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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Teens
- Theme: Action & Adventure
- Subject: Courage / Heroism
- Published: 05/10/2012
Into the Moonlight (Part One)
F, from Idaho, United States.jpg)
I ran around the corner. I thrust my back up against the wall and peered back around the corner. They weren’t following me. I sighed and started to walk away when a pair of hands grabbed the back of my shirt and yanked me back.
“You can’t get away from us that easily,” a hot, snarling voice said in my ear. Fange threw me up against the wall. For some reason, Fange and his gang never went by their first names. They either made them up or they were their last names. Fange’s name was his last name.
“Really, Tara, you think that you can get away from us that easily,” Lightning, Fange’s right hand man, said.
“No, I usually don’t get away from you that fast,” I said, letting sarcasm drip into my voice, “Usually I can get away from you faster.”
Nightshade, Fange’s third in command, snarled and hit me across my face. I yelped and fell to the ground. The boys bent down next to me.
“That’ll teach you not to mess with us,” Fange said. I looked up and saw the silvery glint of the scars on their throats.
“What exactly did I do,” I asked.
“You didn’t do anything; you just got in the way of something.” They kept walking towards me. I backed away, but my back was already against the wall. They came closer and closer. I started to sink towards the ground. My knees hit the ground; they were coming closer and closer. I closed my eyes.
“Enough!” A voice had come out of nowhere. I could hear the footfall when Fange and his gang ran away. Somebody else knelt by me.
“Are you alright?” The voice had an accent to it that I couldn’t place. I opened my eyes. A blond boy was sitting down next to me, crouched on his knees. He had golden eyes, like a lion’s. He looked about seventeen. I nodded. He helped me stand up.
“Do you know those guys,” I asked in my Australian accent. He nodded.
“We were… friends once, but now we hate each other.” He looked deep in thought. His head suddenly shot up.
“I have to go,” he muttered, and took off.
“Wait, I didn’t get to hear your name,” I called after him. He stopped and slowly turned around.
“Jace. Jace Moonly.”
My adoptive parents were at work. They were my adoptive parents because my real mother and father left me at the doorstep of a foster home. I was only a baby. All they told me was that I was born in Sydney, Australia. They also told me that I was in a blue blanket will a note that said “Take care of her. Her name’s Tara” Werlac was my adoptive name.
I walked in through the door. I closed it very quietly and went upstairs to my room. Jace was still going through my mind. It was weird having a boy save me. Usually, I’m able to get away from Fange’s group before anybody has to save me. I hopped onto my bed and lay down. I put my hands behind my head and fell into an uneasy sleep.
I was running through deep dark woods. I could hear the pounding of their paws as they ran after me. I tried to run faster but my legs were glued down. I looked down and saw I was in some kind of gooey substance. The paw steps came closer and closer until they stopped right in front of me. I looked up and saw four huge wolves standing in front of me. One had black fur that was thick and straight. I saw in horror as it stood up and turned into Nightshade. Another had light brown hair that was thin. It stood up and turned into Lightning. The third one had gray, curly hair. It stood up and turned into Fange. He bared his teeth at me and the three started to creep closer.
“You won’t get away from us this time,” Fange said. I tried to scream, but my mouth was glued shut.
“Enough.” A quiet, dreamy voice had entered my dream. I looked at the fourth wolf. It had light blond hair and eyes like a lion’s. It stood up and turned into Jace.
“You know the truth about us,” he started, “and that’s why we must kill you.” I was finally able to get a scream out. Suddenly, Jace was standing behind me, his lips to my ear.
“Wake up, Tara,” he said, “Wake up.”
I woke up, my mouth open in a silent scream. My father was sitting next to my bed.
“I heard you scream and came in here,” he said, “Are you alright?” I nodded. That dream felt so…real. It felt as if we were in the woods and it was actually happening.
“What time is it,” I asked groggily. Dad looked at his watch.
“Eight thirty. Wow! Your mom and I have to get going.”
“We have boatloads of meetings and one starts at nine!” He hopped from my bed and ran to the door.
“Oh, I almost forgot. Now that you’re sixteen, you’re going to be home alone.” Then, he ran out. That was perfect being home alone. Then, I could go looking for Jace.
At eight forty-five, I heard the car zoom out of the driveway. That’s when I started getting dressed. I stuck on a white t-shirt- it was hot during the summer, especially in Nevada- and slip on some old, wore out jeans. Then, I braided my hair and stuck it up in an old baseball cap. I went down stairs, grabbed a jacket, and headed out. I started in down town Las Vegas, where Fange and his gang usually hang out. It was at an old, wore down hotel. I grabbed a cab.
“Where to,” the cab driver asked.
“The old New York, New York.”
“That costs one hundred dollars.” I swore under my breath as a fumbled around in my jacket pocket for my wallet. I grabbed ten tens and thrust them up into the front seat. The cab driver squinted at me; then took off.
It took us thirty minutes to get there. I thanked him and then hopped out. He took off like a bullet as soon as I stepped out. I looked at the old hotel and gulped. I started to walk inside.
All the lights were broken inside. Faintly, in the distance, I heard laughter. I grabbed a knife that was sticking out of the wall and started to follow the laughter. It led me to an old poker room. I stood at the edge of the door way and peered around. It was Fange, Nightshade, Lightning, and a pack other people.
And Jace. He was in their group, too, laughing away.
“It was truly great acting; I wish you guys would have been there,” Nightshade said. Lightning and Fange nodded. Suddenly, a person stood up.
“Do you smell that?” Fange looked at him.
“I don’t smell anything, Marn.” Suddenly, Lightning perked up.
“It smells like a brat,” Lightning half sang. Suddenly, he was behind me, picking me up by my collar. I tried to get out of his grasp, but his six eight to my five four, I was no match. He dragged me out for the others to see.
“We had a spy in our midst,” Fange said, “and do you know what we do with spies?” He came over to me and punched me in the face. Lightning dropped me and I slumped to the group. Then, Marn threw me up against the wall.
“Oh we’ve heard a lot about you,” he said, “how you keep on bothering our friends.”
“And now it’s time to teach you a lesson,” a girl said. They all started to creep towards me. Then, the girl swung a punch at me. I dodged it. She hissed and swung again. I dodged that one too. A boy—all of these people looked about seventeen or eighteen—grabbed my arms and hoisted me up into the air. I struggled to get out of his grasp. Now all of the people were starting to beat me up. I felt someone grab my arm and break it. I howled in pain. I tried to move out of the way, but the boy’s arms kept me still.
