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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Kids
- Theme: Fairy Tales & Fantasy
- Subject: Character Based
- Published: 05/05/2012
Born 1969, F, from Miami, United StatesTHE HAUNTED BASEMENT
It all began when Sammy the turtle aunt’s car pulled up into a dusty drive way. Right next to a sign that in bold letters read: WELCOME TO THE HAVENS INN. But someone had added the word mare after the word inn in spray paint so now the sign read like this: WELCOME TO THE HAVENS INNMARE.
Oh wow! Some one really needs to work on their spelling jokes. What a waste of paint, Daisy the penguin smirked after reading the sign.
And brains! Wow I bet this place was beautiful before they let it go, Vicky the dragonfly added once we all got out of the car.
Yah this place is a dump! Tommy the tiger cub frowned. I can’t believe that your aunt actually brought this place Sammy.
Well she said that with a good rub down it’ll look better than it did before! Sammy laughed.
Oh yah right and I ---
Okay kids, Sammy’s aunt cut Tommy off. I put all of your bags inside, now I want you kids to be very careful walking around the house. Some of the floor boards are lose so try to watch where you’re walking.
We will Aunt Jan, Sammy answered her.
Okay now before I go---
Go? Where are you going? Sammy interrupted.
I won’t be gone long Sammy, just a few hours. I need to go into town and see Mr. Cash about signing some boring paperwork about the house. Now why don’t you kids go inside, pick out your rooms and get settled in. and when I come back we’ll go out and grab some ice cream sodas, okay?
Okay Aunt Jan, we’ll see you later.
Great. and kids remember to ----
We know, we know, watch where we are walking! They all laughed.
Hey, what’s wrong with the TV? all I get is just a bunch of static, Tommy frowned.
Well pounding on it isn’t going to help. I don’t think that my aunt connected the cable to it yet, Sammy answered him.
Oh great! So what are we supposed to do until she gets back? Tommy asked.
Tommy will you please stop complaining. that’s all you’ve done since we got here, Daisy scowled him.
I can’t help it, I get cranky when I’m bored, Tommy shrugged.
Hey, I’ve an idea. why don’t we explore the house? I suggested.
Umm, I don’t know Cookie, I’m sure that my aunt wouldn’t want us to be wandering around without her being here. You heard what she said about some of the floor boards being loose, Sammy answered.
Sammy we’ll be careful. it’ll just give us something to do until she gets back, I smiled.
My brother told me that the reason your aunt is getting such a cheap price for this house is cause a family was murdered in one of the rooms upstairs, Tommy was telling them as they went downstairs towards the basement.
And you believe that stupid story? Daisy frowned.
Hey! Look what I found, I think it’s one of those old board games, Sammy said. He then blew off the dust from on top of the box and held it up so the rest of the group could see it.
Oh cool! I bet if we sold it we’d get lots of money for it. Even if it does smell like old moth balls, Tommy answered, taking the box away from Sammy.
Are you talking about the box or yourself? Daisy laughed.
Oh ha-ha very funny.
Vicky jumped out from behind one of the boxes and yelled, Whoa! Check it out! Hey where did you guys come from?
Oh very funny Vicky. You almost scared the fur off of me. where did you get that spooked looking mask from? Daisy frowned.
Okay, where did they disappear to? Vicky asked once she took off the old ox tail mask that she was wearing.
Where did who go? I asked.
You mean you guys didn’t just see a bunch of strange looking kids dressed in funny clothing? Playing with the old board game that Sammy found? she asked.
Umm, Vicky, did you bump your head or something? What kids? There’s nobody in here expect for us? I frowned.
Here just put this on, Vicky answered as she handed the mask over to me.
I slowly put it on and gasped. Suddenly the basement looked older and creepier and where Vicky was standing a group of kids just as she described were playing with the game. I yanked off the mask and handed it back to her.
Well did you see them? She asked.
Yah. except I couldn’t get a close look at their faces, they were to blurry, I answered.
Oh please! Do you think that we’re that lame to believe that you two just saw a couple of ghost kids? Tommy frowned.
Well, here, if you don’t believe us why don’t you put it on and see if we’re lying or not? Vicky frowned back.
Oh wow! Sammy, here dude, you gotta check this out! He cried out.
Nah, I’ll pass, thanks. I’ll just take your word for it, Sammy shrugged.
Oh let me see, Daisy said, taking the mask away from Tommy and putting it on, then yelling out loud before yanking it off and running upstairs.
Whoa Daisy! Wait up! What did you see? I cried after her.
A minute later they were all gathered upstairs in the living room.
So are you going to tell us or what? What did you see that freaked you out so badly? Tommy asked.
When I put the mask on I saw the kids. I even tried to touch them but a big ball of light blinded me and when it cleared they were all laying on the floor and I think they were dead, she sobbed.
