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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Adults
- Theme: Action & Adventure
- Subject: Science / Science Fiction
- Published: 05/20/2012
One Flight with Nagana Wing
Born 1995, F, from Kyoto, Japan.jpg)
The air was full of seeds of the last plant that remained on Earth, a broad-leaved gloriant. They happily exploded under the last rays of still caressing sun and with cheerful cod produced soft fluff. Nagana was happy because she really missed the snow. These were the last days of spring when you feel like it is now summer. Miss Wing sat on the roof of her house and watched the fighting on the ground far below. There wasn't anything except dried up dirt and heaps of debris that remains still from people. "Interesting," thought Nagana "What did they look like? Why had they gone? Why was everyone disparagingly so cruel about the ground? Anyway, it has been filled with life". Fallen Angel sighed and tired, till the edge of the roof. He remembered images of unseen machines called aircrafts, hundreds of people who lost their lives in pursuit of a thrilling sensation of free fall, of which they were told in history lessons. Nagana extended her white slim hand to the spot and caught it. This one was Turquoise. Not knowing why, she began to cry, staring at the piece of soft fluff. A tiny seed in warm soft palms reminded her of the past days ... Yes, now it seemed that this was so long ago ... But even months had not passed since Nagana Ving, diligent schoolgirl in senior high school, long officially acknowledged the most beautiful in the whole school, broke off her right wing on the peak of one of the human towers. You cannot fully describe the depth of her feelings, saying that it was the most terrible day in her life. She will never forget an insane pain, those thick streams of hot blood ... But ... Everything was quite paltry compared to what the doctor told her then.
-Sorry, Miss Wing ... But a cut on your wing is too deep. You pulled it with such force that it tore up by almost half. I'm afraid this half must be amputated ... - And he gave Nagana an arrogantly-questioning look from under the big glasses in the horny rims, asking. "Is it clear for you?".
-But that means ...- Nagana whispered weakly, trying to ignore the excruciating pain and the Red liquid dropping on the floor.
-Yes, Miss Wing. Doctor made a break, perhaps, having a presentiment that will follow his words. -I'm afraid you will never be able to ... fly.
Further Nagana remembered nothing. Firstly all her life dashed in her head. First flight, when the Sun eclipsed her orange eyes, all sunsets and sunrises, everything that she was able to find out about her strange world. For a moment before she fell without feelings her eyes caught a young doctor's face. When she woke up single in a hospital, she saw a soft cuddly armchair, similar in color to mustard, in which slept her older brother. Nagana heavily rose on her elbows, still feeling burning pain in the right wing. Her bright pink hair was awfully tangled even worse than usual. Nagana carefully examined herself: there was nothing except a hospital short on her that was full of alcohol smell. Head pain was unbearable, as if someone really huge followed you and compressed it in his hands. Nagana carefully touched her ear and saw blood left on her fingers. She slowly unwrapped a blanket off of her and put down too long legs. Wide foot touched the cold floor and soon assumed the weight of young diliank. Step. Another step. Still a couple thoughts full of despair. Even after what happened to her, she has not lost her proud posture. By small steps she slowly walked towards the door to call the Dr. and ask whether she could go home.
Nagana passed her bigger brother with no sound, giving a quick look at the cover of the book, laying on his lap. "Kirèmi nabaka" Elissa Miego. One of the few that survived after the great infection, or better to say the great madness. A book written by a unique and, according to certain inference, Spanish author, in a language invented by the author himself. In his imagination, entirely new creatures and an entire race arose, which he called Džišuandži. In English, the book name can be translated as "On the eve of the great storm". As far as Nagana remembered, that was the favorite book of her brother. She stopped for a moment to examine Džikivan. He was the same as all another angelumans: slender, extremely high, with bright red hair because of the poison in the blood. He slept heavily leaning against the seat and barely audible breathing. His long Rainbow eyelashes (for which the school nicknamed him Mister Bright) trembled slightly time to time.