Finally, I kicked behind me; hitting the boy holding me. He dropped me, screaming in rage. The others startled by the noise looked up. That gave me enough time to grab the knife at my belt. It had turned into a sword now. I gasped at its transformation. The pack looked at the knife/ sword and growled. I have never held or fought with a sword before. The pack charged at me again, but this time I was ready. I swung the sword out and a few of the pack got hit by the sharp end. I felt someone grab my arm and pull me out into the hall way. I tried to jerk my hand away, but the person held on.
“Stop, you idiot, it’s me!” Jace.
“Let go! You think I can trust you after what you said,” I almost started to cry. “You helped me. You should’ve left me for the dead yesterday. And now, just because you saved my life, those words don’t matter anymore. You’re still friends with Fange and his little group. I’m getting out of here on my own!” I cut his hand with the knife and started to run towards the front door. I burst through it and started to run down the street.
When I got to the main city, I found an alley and sat down in it. I started to cry, not from sadness, not from anger, but from fear.
“Are you alright,” a voice asked. I looked up and saw a boy with dark, black hair standing over me. He had a small tan and was muscular. I nodded. He slid down next to me.
“Are you upset or frightened?”
“Frightened. I just ran out of the old New York New York.” The boy whistled.
“That is one of the scariest places. Every time I go past it, I hear laughter and howling.” I shuddered at the thought. He looked over at me.
“What’s your name,” he asked.
“I’m Sebastian.” He held out his hand. I shook it.
“Tara. Tara!” I heard a voice call. I knew that voice.
“Is that your brother, Tara?” I shook my head.
“That’s the person I’m trying to get away from.” Sebastian stood up.
“You can come with me, if you’d like.” He held out his hand. I hesitated. Finally I grabbed it and he helped me up.
“Follow me,” he said. I could hear Jace’s footsteps coming closer and closer. I started to follow Sebastian, but it was too late. Jace looked down the alley and saw me.
“Tara!” Then, he saw Sebastian.
“Sebastian.” He growled a literal growl.
“Back off, Jace,” Sebastian said, “she’s with me now.” Jace looked at me.
“Tara,” he said slowly, “come with me.” I shook my head.
“You lied, and you can never trust a liar.” Sebastian smirked. He pushed me behind him.
“Get around the corner,” he whispered in my ear, “you’ll find a girl and a boy. Their names are Alex and Sama. Tell them that I’m going to be a little late.” I nodded and started to run around the corner.
“Tara,” Jace called. I made it look like I went around the corner, but as soon as I got around it; I put my back up against the wall.
Sebastian laughed. “You’re lucky she doesn’t know the truth about you.”
“You’d think I’d put her in danger? I’m not that stupid, unlike you.” Sebastian growled. I peered around the corner. Sebastian had gotten down on all fours. He burst out of his skin. He had turned into a black wolf. Jace grinned and got down on all fours. He burst out of his skin and turned into a blond wolf. I gasped silently. It was just like the one in my dream! Sebastian the wolf growled and jumped at him. Sebastian knocked him off his feet. Jace growled and they started ripping and tearing at each other. I suddenly knew what they were doing.
“Stop,” I shouted running out in between them. Sebastian saw me and stopped, but Jace bit me, pretty much tearing a chunk out of my leg. I screamed and dropped like a stone. The last thing I saw was Sebastian stand over me in his human form, shouting at Jace.
It took forty-two stitches to stitch up my back leg. I don’t even know what happen to it. I don’t remember anything from the last three days. Mom and Dad took me home after a little while.
“You are lucky that you didn’t die, Tara,” Dad said. “You were supposed to stay in the house yesterday.”
“I told you, Dad,” I said, “I don’t remember anything from the last three days.” Dad sighed and stopped talking.
We got home and my dad carried me up to my room. I sat down on my bed and stared at the window. I’ve been trying hard to remember what happened. All I remember is a boy with black hair standing over me yelling at another boy with blond hair. I lay down on the bed and went to sleep.
I was standing on a ridge over a small valley. I looked down and saw that the valley was smoking. I screamed when I saw my mother and father get burned alive.
Now I was at a small lake. I was staring down at my reflection, but it wasn’t human. It was a snow white wolf.
“That’s what you are no,” a voice said from behind me. I turned around and saw that boy with black hair. “You are now one of us.” I gasped. I looked back down at the reflection. It was normal again. All I saw was me, Tara. I looked back up and saw the blond boy standing next to the dark haired one. He looked at me.
“This is for real, Tara,” the blond said, “go to the old New York New York. You’ll find me and I’ll explain everything. I nodded.
I woke up. I had a feeling that I had to go to the old New York New York. I stumbled out of my bed, threw on some clothes, and went to the kitchen. I saw a yellow sticky note on the refrigerator. Gone to the store. Stay IN the house until we get back, Tara. Don’t move. Love, Mom and Dad. I ignored the note and went out to catch a cab.
“Where to,” the cab driver asked.
“The old New York New York,” I said.
“One hundred dollars please.” I gave him five twenties. He took off.
We got to the New York New York within ten minutes. I hopped out of the car and went inside. I saw blood on the floor. I heard the sound of laughter. I followed the laughter. It led me to an old poker room. I stood by the doorway, but didn’t go inside. I hid before the doorway and peered around the corner. I saw a whole group of people. The blond boy was sitting on a barrel. A person sniffed.
“She’s back,” he said. The pack got up and went to the door. Fange (surprisingly enough I remembered him, Lightning, and Nightshade) looked around.
“She’s gone.” But then, he turned his head to the right. “Hey!” He had seen me. I started running.
“Get her,” Lightning shouted. The whole pack started after me. I tripped over a piece of wood and fell to the ground. I looked behind me and started to crawl on all fours.
Suddenly, a shock went through me. My spine bent like a pipe cleaner. My teeth fell out and rattled to the ground. They were replaced with gigantic canine teeth. My hands turned into paws. My nails became sharp. I started getting white fur all over my body. My eyes grew wide and turned blue. Their normal color was green. My ears became long and furry, turning pink on the inside and went on top of my head. I grew a long, white tail. Finally the shock stopped. Something deep inside me rumbled and I let out a low growl.
I had turned into a wolf. I spun around a looked at the group. They had frightened expressions on their faces.
“It cannot be,” Nightshade whispered.
“She has become a werewolf, just like us.” The blond boy appeared out of nowhere.
“You bit her, Jace,” Fange said, astonished. The boy, Jace, nodded. “Why?”
“She got in the way of a fight between me and Sebastian Velon.”
Was that the dark haired boy? Even I was surprised to hear my voice.
“Yeah, it was,” Jace said, dumbfounded. I looked at him, startled. I whipped around and ran out of there.
“Tara,” Jace called. I didn’t want to see him anymore. I didn’t care where I was going. I just ran.
“Settle down, class,” I shouted. All the talking stopped. The children looked at me attentively. Except Chase. He stared off into the distance.
