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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Teens
- Theme: Family & Friends
- Subject: Childhood / Youth
- Published: 08/03/2012
My Best Friend and I
Born 2000, F, from Philadelphia/PA, United States.jpg)
We used to walk through the meadow together, my best friend and I. we would share our secrets, my best friend and I. We would stay up past our curfew and stare at the evening stars, my best friend and I. we would walk to school together, my best friend and I. we would go to my house and help mama cook, my best friend and i. we built a tree house, my best friend and i. I miss him so much, he was my best friend. One day he left and I never saw him again. My best friend is gone, out of my reach, for the rest of my life.
This is what happened.
Years earlier.
“You wanna come over to my house for dinner, Jason?” I asked. “Sure, Blue, as long as your brothers are home. I am never having another tea party ever again”. “Come on Jason, we were seven, I was into fairy tales and tea parties”. Jason and I are now eleven, he calls me blue because of my eyes. We were lying under a big willow tree. We were going to run around but it started raining and mama hates when I get all muddy.
“What do you say to helping my brothers and I paint the fence?” I ask, turning my head to him. He says, “I am not tom sawyer”. I say “yes I know, your Jason Mallon, now are you gonna help or not?” he says “fine i'll help”. I say “yes”. Jason stands and I take his hand and he helps me up. The rain has just stopped and there isn’t a drop of mud on me.
While we walk through the damp grass of the meadow I look at the sky and see a rainbow. I know Jason hates rainbows so I keep it to myself. Jason has been my friend ever since the first grade when I transferred to a new school. Jason was the first to greet me. I was extremely shy and sat away from everyone but for some reason he kept trying to talk to me. So eventually he became my friend.
As we approach my house I trip over some tangled grass. I’m about to fall and so I grab Jason and we both fall into a big pile of mud. “Oh no, mama is going to kill me!” I say. Jason just laughs, really laughs so hard he falls and gets mud in his dark brown hair. I splash him with mud telling him to quit laughing “it’s not funny”. He says “yea it is”. I stand and push him and we get into a tussle and I pin him down and say “ha, bet it’s not so funny now since you just got beat by a girl.” he says “yea yea whatever, let’s go clean up at the lake”. We walk into the road and run down about a mile and find the lake and we both get in immediately and wash the mud from our faces and hair. We get out clean but our clothes are still stained. We walk slowly back to my house so we have time to dry. I put my curly bronze hair back in its long ponytail on the left side of my arm where it hangs by my elbow.
When we’re halfway done we run back to my house and go in through the front door where mama is fixing dinner. She is seven months pregnant. I say “hi mama” and Jason says “hi Mrs. Shafer”. Mama says “Hey kids, did you have fun outside?” “Yes mama” I say. Jason and I walk out into the back yard where my three older brothers, Ethan, Noah, Lucas and my father are already done the fence and are sitting in the grass enjoying a cup of mama’s homemade lemonade. We go down the hard stone steps and grab lemonade before my brothers’ chug it all down. They all greet Jason.
We sit in the grass with them and drink our beverages. We're pretty thirsty after running around all day. Afterwards Jason and I go inside the tree house we built with my brothers and my dad three years ago. We get a book and read until supper. We have a book report due when school starts back up so we’ve been reading everyday and so far we have two out of three book reports complete and its only the middle of June. When mama calls us for dinner we both climb down and race into the house. We both push to our seats. Mama says “will you two stop rough housing in here, I don’t want you to break anything”. We all get a plate and we are allowed to serve ourselves.
After dinner Jason and I wash our hands and go outside. I walk him home and when we get to the house I’m greeted by three little girls all with dark brown hair and blue eyes like Jason. Jason’s mother, Mrs. Mallon says “Vada sweetie, when you get home ask your mom if you could come with us next week, we are getting on a plane and flying down to the Caribbean for an entire week”. I say “that sounds very exciting, may I use your phone and call her now?” She approves and I grab the landline and call mama. When I ask her, the phone goes quiet for a minute then she says yes. I thank her over and over. When I hang up I say, “She said yes”. Jason gives me a big hug and I thank his mother for inviting me. I say good night to everyone and run home, it's late and I’m not allowed to be out past sunset without someone with me.