I don’t think that we should go down there any more, Sammy said.
Wrong Sammy, there has to be a reason that we saw what we did, I answered him.
Like what?
I don’t know, maybe they want us to help them somehow, I added.
How? If they can’t even see or hear us? Tommy asked.
Umm, don’t know? I haven’t figured that part out yet, I shrugged.
That night after we had our ice cream sodas I asked Sammy’s aunt if any kids ever lived there before.
No not that I know of, why Cookie? She asked.
Umm, no reason, we just found a couple of kids toys in the basement and were curious, that’s all, I shrugged.
The next morning we got up early and had a club meeting.
So where did your aunt go so early in the morning? Tommy asked.
She had to go back into town to sign some more papers, Sammy answered him.
I've come up with a way that we could help those kids, I told them.
Come on, last night when everyone went to bed I went to the basement again and tried to reach out to them. But it didn’t work. I started to look around and found a box full of old fashioned clothes. So I was thinking, what if we put them on? maybe it’ll get their attention if they thought we were in their same time period.
Are you kidding!? I’m not going to put on any smelly old cloths, Sammy cried out.
Oh don’t be such a wimp Sammy. what do we have to lose? Tommy told him.
Do you really want me to answer that question? Sammy frowned.
A couple minutes later they were in the basement.
I still don’t think this is such a good idea.
Stop whining Sammy, and just put on the cloths, Tommy sighed.
Okay who’s going to put on the mask? I asked. None of them moved.
Oh this is stupid. here, I’ll do it, Vicky said. okay I see them.
Hey don’t be scared we’re not going to...
A voice yelling and a couple of strong hands dragging us upstairs pulled us out of our trance.
Are you kids alright? What in the world were you kids doing down there!? Sammy’s aunt cried out.
We were just playing Aunt Jan. we’re sorry, we didn’t mean to do anything wrong, Sammy sobbed.
Why would you want to play down in the basement of all places? Didn’t you kids smell all the gas that’s coming out of there? If Mr. Cash and I didn’t come down here to see where it was coming from... Oh never mind I’m just glad that you kids are safe. come on, let’s go to the kitchen and I’ll make you kids one of my mouth watering deserts.
And as I watched my confused friends follow Sammy’s aunt to the kitchen, it hit me why we couldn’t see their faces or touch the ghostly kids. It's cause instead of looking at a couple of ghosts we were looking at ourselves. Somehow the mask was showing us the future and what it’d be like if we had stayed inside the basement.
Copyrights © belong to Jo 2006
It all began when Sammy the turtle aunt’s car pulled up into a dusty drive way. Right next to a sign that in bold letters read: WELCOME TO THE HAVENS INN. But someone had added the word mare after the word inn in spray paint so now the sign read like this: WELCOME TO THE HAVENS INNMARE.
Oh wow! Some one really needs to work on their spelling jokes. What a waste of paint, Daisy the penguin smirked after reading the sign.
And brains! Wow I bet this place was beautiful before they let it go, Vicky the dragonfly added once we all got out of the car.
Yah this place is a dump! Tommy the tiger cub frowned. I can’t believe that your aunt actually brought this place Sammy.
Well she said that with a good rub down it’ll look better than it did before! Sammy laughed.
Oh yah right and I ---
Okay kids, Sammy’s aunt cut Tommy off. I put all of your bags inside, now I want you kids to be very careful walking around the house. Some of the floor boards are lose so try to watch where you’re walking.
We will Aunt Jan, Sammy answered her.
Okay now before I go---
Go? Where are you going? Sammy interrupted.
I won’t be gone long Sammy, just a few hours. I need to go into town and see Mr. Cash about signing some boring paperwork about the house. Now why don’t you kids go inside, pick out your rooms and get settled in. and when I come back we’ll go out and grab some ice cream sodas, okay?
Okay Aunt Jan, we’ll see you later.
Great. and kids remember to ----
We know, we know, watch where we are walking! They all laughed.
Hey, what’s wrong with the TV? all I get is just a bunch of static, Tommy frowned.
Well pounding on it isn’t going to help. I don’t think that my aunt connected the cable to it yet, Sammy answered him.
Oh great! So what are we supposed to do until she gets back? Tommy asked.
Tommy will you please stop complaining. that’s all you’ve done since we got here, Daisy scowled him.
I can’t help it, I get cranky when I’m bored, Tommy shrugged.
Hey, I’ve an idea. why don’t we explore the house? I suggested.
Umm, I don’t know Cookie, I’m sure that my aunt wouldn’t want us to be wandering around without her being here. You heard what she said about some of the floor boards being loose, Sammy answered.
Sammy we’ll be careful. it’ll just give us something to do until she gets back, I smiled.
My brother told me that the reason your aunt is getting such a cheap price for this house is cause a family was murdered in one of the rooms upstairs, Tommy was telling them as they went downstairs towards the basement.