“Okay, Kali is passing out permission slips for the field trip to the zoo. You have to take this home and get them signed in order to go on the science museum.” The class nodded. I grinned. “Okay you can go home.” I was living up in the mountains in Idaho. I’m now seventeen. I worked at a small school house on the edge of Titheju Village. I was their only teacher, but having a population of only one hundred, out of that hundred only twenty-five were kids. The rest were adults. My house was a ways out from the village, so every day I walked home.
I looked up from the stack of papers that the class had just handed in and saw Justin.
“Do you need something, Justin?” I was teaching ten through eighteen year olds. Nine and under were taught by their parents.
“Yeah, Ms. Werlac. Um… my parents are gone for a few months and I was wondering if you would sign my paper?” He looked at me hopefully. I sighed.
“Okay, but just this once, Mr. Kandt.” He smiled. He handed me his paper and I got my pen and signed it.
“I won’t tell anyone that you helped me.” I grinned.
“No one will see that paper but me.” He returned my grin and walked out of the school house. I watched him walk out. I shuddered at the old memory he made come up. I hid my secret for years and no one will ever find out.
I’m a werewolf. I became one at the age of fifteen. None of my students will nor will their parents. If they knew I was a werewolf, they would drive me off into the wild. I sat back down at my desk and started to grade tests from the eighteen year olds.
I never want to see a stupid wolf again. It will only haunt me. And if I see a blond or black wolf… I shuddered.
“That life is over,” I said to myself, “He will never find me nor will the pack.” I never will speak his name again or else it might drive me back to them. I heard a whimper. I looked up. There wasn’t anything there. My eyes went back to the paper. 4568745/2= 4561.2. No, the correct answer is 2284372.5. I heard the whimper again. I looked out the window. There, standing right next to the window, was a wolf. He was all tan and had a thick coat. His eyes were a rich creamy brown. And he had an arrow through his shoulder. I sighed. As much as I hate to do it, I had to help this wolf. I went outside and looked at him.
“Hi,” I said shyly. The wolf looked at me and started to transform. I stared in horror as it transformed into a teenager about seventeen or eighteen. He had long brown hair and was kind of tall. Like a little bit. He was an inch taller than I was.
“Are you Tara Werlac,” he asked. I pointed out to myself that he still had the arrow in his shoulder.
“Yes,” I said.
“My name is Hunter. Hunter Kettering. I’m here for your help.”
“Is it about the arrow?” He shook his head.
“Is there some place that we can talk privately and you can fix my shoulder,” he asked sheepishly. I nodded.
I led him to my house. We got inside and I made him take of his shirt. I quickly pulled out the arrow and bandaged his shoulder back up. Then, I made him stick his shirt back on.
“So what exactly made you come here,” I asked.
“I came here because I knew you were close to Jace.” I just looked at him.
“Okay, so what does me being close to Jace have anything to do with this?”
“Okay. So you’ve been gone for the last two years,” he started. “So about half way through the second year, we just sitting and hanging out, you know? Suddenly, a portal appeared. A young boy stepped out. He was small, but surprisingly strong. He knocked a few of the pack unconscious. Then, he looked at the rest of us. ‘Where is the boy called Jace Moonly?’ Fange told everyone not to point him out, so I stood as frozen as a statue. Finally, Marn, one of the pack, cracked. ‘He’s over by the barrel!’ I looked at Marn in surprise. The boy went over to Jace, grabbed him, and literally flung him through the portal. Then, he turned back to us.
‘If any of you want to try and find us,” he said, teasingly, ‘you have to go to a place where none have gone before… Stillyir. Just for the record, my name is Austin.’ Fange snarled and tried to hit him, but he had already gone back through the portal. All of us turned to glare at Marn. He shrugged. Then, Fange turned to me.
‘Hunter, you have to find Tara Werlac. She’s the only one who can help you. The last sight of her was up in the Idaho Mountains.’ I nodded, changed into my wolf form and ran for days to get here. When I got close to the village, one of the adults saw me. He’s the one who shot the arrow at me. Now, I need you to help me find a warlock who lives in New York and help save Jace.” I was silent. He looked over at me, as if to make sure I was still there.
“No,” I said quietly. He looked at me in surprise.
“What did you say,” he asked.
“No. Hunter, I’m sorry but I gave up that life years ago and I’m not going back. I didn’t want to be a werewolf. I want to live a normal life. I will not go help find Jace. I don’t want a part of that life again. Now, GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!” Hunter looked at me with a hurt expression on his face and ran out of the house. I watched him and then sat down on the bed.
I will not cry, I thought, I will not! If Jace got himself into this, he can get himself out. I looked out my window to see if Hunter was still there. He wasn’t. Dang. I had forgotten how fast werewolves are. I looked out into the foliage and saw nothing. I grabbed some dinner and headed off to bed. My sleep was plagued with strange dreams.
I was in a concrete room. I looked around the room and saw a man standing in front of someone.
“WHERE IS THE GIRL TARA WERLAC,” the man shouted in rage.
“You’ll have to kill me before I tell you where she is,” a familiar voice said.
“Oh, I will later, nice and slow, but you have to tell me where she is,” the man said.
“I’ll never tell,” the boy said. The man snarled and lifted a red hot poker from a burning fire. He jabbed at the boy and the boy scream. With his head up in the air, I could see who he was. It was Jace. He looked straight at me.
“Get out of here, Tara,” he said, “get away from this horrible place.”I stared at him in horror and started to run. Suddenly, my way was blocked by a dark haired boy. Sebastian.
“You have to save him, Tara,” Sebastian said, “Save him!” Sebastian melted and turned into Hunter.
“I thought you could help me,” Hunter whispered, “but you’re just a liar.” I covered my ears.
“Stop,” I moaned, but he droned on.
“You helped get rid of the arrow but you won’t help a single werewolf. You loved Jace the first time you saw him. I was only turned a few days ago, but I’m not that stupid. I thought you could come with me, but no, you’re too selfish.”
“Stop,” I said, still covering my ears.
“You a stupid, lying, little twit who won’t help her own kind. She’s too ashamed at what she has become. I’m proud of being a werewolf, but that twit is not.”
“STOP,” I screamed, waking up. I looked wildly around. No one was there. I gritted my teeth and tried to go back to sleep, but I couldn’t. I walked into the kitchen, made some tea, and started to get ready for the school day.
I had woken up about five thirty. I went to school at six just to get there early. To my surprise, someone was already there.
“Katlie,” I said. She looked up at me.
“What are you doing here, Katlie? How did you get into the school house?”
“I picked the lock,” she said.
“Ahh and why are you here so early?”
“I had to get some homework done.”