Nagant hesitantly came up to him and stroked the soft hair. Its wings were folded and almost no visible behind him. Nagana was the only girl in school having feathers in her wings. She has always been proud of them. These truly gorgeous, huge white wings. As a child she loved tinkering of pillows with them and counting colored feathers. But now ... Now having inadvertently sawn herself in the a large mirror, hanged just opposite the seat of her brother. She barely heard his legs took several steps to realize the horror and the reality of what was happening. Nagana saw her face mutilated with the horror in the mirror. Head, similar to the crying meadow Thin insightful eyes - slits, pink, similar to the thread, lips, on which flowed a little blood jet: so hard she bitted the bottom lip. Jet started to flow below and several drops fell on the shirt, which was depicted with gentle irises. Frosen, white, like ivory, hand tried to grab the left Nagana's wing. She remained only a measly stump. The right wing, is still just as beautiful as ever, shining in the Sun, looking just lake a fabulous fluffy robe, following for a young Queen on the floor. But left ... The left wing was not at all. Now it was fallen, broken Angel. Angel named Nigel. Nagana decided so touching left shoulder unconsciously and feeling incredibly lousy and short process with feathers sprayed with blood Feathers ... "How miserable I am! How funny and ridiculous fallen angel looks!". - Nigel Thought before her eyes began to get dark and the legs have begun shake. Her lips filled with blood spread open in silent whisper "Poulet ... pincé...". Beautiful Nigel's breast last time rose and fell, and she fell down dead.
But that was a month ago. Nigel has not shown to any of her former friends, entire days and nights she spent in particular on the roof of her house. She was thinking about a world that once prevailed at the bottom, read many historical treatises, but that did not help her, cursed others, with wings, which were only bones, skin renewed. Slightly tanned skin ... But yesterday ... Yesterday Nigel received a letter which she had reread already countless times. It was her brother who said that he just found it in the mailbox.
-It seems like someone already needs you. - He said encouraging, stretching an envelope to his sister. - Are you gonna go back to school?
-No, Džiki ... I would not have been able to, even if I wanted to. I will not be able to get out of here anyway!!! -Tears of despair and rage spraying out of her eyes.
He crouched down next to her.
-Do you at least sometimes rise? -Asked Džikivan hopelessly.
-Nno. Replied his sister ashamed.
-Look, I ... I ...-He didn't know how to express it in words ...-I. .. I love you and am worried for you.
-Džik ...
-No, let me finish! -Džiku always found a strange way to be gentle with his sister, but at the same time maintain perseverance in his voice and tone. Perhaps because the difference between them was just one day. Džikivan brought cold thin fingers to the sister's hair and gently stroked them. Nigel carefully moved and put her head gently on the brother's knees. He is closely watched in her honey eyes, as if he tried to read her thoughts or Hypnotize. He smoothly continued his speech.
-What happened with you is really awful. I'm not even going to try telling you that you can live with it, or that I will able help you with it...- He made a deep breath of the warm night air.- But you must understand that you cannot change anything.
-I know, but ...
-No "but", my little Bright Angel. -Džikivan smile widely. But Nigel was unable to do the same. Too much effort would be needad now for pretense. Instead, she turned to the other side and covered herself with her left wing. -Forgive me - Nigel whispered frighteningly convinced, but not being able to look in the brother's eyes. -I had to jump from here long ago not to bother anybody with my existence and despair.
-Probably. - Replied her brother with cheerful laughter.
Mouthed Nigel, opened wet eyes, and rose at the palms, turned and stared in her brother's eyes. Now in these drops of honey has been nothing but pose rage. Her brother waited exactly for this. He affectionately hugged her shoulders with his strong warm hands. Nigel gave a short rattle of surprise, but never even thought to resist. Brother gently leaned over to her right ear and removed a thick lock of hair.
-See?- He whispered quietly. -Power in your hands is still remained (Although they have long ago lost their handhold). They will surely help you. But before that you have to go through a complicated path.