The next week I’m all packed and am meeting Jason at the airport with my oldest brother Ethan who also has bronze hair and is seventeen and will be leaving the house to go to college soon. My other brothers are twins and they are fifteen. They are brunettes, like my papa.
When I see Jason, the triplets, and his parents, I walk over to them with my suitcase. I greet them and we all board the plane. The triplets sit in front of Jason and me and his parents sit behind us. I look at Jason who is staring out of the window and I say “how old are your sisters again?” He says, “They’re all seven”.
A few hours later Jason says “oh I forgot”. I ask “forgot what?” He pulls out two rings both with the words best friend engraved in them. He takes my hand and slides the ring on my finger and puts the other on his and says “as long as you have this we will always be best friends, no matter what”. I say “Jay, this is beautiful, and it’s the nicest thing ever, thank you”. He says don’t sweat it. I smile at the gift and I keep smiling until we get off the plane.
When we land in the Caribbean we get in a taxi and we’re driving to a very fancy beach house with white exterior paint. There are two bedrooms. One for Jason’s parents and one for us kids. Jason says “we own this house, we’ve been coming here ever since I was three. We come down here every summer”. I say “so that’s where you go during the summer”. He says “I was going to invite you last year but you had the chicken pox”. We both laugh at the memory.
Jason’s parents tell everyone to get dressed for the beach. Jason’s family gets swimsuits on but Jason and I just wear shorts, t-shirts and sneakers. Neither of us knows how to swim. We walk farther down the sand and stop over by some rocks, I can’t even see the Mallon family anymore. I sit against a big rock and watch the sunset, Jason does the same. For a few second we watch the sunset then out of nowhere Jason just turns my face and kisses me. For a long time our lips are together, then when they break away I’m stuck sitting there thinking about it. My first kiss, Jason was my first kiss. I look at him who seems to be staring at me blushing. I say “why didn’t you tell me?” He says “I didn’t know how, I was too shy”. For a moment we’re both quiet, and then I just lean close to him, take a deep breath, close my eyes and kiss him back. Briefly, only for a few seconds, then I break away. Now I’m blushing. I look up at Jason who seems to be staring at me. He is focusing on me. We both move away from each other and sit still just thinking. Once the sun goes down I recommended that we should head back. He agrees and we walk.
I know Jason is smart enough not to tell anyone. When we get back his family is still playing so we go and watch TV. This is a very awkward moment for both of us so we don’t talk. I just turn on Spiderman and we watch quietly.
A couple days later we head back home to Kansas, we live in the prairie part of the state. When I get in my house my family is happy to see me. We have a big dinner and a welcome home party. I go to bed late and wake up tired the next morning. I got to help cook breakfast.
Jason and I get over the kiss and we start hanging out like we use to. One day while in the meadow under that big old willow tree again I bring it back up and say “how long have you had a crush on me?” Jason looks at me and says “ever since that tea party when we were seven”. We both laugh again. He asks “did you have a crush on me?” I shrug and say “I never really knew what love felt like, so when you kissed me, I was mixed with a lot of different feelings I didn’t understand. And when I kissed you back, I wasn’t sure if that was love I felt. I don’t know if I love you”. I look at him upset, I don’t want to hurt his feelings. He says “oh, that makes sense”. He crawls from under the leaves and says I think there is going to be a storm, we should go.