“Your parents are fighting again, aren’t they?” She looked at the ground and nodded. “You can tell me the truth anytime, Katlie, you know that.”
“Yeah, I know, but I’m not exactly comfortable with someone knowing about my parents.” I smiled.
“Trust me; I was the same way when I was fifteen.” Katlie grinned.
“Thanks, Ms. Werlac thanks so much!” She walked out of the school. I watched her walk out and then sat down at my desk.
School got in within two minutes. Justin was the first to walk in. He winked at me and then sat down at his desk. The rest of the students followed. They all started talking right away.
“Settle down, class,” I said. The talking slowly came to a stop.
“Thank you,” I said, “Today we’ll be talking about… about…” I looked out the window a saw a snow white wolf. It was staring back at me. Its blue eyes met mine and we looked at each other.
“Um, Ms. Werlac? What are we going to talk about,” Justin asked.
“Uh, yeah. We’re going to talk about…” The wolf was still staring at me. I started to realize that that wasn’t a real wolf, it was me! I finally realized what I had to do.
“Um, okay class, Justin is going to be teaching for a little while. I have something to do.” I ran outside and ran towards the woods. The class followed me.
“You know, Ms. Werlac, that you can tell us the truth,” Emma, a little blond headed girl, said. I slowly turned around.
“You want to know the truth? I’ll give you the truth.” I got down on my hands and knees. I felt that cold shock run through me again. I started to get white fur all over my body. My fingernails turned to claws. My hands turned to paws. My spine bent like a plastic spoon. My ears became furry and moved to the top of my head. My sight became more defined, so I knew that my eyes had changed. I felt the tail grow out of my behind. Finally the cold shock stopped. The class was staring at me in horror.
This is the truth, Emma, I said. The class was surprised to hear my voice. I’m a werewolf. I was turned when I was sixteen and the boy who turned me was kidnapped. I’m going back to my pack and I have to find him. Justin, I’m leaving you in charge. You mustn’t tell anyone. Justin nodded. I waved my tail in departure and spun around. I took off in a gallop towards Nevada.
Seeing the old New York New York brought back many memories that I didn’t want to remember. I transformed, gulped and started inside. I could see my dried blood from the night I spied on Fange and his group. My memories had started coming back over the years, so I remembered everything from the day I was attacked. I walked down the corridor and found the room where Fange and his gang usually hung out. They were still there.
I don’t know why but I hung outside the door to listen to what they were talking about.
“… she wouldn’t help you,” Fange was saying.
“Yeah, I pretty much begged her to come, but she wouldn’t. She said ‘That life is over.’” Hunter’s voice said. I gritted my teeth and walked around the corner.
“You didn’t beg me.” I grinned at everyone else. “Hi, guys. Did you miss me?” Fange jumped up and started to walk towards me. I held up a hand.
“Don’t even try, Fange. I’m only here for three people. Jace, Sebastian, and Hunter. I know that Jace was captured and I want to help get him back, but on this journey, the pack can come, but I want Sebastian and his gang to come, too.” Lightning gritted his teeth and Nightshade glared at me. Marn just stared at me.
“Fine,” Fange said, “but I am the leader of this pack now that Jace is gone, so I am the leader of this journey.”
“Fine. Now let’s go find Sebastian.”
“No need,” a voice said from behind me. “We heard it all.” Sebastian walked out from around a corner. Behind him were two people that had to be Alex and Sama. I saw Fange smirk out of the corner of my eye. Lightning looked away and Nightshade just kept glaring at me. Sebastian looked at me.
“You looked so much different than when you attacked. I have only one question though. Why are you going after to Jace? I thought you hated him.”
“I did, but it wasn’t really Jace he wanted. It was me. But I have no idea why.” Fange and Sebastian exchanged a glance. “What?”
“Well, see for yourself.” All of the pack, including Sebastian, Sama, and Alex, got down on all fours and transformed into their wolf selves. I looked around at them.
“What am I supposed to see?” I asked to no one in particular.
A black wolf step forward. You’re supposed to see that you are the only white wolf. There are at least two colors of each wolf. He wanted you because you are the only white wolf. Hunter didn’t tell you that before he left he said, ‘Jace is not the one I wanted. I wanted her. She has powers beyond any of your greatest dreams.’ We all knew that he meant you, just because you are a different color.
“But I don’t have any different powers, Sebastian,” I complained, “I just work with children and that all.”
Sebastian the wolf grinned. You do not know your powers yet. You have to figure them out for yourself. I widened my eyes. One of the wolves gave a low growl and all of them started to transform back into their normal selves. I stared at them. It was strange to see some wolves transform back into humans. Sebastian and Fange stood up. They looked over at me. Sebastian smiled. I didn’t know why but he just smiled. Fange hissed at him, but Sebastian took no notice.
“Um… Sebastian,” I asked. “What are you smiling at?” Sebastian looked at me.
“Nothing. I was looked at the person standing behind you.” I turned around slowly. There, standing right behind me, was a black haired boy. His eyes were a rich kind of brown and his skin was a pale white. He smiled at me, showing pure white teeth and small, sharp incisors. Fange growled and pushed me behind him.
“What do you want, Blackheart,” he growled. The boy, Blackheart, looked at him.
“Fange, long time no see. I came here for the girl.”
“Raphael,” Sebastian said, “She is rightfully a werewolf, so the vampires cannot have her.” So that’s what he was. A vampire. I beckoned Hunter over.
“I thought that werewolves and vampires hate each other,” I said. Well, the truth is that I didn’t even know that there were vampires or werewolves. I’m starting to wonder if there’s fairies.
“They don’t. I don’t know why Raphael Blackheart came here.” Fange and Raphael were still growling threats at each other.
“Why do you need her,” Fange asked.
“She’s a disgrace to the Downworlders and she must be killed,” Raphael growled.
“Do the fairies agree with you? Do the warlocks and witches? C’mon, Raphael, you have to have proof that she is a disgrace,” Sebastian said.
“What are Downworlders,” I asked Hunter.
“It’s us,” he said. “The werewolves, vampires, fairies, and warlocks. The people at the top are the angels. The ones who are said to be offspring of angels are the Nephilim. They kill demons, which are the lowest on the scale. We, Downworlders are the third from the lowest. I don’t know who the second is” he said, seeing my face.
“Have you even seen a Shadowhunter,” I asked.
“You know what their real name is,” Hunter asked, surprised. I nodded. “No I have never seen a real Shadowhunter before.” Fange looked over at us.
“That’s a great idea. Why don’t we go see the Nephilim? They’ll tell us if she’s a disgrace or not.” Raphael looked at him wild-eyed.
“No way, Fange. Clary hates me already for turning her friend, Simon, into a vampire.” Fange growled at him. “Oh, fine, I’ll go.” Everyone stood up and headed out.