Nigel several times gave firmly and pressed to her brother. He affectionately rubbed his cheek on her gentle soft hair. When her grip weakened a little, Džikivan gently removed Nigel from him and slowly brought his face to her. She could even smell mints zephyrs which he ate after dinner. Large purple t-shirt and shorts with sandals, subtly inspirational beautiful features of his body. Some of Nigel's home clothing wasn't perfectly neat, but still continued to serve faithfully the mistress for the same purpose.
-Sport style suits you. -Whispered her brother, trying to maintain steady breathing. But Nigel had brought her own lips to his and ... Not realizing initiated the kiss. One of Džikivan's hands supported her by the shoulders and the other slowly moved the zipper of her blazer down. Nigel knew that it would not go farther. As usual. He moved the zipper somewhere in half, trying not to distance hot lips for a long time. But then the both were hit by a strong gust of wind and their heads moved back to their normal way of thinking. They hurriedly pushed each other and turned away, embraced in the different directions. Nigel started careful examination of her sock, and her brother looked at his knees. This continued somewhere in a minute. As usual. Then hurriedly they got up and Džigivan rushed to a little door, leading on the roof. He had already put his hand on her stick, but then quickly moved her, as if the stick was heated. He spread his enormous wings and made a last gulp of fresh air. Then he dramatically raised them and ... Nigel did not have time to turn around in his side to wish good night. He was already disappeared somewhere high in the clouds.
-Bastard. - Nigel exclaimed dryly, jumping from the edge of the roof. -Never says goodbye, never rustles his... wings ... Pff ... I feel like a spiral.
After making a few laps in her new hang out, trying to calm boiling anger, she again slipped on the edge of the roof and sat down on a dusty concrete. Not knowing what else she could do, Nigel raised her arm and found a letter left by her brother. The envelope was weird. Too neat and beautiful. Thin paper that was circulated, maybe, only in the days directly prior to the disaster. Printing gibberish. elaborate label. Nigel, with the curiosity of a small child, quickly broke off the envelope. On the paper of incredible beauty and quality, folded four times, only initials were written. From N.F. to N.W. Nigel even failed on an amusing coincidence. She just started reading immediately with ecstasy: "My dear, sweet Nigel. You don't know me, because I live quite far away from you. But I'm watching you every day. Do not be afraid! Of course, just to make sure you're okay. From the very day I saw your planet in a telescope, it literally took my mind. I've seen beautiful flying creatures that affect its brightness, I saw a soil crippled with a hit and neglected, and a few trees. I often asked myself: why are they still alive. But one day I saw you. It was an ordinary day. I drank a little coffee, went to work ... You know, I was always taught that the Earth on which you live, is dirty and despised. But then I saw you ... On that day, and for my whole life anything like this did not happen with me... You, having an obsession with flight, being in love with race, waving your ... Unimaginable wings! My heart got out of my breast in front of your beauty, but suddenly ... Tallest building peak, acute on the roof ... You left out the wing and hit an MOTAPM ... And then start flounder, moving around, fussing... Who are you, a beautiful one - winged stranger from the abandoned planet? That your history tells you? You are the ones who stayed at the planet ruined once by us or higher beings by who we were expelled? Please, do not push with the answer ... I am very scared because we, scientists of the planet ètiKio, are forbidden to have any contact with other worlds. If I speak badly in your language, please, do not condemn me. I was taught it in a terrible hurry in appalling conditions. Forever yours, Nekoharu Fuccum".
And now, right now, with trembling hands, again believing neither her own eyes, nor her own memory, Nigel carefully bended the letter several times and put in the Pocket of short jeans shorts which she wore now. For a moment it seemed that a pretty earth girl on her t-shirt winked at Nigel, with eyes under glasses in a fine frame, shining in the Moonlight. And Nigel then jumped on the edge of the roof where she recently sat with her brother, took one end of her healthy wing in her left hand and ("Please, I want it to work!"- Her mind screamed...) with a concentrated look set in the night of the new Earth, so friendly and sparkling up there.