And you believe that stupid story? Daisy frowned.
Hey! Look what I found, I think it’s one of those old board games, Sammy said. He then blew off the dust from on top of the box and held it up so the rest of the group could see it.
Oh cool! I bet if we sold it we’d get lots of money for it. Even if it does smell like old moth balls, Tommy answered, taking the box away from Sammy.
Are you talking about the box or yourself? Daisy laughed.
Oh ha-ha very funny.
Vicky jumped out from behind one of the boxes and yelled, Whoa! Check it out! Hey where did you guys come from?
Oh very funny Vicky. You almost scared the fur off of me. where did you get that spooked looking mask from? Daisy frowned.
Okay, where did they disappear to? Vicky asked once she took off the old ox tail mask that she was wearing.
Where did who go? I asked.
You mean you guys didn’t just see a bunch of strange looking kids dressed in funny clothing? Playing with the old board game that Sammy found? she asked.
Umm, Vicky, did you bump your head or something? What kids? There’s nobody in here expect for us? I frowned.
Here just put this on, Vicky answered as she handed the mask over to me.
I slowly put it on and gasped. Suddenly the basement looked older and creepier and where Vicky was standing a group of kids just as she described were playing with the game. I yanked off the mask and handed it back to her.
Well did you see them? She asked.
Yah. except I couldn’t get a close look at their faces, they were to blurry, I answered.
Oh please! Do you think that we’re that lame to believe that you two just saw a couple of ghost kids? Tommy frowned.
Well, here, if you don’t believe us why don’t you put it on and see if we’re lying or not? Vicky frowned back.
Oh wow! Sammy, here dude, you gotta check this out! He cried out.
Nah, I’ll pass, thanks. I’ll just take your word for it, Sammy shrugged.
Oh let me see, Daisy said, taking the mask away from Tommy and putting it on, then yelling out loud before yanking it off and running upstairs.
Whoa Daisy! Wait up! What did you see? I cried after her.
A minute later they were all gathered upstairs in the living room.
So are you going to tell us or what? What did you see that freaked you out so badly? Tommy asked.
When I put the mask on I saw the kids. I even tried to touch them but a big ball of light blinded me and when it cleared they were all laying on the floor and I think they were dead, she sobbed.
I don’t think that we should go down there any more, Sammy said.
Wrong Sammy, there has to be a reason that we saw what we did, I answered him.
Like what?
I don’t know, maybe they want us to help them somehow, I added.
How? If they can’t even see or hear us? Tommy asked.
Umm, don’t know? I haven’t figured that part out yet, I shrugged.
That night after we had our ice cream sodas I asked Sammy’s aunt if any kids ever lived there before.
No not that I know of, why Cookie? She asked.
Umm, no reason, we just found a couple of kids toys in the basement and were curious, that’s all, I shrugged.
The next morning we got up early and had a club meeting.
So where did your aunt go so early in the morning? Tommy asked.
She had to go back into town to sign some more papers, Sammy answered him.
I've come up with a way that we could help those kids, I told them.
Come on, last night when everyone went to bed I went to the basement again and tried to reach out to them. But it didn’t work. I started to look around and found a box full of old fashioned clothes. So I was thinking, what if we put them on? maybe it’ll get their attention if they thought we were in their same time period.
Are you kidding!? I’m not going to put on any smelly old cloths, Sammy cried out.
Oh don’t be such a wimp Sammy. what do we have to lose? Tommy told him.
Do you really want me to answer that question? Sammy frowned.
A couple minutes later they were in the basement.
I still don’t think this is such a good idea.
Stop whining Sammy, and just put on the cloths, Tommy sighed.
Okay who’s going to put on the mask? I asked. None of them moved.
Oh this is stupid. here, I’ll do it, Vicky said. okay I see them.
Hey don’t be scared we’re not going to...
A voice yelling and a couple of strong hands dragging us upstairs pulled us out of our trance.
Are you kids alright? What in the world were you kids doing down there!? Sammy’s aunt cried out.
We were just playing Aunt Jan. we’re sorry, we didn’t mean to do anything wrong, Sammy sobbed.
Why would you want to play down in the basement of all places? Didn’t you kids smell all the gas that’s coming out of there? If Mr. Cash and I didn’t come down here to see where it was coming from... Oh never mind I’m just glad that you kids are safe. come on, let’s go to the kitchen and I’ll make you kids one of my mouth watering deserts.
And as I watched my confused friends follow Sammy’s aunt to the kitchen, it hit me why we couldn’t see their faces or touch the ghostly kids. It's cause instead of looking at a couple of ghosts we were looking at ourselves. Somehow the mask was showing us the future and what it’d be like if we had stayed inside the basement.
Copyrights © belong to Jo 2006
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