“Where are we going?"
Into the Moonlight (Part One)(Katie)
I ran around the corner. I thrust my back up against the wall and peered back around the corner. They weren’t following me. I sighed and started to walk away when a pair of hands grabbed the back of my shirt and yanked me back.
“You can’t get away from us that easily,” a hot, snarling voice said in my ear. Fange threw me up against the wall. For some reason, Fange and his gang never went by their first names. They either made them up or they were their last names. Fange’s name was his last name.
“Really, Tara, you think that you can get away from us that easily,” Lightning, Fange’s right hand man, said.
“No, I usually don’t get away from you that fast,” I said, letting sarcasm drip into my voice, “Usually I can get away from you faster.”
Nightshade, Fange’s third in command, snarled and hit me across my face. I yelped and fell to the ground. The boys bent down next to me.
“That’ll teach you not to mess with us,” Fange said. I looked up and saw the silvery glint of the scars on their throats.
“What exactly did I do,” I asked.
“You didn’t do anything; you just got in the way of something.” They kept walking towards me. I backed away, but my back was already against the wall. They came closer and closer. I started to sink towards the ground. My knees hit the ground; they were coming closer and closer. I closed my eyes.
“Enough!” A voice had come out of nowhere. I could hear the footfall when Fange and his gang ran away. Somebody else knelt by me.
“Are you alright?” The voice had an accent to it that I couldn’t place. I opened my eyes. A blond boy was sitting down next to me, crouched on his knees. He had golden eyes, like a lion’s. He looked about seventeen. I nodded. He helped me stand up.
“Do you know those guys,” I asked in my Australian accent. He nodded.
“We were… friends once, but now we hate each other.” He looked deep in thought. His head suddenly shot up.
“I have to go,” he muttered, and took off.
“Wait, I didn’t get to hear your name,” I called after him. He stopped and slowly turned around.
“Jace. Jace Moonly.”
My adoptive parents were at work. They were my adoptive parents because my real mother and father left me at the doorstep of a foster home. I was only a baby. All they told me was that I was born in Sydney, Australia. They also told me that I was in a blue blanket will a note that said “Take care of her. Her name’s Tara” Werlac was my adoptive name.
I walked in through the door. I closed it very quietly and went upstairs to my room. Jace was still going through my mind. It was weird having a boy save me. Usually, I’m able to get away from Fange’s group before anybody has to save me. I hopped onto my bed and lay down. I put my hands behind my head and fell into an uneasy sleep.
I was running through deep dark woods. I could hear the pounding of their paws as they ran after me. I tried to run faster but my legs were glued down. I looked down and saw I was in some kind of gooey substance. The paw steps came closer and closer until they stopped right in front of me. I looked up and saw four huge wolves standing in front of me. One had black fur that was thick and straight. I saw in horror as it stood up and turned into Nightshade. Another had light brown hair that was thin. It stood up and turned into Lightning. The third one had gray, curly hair. It stood up and turned into Fange. He bared his teeth at me and the three started to creep closer.
“You won’t get away from us this time,” Fange said. I tried to scream, but my mouth was glued shut.
“Enough.” A quiet, dreamy voice had entered my dream. I looked at the fourth wolf. It had light blond hair and eyes like a lion’s. It stood up and turned into Jace.
“You know the truth about us,” he started, “and that’s why we must kill you.” I was finally able to get a scream out. Suddenly, Jace was standing behind me, his lips to my ear.
“Wake up, Tara,” he said, “Wake up.”
I woke up, my mouth open in a silent scream. My father was sitting next to my bed.
“I heard you scream and came in here,” he said, “Are you alright?” I nodded. That dream felt so…real. It felt as if we were in the woods and it was actually happening.
“What time is it,” I asked groggily. Dad looked at his watch.
“Eight thirty. Wow! Your mom and I have to get going.”
“We have boatloads of meetings and one starts at nine!” He hopped from my bed and ran to the door.
“Oh, I almost forgot. Now that you’re sixteen, you’re going to be home alone.” Then, he ran out. That was perfect being home alone. Then, I could go looking for Jace.
At eight forty-five, I heard the car zoom out of the driveway. That’s when I started getting dressed. I stuck on a white t-shirt- it was hot during the summer, especially in Nevada- and slip on some old, wore out jeans. Then, I braided my hair and stuck it up in an old baseball cap. I went down stairs, grabbed a jacket, and headed out. I started in down town Las Vegas, where Fange and his gang usually hang out. It was at an old, wore down hotel. I grabbed a cab.
“Where to,” the cab driver asked.
“The old New York, New York.”
“That costs one hundred dollars.” I swore under my breath as a fumbled around in my jacket pocket for my wallet. I grabbed ten tens and thrust them up into the front seat. The cab driver squinted at me; then took off.
It took us thirty minutes to get there. I thanked him and then hopped out. He took off like a bullet as soon as I stepped out. I looked at the old hotel and gulped. I started to walk inside.
All the lights were broken inside. Faintly, in the distance, I heard laughter. I grabbed a knife that was sticking out of the wall and started to follow the laughter. It led me to an old poker room. I stood at the edge of the door way and peered around. It was Fange, Nightshade, Lightning, and a pack other people.
And Jace. He was in their group, too, laughing away.
“It was truly great acting; I wish you guys would have been there,” Nightshade said. Lightning and Fange nodded. Suddenly, a person stood up.
“Do you smell that?” Fange looked at him.
“I don’t smell anything, Marn.” Suddenly, Lightning perked up.
“It smells like a brat,” Lightning half sang. Suddenly, he was behind me, picking me up by my collar. I tried to get out of his grasp, but his six eight to my five four, I was no match. He dragged me out for the others to see.
“We had a spy in our midst,” Fange said, “and do you know what we do with spies?” He came over to me and punched me in the face. Lightning dropped me and I slumped to the group. Then, Marn threw me up against the wall.
“Oh we’ve heard a lot about you,” he said, “how you keep on bothering our friends.”
“And now it’s time to teach you a lesson,” a girl said. They all started to creep towards me. Then, the girl swung a punch at me. I dodged it. She hissed and swung again. I dodged that one too. A boy—all of these people looked about seventeen or eighteen—grabbed my arms and hoisted me up into the air. I struggled to get out of his grasp. Now all of the people were starting to beat me up. I felt someone grab my arm and break it. I howled in pain. I tried to move out of the way, but the boy’s arms kept me still.
Finally, I kicked behind me; hitting the boy holding me. He dropped me, screaming in rage. The others startled by the noise looked up. That gave me enough time to grab the knife at my belt. It had turned into a sword now. I gasped at its transformation. The pack looked at the knife/ sword and growled. I have never held or fought with a sword before. The pack charged at me again, but this time I was ready. I swung the sword out and a few of the pack got hit by the sharp end. I felt someone grab my arm and pull me out into the hall way. I tried to jerk my hand away, but the person held on.