One Flight with Nagana Wing(Elana)
The air was full of seeds of the last plant that remained on Earth, a broad-leaved gloriant. They happily exploded under the last rays of still caressing sun and with cheerful cod produced soft fluff. Nagana was happy because she really missed the snow. These were the last days of spring when you feel like it is now summer. Miss Wing sat on the roof of her house and watched the fighting on the ground far below. There wasn't anything except dried up dirt and heaps of debris that remains still from people. "Interesting," thought Nagana "What did they look like? Why had they gone? Why was everyone disparagingly so cruel about the ground? Anyway, it has been filled with life". Fallen Angel sighed and tired, till the edge of the roof. He remembered images of unseen machines called aircrafts, hundreds of people who lost their lives in pursuit of a thrilling sensation of free fall, of which they were told in history lessons. Nagana extended her white slim hand to the spot and caught it. This one was Turquoise. Not knowing why, she began to cry, staring at the piece of soft fluff. A tiny seed in warm soft palms reminded her of the past days ... Yes, now it seemed that this was so long ago ... But even months had not passed since Nagana Ving, diligent schoolgirl in senior high school, long officially acknowledged the most beautiful in the whole school, broke off her right wing on the peak of one of the human towers. You cannot fully describe the depth of her feelings, saying that it was the most terrible day in her life. She will never forget an insane pain, those thick streams of hot blood ... But ... Everything was quite paltry compared to what the doctor told her then.
-Sorry, Miss Wing ... But a cut on your wing is too deep. You pulled it with such force that it tore up by almost half. I'm afraid this half must be amputated ... - And he gave Nagana an arrogantly-questioning look from under the big glasses in the horny rims, asking. "Is it clear for you?".
-But that means ...- Nagana whispered weakly, trying to ignore the excruciating pain and the Red liquid dropping on the floor.
-Yes, Miss Wing. Doctor made a break, perhaps, having a presentiment that will follow his words. -I'm afraid you will never be able to ... fly.
Further Nagana remembered nothing. Firstly all her life dashed in her head. First flight, when the Sun eclipsed her orange eyes, all sunsets and sunrises, everything that she was able to find out about her strange world. For a moment before she fell without feelings her eyes caught a young doctor's face. When she woke up single in a hospital, she saw a soft cuddly armchair, similar in color to mustard, in which slept her older brother. Nagana heavily rose on her elbows, still feeling burning pain in the right wing. Her bright pink hair was awfully tangled even worse than usual. Nagana carefully examined herself: there was nothing except a hospital short on her that was full of alcohol smell. Head pain was unbearable, as if someone really huge followed you and compressed it in his hands. Nagana carefully touched her ear and saw blood left on her fingers. She slowly unwrapped a blanket off of her and put down too long legs. Wide foot touched the cold floor and soon assumed the weight of young diliank. Step. Another step. Still a couple thoughts full of despair. Even after what happened to her, she has not lost her proud posture. By small steps she slowly walked towards the door to call the Dr. and ask whether she could go home.
Nagana passed her bigger brother with no sound, giving a quick look at the cover of the book, laying on his lap. "Kirèmi nabaka" Elissa Miego. One of the few that survived after the great infection, or better to say the great madness. A book written by a unique and, according to certain inference, Spanish author, in a language invented by the author himself. In his imagination, entirely new creatures and an entire race arose, which he called Džišuandži. In English, the book name can be translated as "On the eve of the great storm". As far as Nagana remembered, that was the favorite book of her brother. She stopped for a moment to examine Džikivan. He was the same as all another angelumans: slender, extremely high, with bright red hair because of the poison in the blood. He slept heavily leaning against the seat and barely audible breathing. His long Rainbow eyelashes (for which the school nicknamed him Mister Bright) trembled slightly time to time.
