumors are true!
Okay will someone please tell us why she’s freaking out?
Cookie quickly told them what they had seen inside the cave.
Oh wow! Sammy cried out, then popped his head inside his shell.
Well at least we solved one mystery, but I still don’t know who sent me that dumb box or why, Daisy sighed. oh Sammy, before I forget, here’s your flashlight back.
Thanks, just put it in the bag.
Daisy placed the flashlight inside the bag. she was about to zip it back
up when something caught her eye. it was drawings of the monster that looked a lot like the one they just saw inside the cave.
The next day at lunch Daisy told the girls about the drawings.
So you think they planned this whole thing? Vicky asked.
Yah, Tommy was the mastermind and talked Sammy into playing along, Daisy frowned.
I thought it was kind of weird the way Tommy acted when we told him what we saw. He had this look on his face like he was trying not to laugh or something, Cookie added.
I can’t believe those little jerks would do this! And think that they can
get away with it, Vicky cried out.
Now ladies, let’s not get our furs all uptight. I say we turn the tables
and pay them back, Daisy answered.
And how are we going to do that? Vicky asked.
Daisy leaned in closer to them and whispered her plan.
And you think this will work? Cookie asked.
I certainly hope so.
What’s wrong with you guys? Tommy asked, noticing that the girls all had sad looks on their faces.
Daisy lost her ring. she thinks she dropped it when we went over to Fox’s cave the other day, Cookie explained.
Oh bummer, what are you going to do? Sammy asked.
I’ve no other choice, I have to go back and look for it. my mom will kill me if I tell her that I lost it, Daisy shrugged. She then slowly got up and started to walk off followed by Cookie and Vicky.
You guys are not planning on going now are you? Sammy asked.
Yah, the sooner the better, but it's okay, you guys don’t have to come if
you don’t want to, Daisy answered.
Hey Sammy, did you take down that cardboard monster from inside the cave wall yesterday? Tommy asked, once the girls left.
Umm, I thought you did, didn’t you?
Oh great, come on, we've got to take it down before the girls get there.
A few minutes later they arrived and went straight to it.
Good, they’re not here. hopefully they changed their minds.
Yah, I have to hand it to you Tommy, we really scared them. Hey did you hear that? Sammy asked.
Hear what?
A piece of small rock suddenly hit the back of Tommy’s head followed by an earth cracking scary scream, causing them to drop everything they were holding and run out.
When they got back to Cookie’s house, Tommy said, Good they’re not back. now remember Sammy, we never left. we’ve been here waiting for them.
A couple minutes later the girls showed up.
Hey did you find it? Tommy asked Daisy.
Oh yah, I suddenly remembered that I wasn’t even wearing it yesterday. But we went over to my house just to double check. it was still in my jewelry box, she smiled.
The next day Tommy and Sammy went to the library.
Hi boys, there’s a box on the table for you, the library aid told them.
For us? Tommy asked. do you know who left it?
Sorry boys, I’ve no clue.
They slowly made their way to the table. on it was a heart shaped box
Copyrights belong to Cookie Torre 2006
Daisy the penguin opened her gym locker and was surprised to find a heart shaped box in it. She looked around to see if there was any one else in the room, but it was empty. That’s weird, I wonder who could’ve put this in here? She thought to herself. When she began opening it a bad smell filled the room. Ugh! What’s that smell? She cried out loud, dropping the box onto the floor. She bent down, but instead of picking it up, seeing that there was some green smoke coming out of it, Daisy quickly kicked the
box across the floor then grabbed her stuff and ran out of the locker
room. After school she met her friends at the local pizza shop and told them what happened.
Okay, let me get this straight. someone broke into your locker and left
you some smelly box that pours out green smoke when you open it? Tommy the tiger cub asked.
I didn’t open it, I dropped it on the floor when I smelled it and that’s when the smoke came out of it.
Why would someone leave something like that? Vicky the dragonfly asked.
Don’t know, but I don’t think it was very funny, Daisy frowned.
Maybe you’ve a secret admirer, Sammy the turtle smiled.
Or a smelly one! Tommy laughed.
Very not funny! Daisy smirked.
So where’s this famous box now? Cookie asked.
Probably where I left it, why?
I want to take a look at it. maybe whoever left it also left a clue of who
they are, Cookie replied.
Soon afterwards they were back inside the locker room.
It should be right underneath that bench, Daisy said. that’s where I
kicked it to.
Are you sure, cause it's not here, Sammy answered, after looking
underneath the bench.
What? I swear it was there where when I left.
Maybe, it grew little feet and walked away! Tommy laughed.
Remind me to laugh later. hey what’s this?
It's just a candy wrapper, Sammy shrugged.
I know what it is dummy. what I meant was something is written inside of it, Daisy smirked. She picked it up then read the message out loud: IF YOU WANT TO KNOW WHO LEFT YOU THE BOX MEET ME AT FOX’S CAVE TOMORROW AFTER SCHOOL.