“Stop, you idiot, it’s me!” Jace.
“Let go! You think I can trust you after what you said,” I almost started to cry. “You helped me. You should’ve left me for the dead yesterday. And now, just because you saved my life, those words don’t matter anymore. You’re still friends with Fange and his little group. I’m getting out of here on my own!” I cut his hand with the knife and started to run towards the front door. I burst through it and started to run down the street.
When I got to the main city, I found an alley and sat down in it. I started to cry, not from sadness, not from anger, but from fear.
“Are you alright,” a voice asked. I looked up and saw a boy with dark, black hair standing over me. He had a small tan and was muscular. I nodded. He slid down next to me.
“Are you upset or frightened?”
“Frightened. I just ran out of the old New York New York.” The boy whistled.
“That is one of the scariest places. Every time I go past it, I hear laughter and howling.” I shuddered at the thought. He looked over at me.
“What’s your name,” he asked.
“I’m Sebastian.” He held out his hand. I shook it.
“Tara. Tara!” I heard a voice call. I knew that voice.
“Is that your brother, Tara?” I shook my head.
“That’s the person I’m trying to get away from.” Sebastian stood up.
“You can come with me, if you’d like.” He held out his hand. I hesitated. Finally I grabbed it and he helped me up.
“Follow me,” he said. I could hear Jace’s footsteps coming closer and closer. I started to follow Sebastian, but it was too late. Jace looked down the alley and saw me.
“Tara!” Then, he saw Sebastian.
“Sebastian.” He growled a literal growl.
“Back off, Jace,” Sebastian said, “she’s with me now.” Jace looked at me.
“Tara,” he said slowly, “come with me.” I shook my head.
“You lied, and you can never trust a liar.” Sebastian smirked. He pushed me behind him.
“Get around the corner,” he whispered in my ear, “you’ll find a girl and a boy. Their names are Alex and Sama. Tell them that I’m going to be a little late.” I nodded and started to run around the corner.
“Tara,” Jace called. I made it look like I went around the corner, but as soon as I got around it; I put my back up against the wall.
Sebastian laughed. “You’re lucky she doesn’t know the truth about you.”
“You’d think I’d put her in danger? I’m not that stupid, unlike you.” Sebastian growled. I peered around the corner. Sebastian had gotten down on all fours. He burst out of his skin. He had turned into a black wolf. Jace grinned and got down on all fours. He burst out of his skin and turned into a blond wolf. I gasped silently. It was just like the one in my dream! Sebastian the wolf growled and jumped at him. Sebastian knocked him off his feet. Jace growled and they started ripping and tearing at each other. I suddenly knew what they were doing.
“Stop,” I shouted running out in between them. Sebastian saw me and stopped, but Jace bit me, pretty much tearing a chunk out of my leg. I screamed and dropped like a stone. The last thing I saw was Sebastian stand over me in his human form, shouting at Jace.
It took forty-two stitches to stitch up my back leg. I don’t even know what happen to it. I don’t remember anything from the last three days. Mom and Dad took me home after a little while.
“You are lucky that you didn’t die, Tara,” Dad said. “You were supposed to stay in the house yesterday.”
“I told you, Dad,” I said, “I don’t remember anything from the last three days.” Dad sighed and stopped talking.
We got home and my dad carried me up to my room. I sat down on my bed and stared at the window. I’ve been trying hard to remember what happened. All I remember is a boy with black hair standing over me yelling at another boy with blond hair. I lay down on the bed and went to sleep.
I was standing on a ridge over a small valley. I looked down and saw that the valley was smoking. I screamed when I saw my mother and father get burned alive.
Now I was at a small lake. I was staring down at my reflection, but it wasn’t human. It was a snow white wolf.
“That’s what you are no,” a voice said from behind me. I turned around and saw that boy with black hair. “You are now one of us.” I gasped. I looked back down at the reflection. It was normal again. All I saw was me, Tara. I looked back up and saw the blond boy standing next to the dark haired one. He looked at me.
“This is for real, Tara,” the blond said, “go to the old New York New York. You’ll find me and I’ll explain everything. I nodded.
I woke up. I had a feeling that I had to go to the old New York New York. I stumbled out of my bed, threw on some clothes, and went to the kitchen. I saw a yellow sticky note on the refrigerator. Gone to the store. Stay IN the house until we get back, Tara. Don’t move. Love, Mom and Dad. I ignored the note and went out to catch a cab.
“Where to,” the cab driver asked.
“The old New York New York,” I said.
“One hundred dollars please.” I gave him five twenties. He took off.
We got to the New York New York within ten minutes. I hopped out of the car and went inside. I saw blood on the floor. I heard the sound of laughter. I followed the laughter. It led me to an old poker room. I stood by the doorway, but didn’t go inside. I hid before the doorway and peered around the corner. I saw a whole group of people. The blond boy was sitting on a barrel. A person sniffed.
“She’s back,” he said. The pack got up and went to the door. Fange (surprisingly enough I remembered him, Lightning, and Nightshade) looked around.
“She’s gone.” But then, he turned his head to the right. “Hey!” He had seen me. I started running.
“Get her,” Lightning shouted. The whole pack started after me. I tripped over a piece of wood and fell to the ground. I looked behind me and started to crawl on all fours.
Suddenly, a shock went through me. My spine bent like a pipe cleaner. My teeth fell out and rattled to the ground. They were replaced with gigantic canine teeth. My hands turned into paws. My nails became sharp. I started getting white fur all over my body. My eyes grew wide and turned blue. Their normal color was green. My ears became long and furry, turning pink on the inside and went on top of my head. I grew a long, white tail. Finally the shock stopped. Something deep inside me rumbled and I let out a low growl.
I had turned into a wolf. I spun around a looked at the group. They had frightened expressions on their faces.
“It cannot be,” Nightshade whispered.
“She has become a werewolf, just like us.” The blond boy appeared out of nowhere.
“You bit her, Jace,” Fange said, astonished. The boy, Jace, nodded. “Why?”
“She got in the way of a fight between me and Sebastian Velon.”
Was that the dark haired boy? Even I was surprised to hear my voice.
“Yeah, it was,” Jace said, dumbfounded. I looked at him, startled. I whipped around and ran out of there.
“Tara,” Jace called. I didn’t want to see him anymore. I didn’t care where I was going. I just ran.
“Settle down, class,” I shouted. All the talking stopped. The children looked at me attentively. Except Chase. He stared off into the distance.