I don’t move. I sit there feeling like I might cry. He has never seen me cry. Jason says “I’ll see you later Vada”. I do not answer and he walks away. I close my eyes but tears flow out anyway. Soon I hear thunder and a bolt of lightning hit the ground just yards from my tree. I get up immediately and run out in the pouring rain. I look up to the sky and see the clouds making a big swirly motion. A tornado! I run as fast as I can and get home. I burst through the door and yell “tornado, everyone get ready”. Mom takes me and we all run outside and into the door we have that leads to the basement and we lock it. There are crates and stools. I go and sit on papa’s lap and he holds me close while we hear things being destroyed. I hope the Mallon’s are okay. The lights flicker on and off making a buzzing sound. Everything shakes. I close my eyes and soon drift off into sleep. I wake up, I don’t know how much later, but my dad has shook me awake and the storm has stopped. We all climb out of the cellar and look around. Thank God our house is in one piece, but all around us are dead plants and uprooted trees. There are torn picket fences. My family goes in the house and I run down to the Mallon’s’ household. There is nothing but broken pieces of the leftover wood from the house. The car isn’t even there. Jason and his family have been killed in the storm. Now I really do cry, hard, I fall to my knees and cry in my hands for a very long time. Soon my brother Noah comes and carries me home in his arms but I don’t stop crying. My only friend in the world is dead.
I should have said that I loved him, because I do, I understand what love is. I’m seventeen now and I still cry whenever I think about Jason and his family. My mom had the baby I have a six year old sister now. All of my brothers moved out and soon I will too. I go into my room and get out my journal and write: We used to walk through the meadow together, my best friend and I. we would share our secrets, my best friend and I. We would stay up past our curfew and stare at the evening stars, my best friend and I. We would walk to school together, my best friend and I. we would go to my house and help mama cook, my best friend and I. we built a tree house, my best friend and I. I miss him so much, he was my best friend. One day he left and I never saw him again. My best friend is gone, out of my reach, for the rest of my life.
I close the book afraid to see his name in all of the other pages inside of my journal. I get up and put my book down and find the ring Jason gave me when we were eleven. I read the words best friend and slip it on my pinky. I walk outside with a gray sweat shirt and a vest because its autumn. I walk down to the new children’s park that has been added. I sit on the bench.
A handsome boy comes up in front of me. He has dark eyes and dark hair. I don’t look at him, I keep my head down. The boy speaks to me in a clear deep voice and says “hey blue”.
My Best Friend and I(Jannah Lee)
We used to walk through the meadow together, my best friend and I. we would share our secrets, my best friend and I. We would stay up past our curfew and stare at the evening stars, my best friend and I. we would walk to school together, my best friend and I. we would go to my house and help mama cook, my best friend and i. we built a tree house, my best friend and i. I miss him so much, he was my best friend. One day he left and I never saw him again. My best friend is gone, out of my reach, for the rest of my life.
This is what happened.
Years earlier.
“You wanna come over to my house for dinner, Jason?” I asked. “Sure, Blue, as long as your brothers are home. I am never having another tea party ever again”. “Come on Jason, we were seven, I was into fairy tales and tea parties”. Jason and I are now eleven, he calls me blue because of my eyes. We were lying under a big willow tree. We were going to run around but it started raining and mama hates when I get all muddy.
“What do you say to helping my brothers and I paint the fence?” I ask, turning my head to him. He says, “I am not tom sawyer”. I say “yes I know, your Jason Mallon, now are you gonna help or not?” he says “fine i'll help”. I say “yes”. Jason stands and I take his hand and he helps me up. The rain has just stopped and there isn’t a drop of mud on me.
While we walk through the damp grass of the meadow I look at the sky and see a rainbow. I know Jason hates rainbows so I keep it to myself. Jason has been my friend ever since the first grade when I transferred to a new school. Jason was the first to greet me. I was extremely shy and sat away from everyone but for some reason he kept trying to talk to me. So eventually he became my friend.