Oh wow! It looks like we got ourselves a little mystery to solve! Cookie laughed.
What do you mean, we? Daisy’s the one who received the box.
Oh come on Vicky, Sammy’s the one who usually chickens out. don’t tell me that you believe all those dumb stories about Fox’s cave? Cookie asked.
Hey! Sammy cried out.
Cookie’s right, not only can we find out who left me that dumb box, but this can be our chance to prove to everyone that the legend of
that place is nothing more then a made up story. so what do you say, you in? Daisy added.
Vicky could tell by the way that Daisy was staring at her that she didn’t want to go there either. And she definitely didn’t want to go there alone. So after thinking about it for a few more minutes she smiled, then said, I’m in.
The next day they all met in front of Cookie’s house. So are we ready to go? Cookie asked.
Yeah, hey Sammy what’s inside the bag? Daisy asked.
Umm, let’s see, I’ve got some snacks, a couple of flashlights and some
other stuff that I thought we might need, he shrugged.
Gee Sammy, we’re only going to go there for a few hours, not the whole
night! She laughed.
Okay here’s the plan. me and Sammy will check out the left side of
the cave. And you girls check out the right and we’ll meet back here
in hour. But if you guys see anything just yell, Tommy explained, as he
handed each a flashlight.
Okay where do you guys want to start? Cookie asked. But the other
girls didn’t answer her. Umm, hello, what’s the matter?
Vicky shined her flashlight on the object so Cookie could see it better.
Standing in front of them was a strange looking monster that seemed to be growling at them. For a few seconds none of them could move nor speak until Vicky finally let out a loud scream and took off running, followed by Cookie and Daisy. And they didn’t stop running until they got back to
Cookie’s house.
Ten minutes later the boys showed up.
Hey what happened to you guys? Why did you just take off like that without telling us? Tommy asked frowning.
The, the, Vicky began.
The what?
The rumors are true!
Okay will someone please tell us why she’s freaking out?
Cookie quickly told them what they had seen inside the cave.
Oh wow! Sammy cried out, then popped his head inside his shell.
Well at least we solved one mystery, but I still don’t know who sent me that dumb box or why, Daisy sighed. oh Sammy, before I forget, here’s your flashlight back.
Thanks, just put it in the bag.
Daisy placed the flashlight inside the bag. she was about to zip it back
up when something caught her eye. it was drawings of the monster that looked a lot like the one they just saw inside the cave.
The next day at lunch Daisy told the girls about the drawings.
So you think they planned this whole thing? Vicky asked.
Yah, Tommy was the mastermind and talked Sammy into playing along, Daisy frowned.
I thought it was kind of weird the way Tommy acted when we told him what we saw. He had this look on his face like he was trying not to laugh or something, Cookie added.
I can’t believe those little jerks would do this! And think that they can
get away with it, Vicky cried out.
Now ladies, let’s not get our furs all uptight. I say we turn the tables
and pay them back, Daisy answered.
And how are we going to do that? Vicky asked.
Daisy leaned in closer to them and whispered her plan.
And you think this will work? Cookie asked.
I certainly hope so.
What’s wrong with you guys? Tommy asked, noticing that the girls all had sad looks on their faces.
Daisy lost her ring. she thinks she dropped it when we went over to Fox’s cave the other day, Cookie explained.
Oh bummer, what are you going to do? Sammy asked.
I’ve no other choice, I have to go back and look for it. my mom will kill me if I tell her that I lost it, Daisy shrugged. She then slowly got up and started to walk off followed by Cookie and Vicky.
You guys are not planning on going now are you? Sammy asked.
Yah, the sooner the better, but it's okay, you guys don’t have to come if
you don’t want to, Daisy answered.
Hey Sammy, did you take down that cardboard monster from inside the cave wall yesterday? Tommy asked, once the girls left.
Umm, I thought you did, didn’t you?
Oh great, come on, we've got to take it down before the girls get there.
A few minutes later they arrived and went straight to it.
Good, they’re not here. hopefully they changed their minds.
Yah, I have to hand it to you Tommy, we really scared them. Hey did you hear that? Sammy asked.
Hear what?
A piece of small rock suddenly hit the back of Tommy’s head followed by an earth cracking scary scream, causing them to drop everything they were holding and run out.
When they got back to Cookie’s house, Tommy said, Good they’re not back. now remember Sammy, we never left. we’ve been here waiting for them.
A couple minutes later the girls showed up.
Hey did you find it? Tommy asked Daisy.
Oh yah, I suddenly remembered that I wasn’t even wearing it yesterday. But we went over to my house just to double check. it was still in my jewelry box, she smiled.
The next day Tommy and Sammy went to the library.
Hi boys, there’s a box on the table for you, the library aid told them.
For us? Tommy asked. do you know who left it?
Sorry boys, I’ve no clue.
They slowly made their way to the table. on it was a heart shaped box
Copyrights belong to Cookie Torre 2006
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