“Okay, Kali is passing out permission slips for the field trip to the zoo. You have to take this home and get them signed in order to go on the science museum.” The class nodded. I grinned. “Okay you can go home.” I was living up in the mountains in Idaho. I’m now seventeen. I worked at a small school house on the edge of Titheju Village. I was their only teacher, but having a population of only one hundred, out of that hundred only twenty-five were kids. The rest were adults. My house was a ways out from the village, so every day I walked home.
I looked up from the stack of papers that the class had just handed in and saw Justin.
“Do you need something, Justin?” I was teaching ten through eighteen year olds. Nine and under were taught by their parents.
“Yeah, Ms. Werlac. Um… my parents are gone for a few months and I was wondering if you would sign my paper?” He looked at me hopefully. I sighed.
“Okay, but just this once, Mr. Kandt.” He smiled. He handed me his paper and I got my pen and signed it.
“I won’t tell anyone that you helped me.” I grinned.
“No one will see that paper but me.” He returned my grin and walked out of the school house. I watched him walk out. I shuddered at the old memory he made come up. I hid my secret for years and no one will ever find out.
I’m a werewolf. I became one at the age of fifteen. None of my students will nor will their parents. If they knew I was a werewolf, they would drive me off into the wild. I sat back down at my desk and started to grade tests from the eighteen year olds.
I never want to see a stupid wolf again. It will only haunt me. And if I see a blond or black wolf… I shuddered.
“That life is over,” I said to myself, “He will never find me nor will the pack.” I never will speak his name again or else it might drive me back to them. I heard a whimper. I looked up. There wasn’t anything there. My eyes went back to the paper. 4568745/2= 4561.2. No, the correct answer is 2284372.5. I heard the whimper again. I looked out the window. There, standing right next to the window, was a wolf. He was all tan and had a thick coat. His eyes were a rich creamy brown. And he had an arrow through his shoulder. I sighed. As much as I hate to do it, I had to help this wolf. I went outside and looked at him.
“Hi,” I said shyly. The wolf looked at me and started to transform. I stared in horror as it transformed into a teenager about seventeen or eighteen. He had long brown hair and was kind of tall. Like a little bit. He was an inch taller than I was.
“Are you Tara Werlac,” he asked. I pointed out to myself that he still had the arrow in his shoulder.
“Yes,” I said.
“My name is Hunter. Hunter Kettering. I’m here for your help.”
“Is it about the arrow?” He shook his head.
“Is there some place that we can talk privately and you can fix my shoulder,” he asked sheepishly. I nodded.
I led him to my house. We got inside and I made him take of his shirt. I quickly pulled out the arrow and bandaged his shoulder back up. Then, I made him stick his shirt back on.
“So what exactly made you come here,” I asked.
“I came here because I knew you were close to Jace.” I just looked at him.
“Okay, so what does me being close to Jace have anything to do with this?”
“Okay. So you’ve been gone for the last two years,” he started. “So about half way through the second year, we just sitting and hanging out, you know? Suddenly, a portal appeared. A young boy stepped out. He was small, but surprisingly strong. He knocked a few of the pack unconscious. Then, he looked at the rest of us. ‘Where is the boy called Jace Moonly?’ Fange told everyone not to point him out, so I stood as frozen as a statue. Finally, Marn, one of the pack, cracked. ‘He’s over by the barrel!’ I looked at Marn in surprise. The boy went over to Jace, grabbed him, and literally flung him through the portal. Then, he turned back to us.
‘If any of you want to try and find us,” he said, teasingly, ‘you have to go to a place where none have gone before… Stillyir. Just for the record, my name is Austin.’ Fange snarled and tried to hit him, but he had already gone back through the portal. All of us turned to glare at Marn. He shrugged. Then, Fange turned to me.
‘Hunter, you have to find Tara Werlac. She’s the only one who can help you. The last sight of her was up in the Idaho Mountains.’ I nodded, changed into my wolf form and ran for days to get here. When I got close to the village, one of the adults saw me. He’s the one who shot the arrow at me. Now, I need you to help me find a warlock who lives in New York and help save Jace.” I was silent. He looked over at me, as if to make sure I was still there.
“No,” I said quietly. He looked at me in surprise.
“What did you say,” he asked.
“No. Hunter, I’m sorry but I gave up that life years ago and I’m not going back. I didn’t want to be a werewolf. I want to live a normal life. I will not go help find Jace. I don’t want a part of that life again. Now, GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!” Hunter looked at me with a hurt expression on his face and ran out of the house. I watched him and then sat down on the bed.
I will not cry, I thought, I will not! If Jace got himself into this, he can get himself out. I looked out my window to see if Hunter was still there. He wasn’t. Dang. I had forgotten how fast werewolves are. I looked out into the foliage and saw nothing. I grabbed some dinner and headed off to bed. My sleep was plagued with strange dreams.
I was in a concrete room. I looked around the room and saw a man standing in front of someone.
“WHERE IS THE GIRL TARA WERLAC,” the man shouted in rage.
“You’ll have to kill me before I tell you where she is,” a familiar voice said.
“Oh, I will later, nice and slow, but you have to tell me where she is,” the man said.
“I’ll never tell,” the boy said. The man snarled and lifted a red hot poker from a burning fire. He jabbed at the boy and the boy scream. With his head up in the air, I could see who he was. It was Jace. He looked straight at me.
“Get out of here, Tara,” he said, “get away from this horrible place.”I stared at him in horror and started to run. Suddenly, my way was blocked by a dark haired boy. Sebastian.
“You have to save him, Tara,” Sebastian said, “Save him!” Sebastian melted and turned into Hunter.
“I thought you could help me,” Hunter whispered, “but you’re just a liar.” I covered my ears.
“Stop,” I moaned, but he droned on.
“You helped get rid of the arrow but you won’t help a single werewolf. You loved Jace the first time you saw him. I was only turned a few days ago, but I’m not that stupid. I thought you could come with me, but no, you’re too selfish.”
“Stop,” I said, still covering my ears.
“You a stupid, lying, little twit who won’t help her own kind. She’s too ashamed at what she has become. I’m proud of being a werewolf, but that twit is not.”
“STOP,” I screamed, waking up. I looked wildly around. No one was there. I gritted my teeth and tried to go back to sleep, but I couldn’t. I walked into the kitchen, made some tea, and started to get ready for the school day.
I had woken up about five thirty. I went to school at six just to get there early. To my surprise, someone was already there.
“Katlie,” I said. She looked up at me.
“What are you doing here, Katlie? How did you get into the school house?”
“I picked the lock,” she said.
“Ahh and why are you here so early?”
“I had to get some homework done.”
“Your parents are fighting again, aren’t they?” She looked at the ground and nodded. “You can tell me the truth anytime, Katlie, you know that.”
