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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Teens
- Theme: Love stories / Romance
- Subject: Coming of Age / Initiation
- Published: 03/02/2012
I stare at the red blood spots on my undies. "No, No, No this can’t be happening, not now," I thought to myself, imminently remembering the conversation mum and I had when I was eight years old about the birds and the bees and what comes naturally. I was only twelve, I didn’t even have pubic hair, this can’t be happening, not now!
I pulled my pants up and ran into my mum's room screaming "Mum". my face was as white as a ghost. "I think I've got my period" I managed to spit out. She grabbed my hand and pulled me back into the bath room and hands me a square piece of plastic. "put it on" she said automatically assuming that I know how to put one of those things on. I don’t even know what it’s called.
I carefully read the instructions and stuck it to my undies. it says made for comfort. I don’t know what they were thinking when they made these but they are not comfortable. walking out of the bathroom I felt as though I was a baby wearing a nappy. URGH, the bad thing was I had my first date tomorrow. I dialed Jason's number into the home phone. I possibly can’t go now, he will understand surely.
"Jason, I can’t go out with you tomorrow" I said into the phone.
"Oh, some other time then" Jason sai,d clearly upset.
"Sure, Bye Jason."
I slumped down on the couch and sighed. "Great, my life is ruined" I said out loud. next thing you know I'll have pimples and giant strands of hair coming from under my arms, I better not say that, I might Jinx myself.
I struggled to sleep that night tossing and turning, unable to get comfortable. I eventually fell asleep. When I awoke I was excited about my date with Jason only to realise that I no longer had a date with Jason. I quickly showered and dressed into my blue and white uniform. I was in such a rush I almost forgot to change my 'thingy'.
I left the house and headed for Anna's. we always walked to school together and I had so much to tell her I was walking so fast that I wasn't paying much attention to what I was doing. I ran into Jason and I mean I literally ran into Jason.
"Crap!" I said, not realising that I'd said it out loud.
"Great to see you too Clair" Jason replied, giving me a hug.
"Hi Jason" I sighed.
"Going to Anna's?"
I nodded and started for Anna's, Jason walking beside me. Now I can’t tell Anna but I always love running into Jason, but not literally. we laughed and giggled all the way to Anna's and to school. I didn’t have a chance to tell Anna my big news then but I will in class.
"Anna I need to talk to you" I said leaning across Tammy.
"Write it" she replied.
I wrote my big news on a piece of paper that I ripped out of my book, Anna Gasped as she started to read. she screwed the paper up and chucked it into her tidy tray.
"Tammy Can you sit here for a sec?" Anna asked switching seats with Tammy who obviously didn’t want to move but agreed anyways. "Why won’t you go out with Jason this after-noon?" Anna whispered.
"I can’t I told you why" I replied angry that she even had to ask why.
"Come on Clair, you have been waiting for Jason to ask you out for ages. just do it don’t let anything stop you."
"Fine but you have to come find him with me at lunch."
"Anna move!" Mr James yelled.
I was scared that Jason might reject me and say that he is going out with someone else. I miss the days when Boys had cooties. When lunch finally came it felt like years. I was so nervous waiting outside of the class room waiting for Anna to finish getting scolded by Mr James. "You can do this Clair" I thought over and over.
"Hey you" a voice said coming from behind me making me jump. turning around I realised that it was James. thank god it wasn’t Jason, I would have had a heart attack.
"Jason's looking for you" James said, not sounding too happy about it. I didn’t know what James had against Jason. it was as if Jason had done something to him or said something, but I doubt it, he is so sweet and kind. James and Jason better sort this out soon because I can’t lose James. I’ve known James since we were five. he has been my best friend ever since.
Anna came out of the class room giggling. “let’s go find Jason” she said still giggling. Anna was the type of person that would laugh at anything even if it wasn’t funny.
After checking the ovals the basketball courts the canteen and the library we couldn’t find Jason. by the time the bell rang we found Jason sitting with Blake and Jayden. Jayden was Jason’s twin sister. they weren’t identical but they sure did look alike. they had the same green eyes, black hair, their facial features were the same, but their personalities were completely different. you wouldn’t even think they were related.
“Jason!” I yelled
“Hey, I’ve been looking for you,” he said squeezing me tight.
“Anyhow, I can go out this afternoon if you still want to,” I replied, suddenly getting butterfly’s from the pit of my stomach. his smile widened making me blush.