Nagant hesitantly came up to him and stroked the soft hair. Its wings were folded and almost no visible behind him. Nagana was the only girl in school having feathers in her wings. She has always been proud of them. These truly gorgeous, huge white wings. As a child she loved tinkering of pillows with them and counting colored feathers. But now ... Now having inadvertently sawn herself in the a large mirror, hanged just opposite the seat of her brother. She barely heard his legs took several steps to realize the horror and the reality of what was happening. Nagana saw her face mutilated with the horror in the mirror. Head, similar to the crying meadow Thin insightful eyes - slits, pink, similar to the thread, lips, on which flowed a little blood jet: so hard she bitted the bottom lip. Jet started to flow below and several drops fell on the shirt, which was depicted with gentle irises. Frosen, white, like ivory, hand tried to grab the left Nagana's wing. She remained only a measly stump. The right wing, is still just as beautiful as ever, shining in the Sun, looking just lake a fabulous fluffy robe, following for a young Queen on the floor. But left ... The left wing was not at all. Now it was fallen, broken Angel. Angel named Nigel. Nagana decided so touching left shoulder unconsciously and feeling incredibly lousy and short process with feathers sprayed with blood Feathers ... "How miserable I am! How funny and ridiculous fallen angel looks!". - Nigel Thought before her eyes began to get dark and the legs have begun shake. Her lips filled with blood spread open in silent whisper "Poulet ... pincé...". Beautiful Nigel's breast last time rose and fell, and she fell down dead.
But that was a month ago. Nigel has not shown to any of her former friends, entire days and nights she spent in particular on the roof of her house. She was thinking about a world that once prevailed at the bottom, read many historical treatises, but that did not help her, cursed others, with wings, which were only bones, skin renewed. Slightly tanned skin ... But yesterday ... Yesterday Nigel received a letter which she had reread already countless times. It was her brother who said that he just found it in the mailbox.
-It seems like someone already needs you. - He said encouraging, stretching an envelope to his sister. - Are you gonna go back to school?
-No, Džiki ... I would not have been able to, even if I wanted to. I will not be able to get out of here anyway!!! -Tears of despair and rage spraying out of her eyes.
He crouched down next to her.
-Do you at least sometimes rise? -Asked Džikivan hopelessly.
-Nno. Replied his sister ashamed.
-Look, I ... I ...-He didn't know how to express it in words ...-I. .. I love you and am worried for you.
-Džik ...
-No, let me finish! -Džiku always found a strange way to be gentle with his sister, but at the same time maintain perseverance in his voice and tone. Perhaps because the difference between them was just one day. Džikivan brought cold thin fingers to the sister's hair and gently stroked them. Nigel carefully moved and put her head gently on the brother's knees. He is closely watched in her honey eyes, as if he tried to read her thoughts or Hypnotize. He smoothly continued his speech.
-What happened with you is really awful. I'm not even going to try telling you that you can live with it, or that I will able help you with it...- He made a deep breath of the warm night air.- But you must understand that you cannot change anything.
-I know, but ...
-No "but", my little Bright Angel. -Džikivan smile widely. But Nigel was unable to do the same. Too much effort would be needad now for pretense. Instead, she turned to the other side and covered herself with her left wing. -Forgive me - Nigel whispered frighteningly convinced, but not being able to look in the brother's eyes. -I had to jump from here long ago not to bother anybody with my existence and despair.
-Probably. - Replied her brother with cheerful laughter.
Mouthed Nigel, opened wet eyes, and rose at the palms, turned and stared in her brother's eyes. Now in these drops of honey has been nothing but pose rage. Her brother waited exactly for this. He affectionately hugged her shoulders with his strong warm hands. Nigel gave a short rattle of surprise, but never even thought to resist. Brother gently leaned over to her right ear and removed a thick lock of hair.
-See?- He whispered quietly. -Power in your hands is still remained (Although they have long ago lost their handhold). They will surely help you. But before that you have to go through a complicated path.