As we approach my house I trip over some tangled grass. I’m about to fall and so I grab Jason and we both fall into a big pile of mud. “Oh no, mama is going to kill me!” I say. Jason just laughs, really laughs so hard he falls and gets mud in his dark brown hair. I splash him with mud telling him to quit laughing “it’s not funny”. He says “yea it is”. I stand and push him and we get into a tussle and I pin him down and say “ha, bet it’s not so funny now since you just got beat by a girl.” he says “yea yea whatever, let’s go clean up at the lake”. We walk into the road and run down about a mile and find the lake and we both get in immediately and wash the mud from our faces and hair. We get out clean but our clothes are still stained. We walk slowly back to my house so we have time to dry. I put my curly bronze hair back in its long ponytail on the left side of my arm where it hangs by my elbow.
When we’re halfway done we run back to my house and go in through the front door where mama is fixing dinner. She is seven months pregnant. I say “hi mama” and Jason says “hi Mrs. Shafer”. Mama says “Hey kids, did you have fun outside?” “Yes mama” I say. Jason and I walk out into the back yard where my three older brothers, Ethan, Noah, Lucas and my father are already done the fence and are sitting in the grass enjoying a cup of mama’s homemade lemonade. We go down the hard stone steps and grab lemonade before my brothers’ chug it all down. They all greet Jason.
We sit in the grass with them and drink our beverages. We're pretty thirsty after running around all day. Afterwards Jason and I go inside the tree house we built with my brothers and my dad three years ago. We get a book and read until supper. We have a book report due when school starts back up so we’ve been reading everyday and so far we have two out of three book reports complete and its only the middle of June. When mama calls us for dinner we both climb down and race into the house. We both push to our seats. Mama says “will you two stop rough housing in here, I don’t want you to break anything”. We all get a plate and we are allowed to serve ourselves.
After dinner Jason and I wash our hands and go outside. I walk him home and when we get to the house I’m greeted by three little girls all with dark brown hair and blue eyes like Jason. Jason’s mother, Mrs. Mallon says “Vada sweetie, when you get home ask your mom if you could come with us next week, we are getting on a plane and flying down to the Caribbean for an entire week”. I say “that sounds very exciting, may I use your phone and call her now?” She approves and I grab the landline and call mama. When I ask her, the phone goes quiet for a minute then she says yes. I thank her over and over. When I hang up I say, “She said yes”. Jason gives me a big hug and I thank his mother for inviting me. I say good night to everyone and run home, it's late and I’m not allowed to be out past sunset without someone with me.
The next week I’m all packed and am meeting Jason at the airport with my oldest brother Ethan who also has bronze hair and is seventeen and will be leaving the house to go to college soon. My other brothers are twins and they are fifteen. They are brunettes, like my papa.
When I see Jason, the triplets, and his parents, I walk over to them with my suitcase. I greet them and we all board the plane. The triplets sit in front of Jason and me and his parents sit behind us. I look at Jason who is staring out of the window and I say “how old are your sisters again?” He says, “They’re all seven”.
A few hours later Jason says “oh I forgot”. I ask “forgot what?” He pulls out two rings both with the words best friend engraved in them. He takes my hand and slides the ring on my finger and puts the other on his and says “as long as you have this we will always be best friends, no matter what”. I say “Jay, this is beautiful, and it’s the nicest thing ever, thank you”. He says don’t sweat it. I smile at the gift and I keep smiling until we get off the plane.
When we land in the Caribbean we get in a taxi and we’re driving to a very fancy beach house with white exterior paint. There are two bedrooms. One for Jason’s parents and one for us kids. Jason says “we own this house, we’ve been coming here ever since I was three. We come down here every summer”. I say “so that’s where you go during the summer”. He says “I was going to invite you last year but you had the chicken pox”. We both laugh at the memory.
Jason’s parents tell everyone to get dressed for the beach. Jason’s family gets swimsuits on but Jason and I just wear shorts, t-shirts and sneakers. Neither of us knows how to swim. We walk farther down the sand and stop over by some rocks, I can’t even see the Mallon family anymore. I sit against a big rock and watch the sunset, Jason does the same. For a few second we watch the sunset then out of nowhere Jason just turns my face and kisses me. For a long time our lips are together, then when they break away I’m stuck sitting there thinking about it. My first kiss, Jason was my first kiss. I look at him who seems to be staring at me blushing. I say “why didn’t you tell me?” He says “I didn’t know how, I was too shy”. For a moment we’re both quiet, and then I just lean close to him, take a deep breath, close my eyes and kiss him back. Briefly, only for a few seconds, then I break away. Now I’m blushing. I look up at Jason who seems to be staring at me. He is focusing on me. We both move away from each other and sit still just thinking. Once the sun goes down I recommended that we should head back. He agrees and we walk.