“Of course I do. meet me at your bag after school.”
“Great, we better get to class.”
I pretty much skipped to class, I was that happy. of course we were late. “I hope it was worth it” Mr James said. It was worth every minute, even though I told him it wasn’t worth missing his class – sucking up helps with the detention thing.
The rest of school went so quickly I didn’t realise how nervous I was. it didn’t hit me until ten minutes before the bell when I could hear my heart beating when I leaned against my ear, Boom Boom, Boom, Boom faster and faster. my leg started to shake while I was impatiently watching the clock tick. the only thing that mattered is that tonight I am going on a date with Jason. tonight, and it will be amazing.
When the bell finally went I leapt out of my chair and ran to my bag, only having to wait for Jason to get out of class. my leg started to shake again, only because I was nervous. I had never been on a date before, this was the first.
“Good luck Hunni” Anna said hugging me.
Once every one had left I sat on the bag rack waiting for Jason to come. he sure was taking his sweet time. “Don’t worry Clair he is coming” I kept telling myself, and I was right. holding a rose in his hand, my favourite flower, we hugged for ages, then left so I could change. he had brought a change of clothes with him. he knew we would end up going out in the end.
“You know I was going to convince you to come out with me and if you said no I was going to come to your house and tell your mum that it was an emergency and you had to come with me ASAP”
Walking to my house we played truth or dare. it was more like truth though, I found so much about him in just ten minutes of playing truth.
He was born in London but came to Australia when he was six months old, and his parents wanted to travel to Australia when he was five so he lived with his Aunty in Queensland until he was seven. when he was ten they finally settled down and moved to Warilla.
I changed as quick as I could. I changed my ‘thingy’ which I now know is called a pad. when Jason had dressed we left. I didn’t know where we were going, he never told me.
Before getting food we walked on the beach collecting shells and playing in the surf splashing each other. There weren’t very many restaurants’ in Warilla that we could actually go to without an adult so we had McDonalds.
Jason and I spent most of the time laughing and being stupid not caring who seen us. Jason walked me home and even held my hand. before we arrived at my house he stopped and gave me a bear like hug then leaned back. I copied leaving my hands on his shoulders. We kissed. My first kiss - amazing.
Just Because(Chloe)
I stare at the red blood spots on my undies. "No, No, No this can’t be happening, not now," I thought to myself, imminently remembering the conversation mum and I had when I was eight years old about the birds and the bees and what comes naturally. I was only twelve, I didn’t even have pubic hair, this can’t be happening, not now!
I pulled my pants up and ran into my mum's room screaming "Mum". my face was as white as a ghost. "I think I've got my period" I managed to spit out. She grabbed my hand and pulled me back into the bath room and hands me a square piece of plastic. "put it on" she said automatically assuming that I know how to put one of those things on. I don’t even know what it’s called.
I carefully read the instructions and stuck it to my undies. it says made for comfort. I don’t know what they were thinking when they made these but they are not comfortable. walking out of the bathroom I felt as though I was a baby wearing a nappy. URGH, the bad thing was I had my first date tomorrow. I dialed Jason's number into the home phone. I possibly can’t go now, he will understand surely.
"Jason, I can’t go out with you tomorrow" I said into the phone.
"Oh, some other time then" Jason sai,d clearly upset.
"Sure, Bye Jason."
I slumped down on the couch and sighed. "Great, my life is ruined" I said out loud. next thing you know I'll have pimples and giant strands of hair coming from under my arms, I better not say that, I might Jinx myself.
I struggled to sleep that night tossing and turning, unable to get comfortable. I eventually fell asleep. When I awoke I was excited about my date with Jason only to realise that I no longer had a date with Jason. I quickly showered and dressed into my blue and white uniform. I was in such a rush I almost forgot to change my 'thingy'.
I left the house and headed for Anna's. we always walked to school together and I had so much to tell her I was walking so fast that I wasn't paying much attention to what I was doing. I ran into Jason and I mean I literally ran into Jason.
"Crap!" I said, not realising that I'd said it out loud.
"Great to see you too Clair" Jason replied, giving me a hug.
"Hi Jason" I sighed.
"Going to Anna's?"
I nodded and started for Anna's, Jason walking beside me. Now I can’t tell Anna but I always love running into Jason, but not literally. we laughed and giggled all the way to Anna's and to school. I didn’t have a chance to tell Anna my big news then but I will in class.