“Yeah, I know, but I’m not exactly comfortable with someone knowing about my parents.” I smiled.
“Trust me; I was the same way when I was fifteen.” Katlie grinned.
“Thanks, Ms. Werlac thanks so much!” She walked out of the school. I watched her walk out and then sat down at my desk.
School got in within two minutes. Justin was the first to walk in. He winked at me and then sat down at his desk. The rest of the students followed. They all started talking right away.
“Settle down, class,” I said. The talking slowly came to a stop.
“Thank you,” I said, “Today we’ll be talking about… about…” I looked out the window a saw a snow white wolf. It was staring back at me. Its blue eyes met mine and we looked at each other.
“Um, Ms. Werlac? What are we going to talk about,” Justin asked.
“Uh, yeah. We’re going to talk about…” The wolf was still staring at me. I started to realize that that wasn’t a real wolf, it was me! I finally realized what I had to do.
“Um, okay class, Justin is going to be teaching for a little while. I have something to do.” I ran outside and ran towards the woods. The class followed me.
“You know, Ms. Werlac, that you can tell us the truth,” Emma, a little blond headed girl, said. I slowly turned around.
“You want to know the truth? I’ll give you the truth.” I got down on my hands and knees. I felt that cold shock run through me again. I started to get white fur all over my body. My fingernails turned to claws. My hands turned to paws. My spine bent like a plastic spoon. My ears became furry and moved to the top of my head. My sight became more defined, so I knew that my eyes had changed. I felt the tail grow out of my behind. Finally the cold shock stopped. The class was staring at me in horror.
This is the truth, Emma, I said. The class was surprised to hear my voice. I’m a werewolf. I was turned when I was sixteen and the boy who turned me was kidnapped. I’m going back to my pack and I have to find him. Justin, I’m leaving you in charge. You mustn’t tell anyone. Justin nodded. I waved my tail in departure and spun around. I took off in a gallop towards Nevada.
Seeing the old New York New York brought back many memories that I didn’t want to remember. I transformed, gulped and started inside. I could see my dried blood from the night I spied on Fange and his group. My memories had started coming back over the years, so I remembered everything from the day I was attacked. I walked down the corridor and found the room where Fange and his gang usually hung out. They were still there.
I don’t know why but I hung outside the door to listen to what they were talking about.
“… she wouldn’t help you,” Fange was saying.
“Yeah, I pretty much begged her to come, but she wouldn’t. She said ‘That life is over.’” Hunter’s voice said. I gritted my teeth and walked around the corner.
“You didn’t beg me.” I grinned at everyone else. “Hi, guys. Did you miss me?” Fange jumped up and started to walk towards me. I held up a hand.
“Don’t even try, Fange. I’m only here for three people. Jace, Sebastian, and Hunter. I know that Jace was captured and I want to help get him back, but on this journey, the pack can come, but I want Sebastian and his gang to come, too.” Lightning gritted his teeth and Nightshade glared at me. Marn just stared at me.
“Fine,” Fange said, “but I am the leader of this pack now that Jace is gone, so I am the leader of this journey.”
“Fine. Now let’s go find Sebastian.”
“No need,” a voice said from behind me. “We heard it all.” Sebastian walked out from around a corner. Behind him were two people that had to be Alex and Sama. I saw Fange smirk out of the corner of my eye. Lightning looked away and Nightshade just kept glaring at me. Sebastian looked at me.
“You looked so much different than when you attacked. I have only one question though. Why are you going after to Jace? I thought you hated him.”
“I did, but it wasn’t really Jace he wanted. It was me. But I have no idea why.” Fange and Sebastian exchanged a glance. “What?”
“Well, see for yourself.” All of the pack, including Sebastian, Sama, and Alex, got down on all fours and transformed into their wolf selves. I looked around at them.
“What am I supposed to see?” I asked to no one in particular.
A black wolf step forward. You’re supposed to see that you are the only white wolf. There are at least two colors of each wolf. He wanted you because you are the only white wolf. Hunter didn’t tell you that before he left he said, ‘Jace is not the one I wanted. I wanted her. She has powers beyond any of your greatest dreams.’ We all knew that he meant you, just because you are a different color.
“But I don’t have any different powers, Sebastian,” I complained, “I just work with children and that all.”
Sebastian the wolf grinned. You do not know your powers yet. You have to figure them out for yourself. I widened my eyes. One of the wolves gave a low growl and all of them started to transform back into their normal selves. I stared at them. It was strange to see some wolves transform back into humans. Sebastian and Fange stood up. They looked over at me. Sebastian smiled. I didn’t know why but he just smiled. Fange hissed at him, but Sebastian took no notice.
“Um… Sebastian,” I asked. “What are you smiling at?” Sebastian looked at me.
“Nothing. I was looked at the person standing behind you.” I turned around slowly. There, standing right behind me, was a black haired boy. His eyes were a rich kind of brown and his skin was a pale white. He smiled at me, showing pure white teeth and small, sharp incisors. Fange growled and pushed me behind him.
“What do you want, Blackheart,” he growled. The boy, Blackheart, looked at him.
“Fange, long time no see. I came here for the girl.”
“Raphael,” Sebastian said, “She is rightfully a werewolf, so the vampires cannot have her.” So that’s what he was. A vampire. I beckoned Hunter over.
“I thought that werewolves and vampires hate each other,” I said. Well, the truth is that I didn’t even know that there were vampires or werewolves. I’m starting to wonder if there’s fairies.
“They don’t. I don’t know why Raphael Blackheart came here.” Fange and Raphael were still growling threats at each other.
“Why do you need her,” Fange asked.
“She’s a disgrace to the Downworlders and she must be killed,” Raphael growled.
“Do the fairies agree with you? Do the warlocks and witches? C’mon, Raphael, you have to have proof that she is a disgrace,” Sebastian said.
“What are Downworlders,” I asked Hunter.
“It’s us,” he said. “The werewolves, vampires, fairies, and warlocks. The people at the top are the angels. The ones who are said to be offspring of angels are the Nephilim. They kill demons, which are the lowest on the scale. We, Downworlders are the third from the lowest. I don’t know who the second is” he said, seeing my face.
“Have you even seen a Shadowhunter,” I asked.
“You know what their real name is,” Hunter asked, surprised. I nodded. “No I have never seen a real Shadowhunter before.” Fange looked over at us.
“That’s a great idea. Why don’t we go see the Nephilim? They’ll tell us if she’s a disgrace or not.” Raphael looked at him wild-eyed.
“No way, Fange. Clary hates me already for turning her friend, Simon, into a vampire.” Fange growled at him. “Oh, fine, I’ll go.” Everyone stood up and headed out.
“Where are we going?"
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