Nigel several times gave firmly and pressed to her brother. He affectionately rubbed his cheek on her gentle soft hair. When her grip weakened a little, Džikivan gently removed Nigel from him and slowly brought his face to her. She could even smell mints zephyrs which he ate after dinner. Large purple t-shirt and shorts with sandals, subtly inspirational beautiful features of his body. Some of Nigel's home clothing wasn't perfectly neat, but still continued to serve faithfully the mistress for the same purpose.
-Sport style suits you. -Whispered her brother, trying to maintain steady breathing. But Nigel had brought her own lips to his and ... Not realizing initiated the kiss. One of Džikivan's hands supported her by the shoulders and the other slowly moved the zipper of her blazer down. Nigel knew that it would not go farther. As usual. He moved the zipper somewhere in half, trying not to distance hot lips for a long time. But then the both were hit by a strong gust of wind and their heads moved back to their normal way of thinking. They hurriedly pushed each other and turned away, embraced in the different directions. Nigel started careful examination of her sock, and her brother looked at his knees. This continued somewhere in a minute. As usual. Then hurriedly they got up and Džigivan rushed to a little door, leading on the roof. He had already put his hand on her stick, but then quickly moved her, as if the stick was heated. He spread his enormous wings and made a last gulp of fresh air. Then he dramatically raised them and ... Nigel did not have time to turn around in his side to wish good night. He was already disappeared somewhere high in the clouds.
-Bastard. - Nigel exclaimed dryly, jumping from the edge of the roof. -Never says goodbye, never rustles his... wings ... Pff ... I feel like a spiral.
After making a few laps in her new hang out, trying to calm boiling anger, she again slipped on the edge of the roof and sat down on a dusty concrete. Not knowing what else she could do, Nigel raised her arm and found a letter left by her brother. The envelope was weird. Too neat and beautiful. Thin paper that was circulated, maybe, only in the days directly prior to the disaster. Printing gibberish. elaborate label. Nigel, with the curiosity of a small child, quickly broke off the envelope. On the paper of incredible beauty and quality, folded four times, only initials were written. From N.F. to N.W. Nigel even failed on an amusing coincidence. She just started reading immediately with ecstasy: "My dear, sweet Nigel. You don't know me, because I live quite far away from you. But I'm watching you every day. Do not be afraid! Of course, just to make sure you're okay. From the very day I saw your planet in a telescope, it literally took my mind. I've seen beautiful flying creatures that affect its brightness, I saw a soil crippled with a hit and neglected, and a few trees. I often asked myself: why are they still alive. But one day I saw you. It was an ordinary day. I drank a little coffee, went to work ... You know, I was always taught that the Earth on which you live, is dirty and despised. But then I saw you ... On that day, and for my whole life anything like this did not happen with me... You, having an obsession with flight, being in love with race, waving your ... Unimaginable wings! My heart got out of my breast in front of your beauty, but suddenly ... Tallest building peak, acute on the roof ... You left out the wing and hit an MOTAPM ... And then start flounder, moving around, fussing... Who are you, a beautiful one - winged stranger from the abandoned planet? That your history tells you? You are the ones who stayed at the planet ruined once by us or higher beings by who we were expelled? Please, do not push with the answer ... I am very scared because we, scientists of the planet ètiKio, are forbidden to have any contact with other worlds. If I speak badly in your language, please, do not condemn me. I was taught it in a terrible hurry in appalling conditions. Forever yours, Nekoharu Fuccum".
And now, right now, with trembling hands, again believing neither her own eyes, nor her own memory, Nigel carefully bended the letter several times and put in the Pocket of short jeans shorts which she wore now. For a moment it seemed that a pretty earth girl on her t-shirt winked at Nigel, with eyes under glasses in a fine frame, shining in the Moonlight. And Nigel then jumped on the edge of the roof where she recently sat with her brother, took one end of her healthy wing in her left hand and ("Please, I want it to work!"- Her mind screamed...) with a concentrated look set in the night of the new Earth, so friendly and sparkling up there.
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