"Anna I need to talk to you" I said leaning across Tammy.
"Write it" she replied.
I wrote my big news on a piece of paper that I ripped out of my book, Anna Gasped as she started to read. she screwed the paper up and chucked it into her tidy tray.
"Tammy Can you sit here for a sec?" Anna asked switching seats with Tammy who obviously didn’t want to move but agreed anyways. "Why won’t you go out with Jason this after-noon?" Anna whispered.
"I can’t I told you why" I replied angry that she even had to ask why.
"Come on Clair, you have been waiting for Jason to ask you out for ages. just do it don’t let anything stop you."
"Fine but you have to come find him with me at lunch."
"Anna move!" Mr James yelled.
I was scared that Jason might reject me and say that he is going out with someone else. I miss the days when Boys had cooties. When lunch finally came it felt like years. I was so nervous waiting outside of the class room waiting for Anna to finish getting scolded by Mr James. "You can do this Clair" I thought over and over.
"Hey you" a voice said coming from behind me making me jump. turning around I realised that it was James. thank god it wasn’t Jason, I would have had a heart attack.
"Jason's looking for you" James said, not sounding too happy about it. I didn’t know what James had against Jason. it was as if Jason had done something to him or said something, but I doubt it, he is so sweet and kind. James and Jason better sort this out soon because I can’t lose James. I’ve known James since we were five. he has been my best friend ever since.
Anna came out of the class room giggling. “let’s go find Jason” she said still giggling. Anna was the type of person that would laugh at anything even if it wasn’t funny.
After checking the ovals the basketball courts the canteen and the library we couldn’t find Jason. by the time the bell rang we found Jason sitting with Blake and Jayden. Jayden was Jason’s twin sister. they weren’t identical but they sure did look alike. they had the same green eyes, black hair, their facial features were the same, but their personalities were completely different. you wouldn’t even think they were related.
“Jason!” I yelled
“Hey, I’ve been looking for you,” he said squeezing me tight.
“Anyhow, I can go out this afternoon if you still want to,” I replied, suddenly getting butterfly’s from the pit of my stomach. his smile widened making me blush.
“Of course I do. meet me at your bag after school.”
“Great, we better get to class.”
I pretty much skipped to class, I was that happy. of course we were late. “I hope it was worth it” Mr James said. It was worth every minute, even though I told him it wasn’t worth missing his class – sucking up helps with the detention thing.
The rest of school went so quickly I didn’t realise how nervous I was. it didn’t hit me until ten minutes before the bell when I could hear my heart beating when I leaned against my ear, Boom Boom, Boom, Boom faster and faster. my leg started to shake while I was impatiently watching the clock tick. the only thing that mattered is that tonight I am going on a date with Jason. tonight, and it will be amazing.
When the bell finally went I leapt out of my chair and ran to my bag, only having to wait for Jason to get out of class. my leg started to shake again, only because I was nervous. I had never been on a date before, this was the first.
“Good luck Hunni” Anna said hugging me.
Once every one had left I sat on the bag rack waiting for Jason to come. he sure was taking his sweet time. “Don’t worry Clair he is coming” I kept telling myself, and I was right. holding a rose in his hand, my favourite flower, we hugged for ages, then left so I could change. he had brought a change of clothes with him. he knew we would end up going out in the end.
“You know I was going to convince you to come out with me and if you said no I was going to come to your house and tell your mum that it was an emergency and you had to come with me ASAP”
Walking to my house we played truth or dare. it was more like truth though, I found so much about him in just ten minutes of playing truth.
He was born in London but came to Australia when he was six months old, and his parents wanted to travel to Australia when he was five so he lived with his Aunty in Queensland until he was seven. when he was ten they finally settled down and moved to Warilla.
I changed as quick as I could. I changed my ‘thingy’ which I now know is called a pad. when Jason had dressed we left. I didn’t know where we were going, he never told me.
Before getting food we walked on the beach collecting shells and playing in the surf splashing each other. There weren’t very many restaurants’ in Warilla that we could actually go to without an adult so we had McDonalds.
Jason and I spent most of the time laughing and being stupid not caring who seen us. Jason walked me home and even held my hand. before we arrived at my house he stopped and gave me a bear like hug then leaned back. I copied leaving my hands on his shoulders. We kissed. My first kiss - amazing.
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