I know Jason is smart enough not to tell anyone. When we get back his family is still playing so we go and watch TV. This is a very awkward moment for both of us so we don’t talk. I just turn on Spiderman and we watch quietly.
A couple days later we head back home to Kansas, we live in the prairie part of the state. When I get in my house my family is happy to see me. We have a big dinner and a welcome home party. I go to bed late and wake up tired the next morning. I got to help cook breakfast.
Jason and I get over the kiss and we start hanging out like we use to. One day while in the meadow under that big old willow tree again I bring it back up and say “how long have you had a crush on me?” Jason looks at me and says “ever since that tea party when we were seven”. We both laugh again. He asks “did you have a crush on me?” I shrug and say “I never really knew what love felt like, so when you kissed me, I was mixed with a lot of different feelings I didn’t understand. And when I kissed you back, I wasn’t sure if that was love I felt. I don’t know if I love you”. I look at him upset, I don’t want to hurt his feelings. He says “oh, that makes sense”. He crawls from under the leaves and says I think there is going to be a storm, we should go.
I don’t move. I sit there feeling like I might cry. He has never seen me cry. Jason says “I’ll see you later Vada”. I do not answer and he walks away. I close my eyes but tears flow out anyway. Soon I hear thunder and a bolt of lightning hit the ground just yards from my tree. I get up immediately and run out in the pouring rain. I look up to the sky and see the clouds making a big swirly motion. A tornado! I run as fast as I can and get home. I burst through the door and yell “tornado, everyone get ready”. Mom takes me and we all run outside and into the door we have that leads to the basement and we lock it. There are crates and stools. I go and sit on papa’s lap and he holds me close while we hear things being destroyed. I hope the Mallon’s are okay. The lights flicker on and off making a buzzing sound. Everything shakes. I close my eyes and soon drift off into sleep. I wake up, I don’t know how much later, but my dad has shook me awake and the storm has stopped. We all climb out of the cellar and look around. Thank God our house is in one piece, but all around us are dead plants and uprooted trees. There are torn picket fences. My family goes in the house and I run down to the Mallon’s’ household. There is nothing but broken pieces of the leftover wood from the house. The car isn’t even there. Jason and his family have been killed in the storm. Now I really do cry, hard, I fall to my knees and cry in my hands for a very long time. Soon my brother Noah comes and carries me home in his arms but I don’t stop crying. My only friend in the world is dead.
I should have said that I loved him, because I do, I understand what love is. I’m seventeen now and I still cry whenever I think about Jason and his family. My mom had the baby I have a six year old sister now. All of my brothers moved out and soon I will too. I go into my room and get out my journal and write: We used to walk through the meadow together, my best friend and I. we would share our secrets, my best friend and I. We would stay up past our curfew and stare at the evening stars, my best friend and I. We would walk to school together, my best friend and I. we would go to my house and help mama cook, my best friend and I. we built a tree house, my best friend and I. I miss him so much, he was my best friend. One day he left and I never saw him again. My best friend is gone, out of my reach, for the rest of my life.
I close the book afraid to see his name in all of the other pages inside of my journal. I get up and put my book down and find the ring Jason gave me when we were eleven. I read the words best friend and slip it on my pinky. I walk outside with a gray sweat shirt and a vest because its autumn. I walk down to the new children’s park that has been added. I sit on the bench.
A handsome boy comes up in front of me. He has dark eyes and dark hair. I don’t look at him, I keep my head down. The boy speaks to me in a clear deep voice and says “hey blue”.
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