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- Story Listed as: True Life For Adults
- Theme: Love stories / Romance
- Subject: Love / Romance / Dating
- Published: 01/01/2013
Story that never had an ending
I am not a writer nor do I have any experience in writing. There is a saying that every man had been paired with a woman and every woman had been paired with a man to be their life partners. We all have heard many love stories of great lovers. Lovers like ‘Heer’ and ‘Raanja’ who gave their lives for their love. Another pair of lovers ‘Laila’ and ‘Majnu’ were known for their sacrificing love. The story that I am presenting in front of you all might not be the greatest love story but it comes with a new touch.
This story begins in the most colourful city that had citizens from different religions, and from different corners of the country, ‘Mumbai’. There was a rajashthani family residing in one of the most busy parts of Mumbai, Kurla. In this Family, head of the family was Mr Ramchandra and his wife Rameshwari. They had two daughters and two sons. Eldest among them was a Girl whose name was Suman. Younger to her was Boy named Hansh and Younger to her was boy named Bharat. Last was youngest daughter named Mamta.
This Story is about third number child, Bharat. He was very close to his mother and younger sister Mamta. In his childhood he used to be very sick. It continued till when he was 10 years old. He was average in his studies. He was in 5th Standard but because of his continuous illness he was not able to appear for that year and he failed in that year. The schools were to be reopening on 13thjune of 1997. It was the first day of school Bharat went to school and was feeling nervous how he would face all new students who were 1 year junior to him. He was feeling embarrassing to face them. But by putting some courage together, he entered the Class room. Without looking at anybody he walked to the third row and sat in the corner seat. Slowly slowly students were entering the class. But bharat was not looking at anybody and trying to avoid every one of them.After some time he slowly moved his eyes to the door. The Next movement he saw a very beautiful and cute angel looking Girl with Big Black eyes, long hair with typical Sadhna (Bollywood Heroine) cut hair style with a red bag on her back. A golden plated watch on her hand with a most charming smile on her face entering the class. He was not able to take his eyes of her. She came and sat on second row before the row where bharat was sitting. Suddenly all students stood up and wished ‘Good Morning Teacher’. This brought bharat back to his conscious. Time passed by, bharat was eagerly waiting for knowing the name of that girl. Teacher started taking the attendence. Teacher was calling each student name, he was waiting on which name the girl would reply. And finally the girl responded to a name as ‘Present teacher’ and her name was as beautiful as she was. Her name was ‘Kashmira’. Voice of Kashmira was echoing in the ears of bharat for the whole day. The first day school of ended. This was the best day of bharat’ s life. He came home he was smiling all day. He was not able to understand this feeling. He was eagerly waiting for the next day of the school. Now from the second day of school, his attempt to come in to eyes of Kashmira started . But every time he tried to impress her, he unknowingly hurted her many a time. This made him fill really bad. One such occasion was when one of the Teacher named Dhadas sir, scolded Kashmira because of bharat. Because as per Dhadas sir’s instruction everybody should complete their home work at home not in class room. since he complained to dhadas sir that she had completed her homework in the class ,Dhadas sir got angry and scolded her. This made bharat fill guilty, when he reached home after school he cried for the entire day because for the only reason that Kashmira cried because him. During this process of school days ,bharat made some good friends one of them named swapnil was his best friend, other was Vasim and last was sudhir. But none of his friend knew that bharat liked Kashmira. Kashmira too had some close friends named Vinaya, Dipty and sweety. Bharat and his best buddy swapnil used sit just behind Kashmira and Vinaya. They used to make some mischiefs that would always drive Kashmira’ s attention to them. One of their mischief was when they always pulled Kashmira and Vinaya’ S bag down and put it on ground ,when kashmira and Vinaya came to know that their bag had fallen down they used to shout upon them saying that why they were not trying to hold their bags when its falling on the ground. This naughtiness and this mischief continued and in this process they completed their 6th standard. Results were out as always kashmira topped the class and followed by Vinaya .But as bharat was not that brilliant he came 9th in the class.
Summer vacation started .In vacation every student used to enjoy their vacation in their best way. But there was one boy who hated vacation not because he loved school and studies but for only 1 reason that for two months he cannot see kashmira. Each day of his vacation ,he was waiting for the school to reopen. Now was the day school to reopen i.e. 14thjune. Bharat was the first one to reach class room. Now he was looking for place where to seat so that he can get better view of kashmira. This time he sat on the same seat where he used to sit before vacation. He was eagerly waiting for kashmira to come. When she came, she just sat on the seat that was far away from bharat. But as soon he saw her sitting on different location, he tried to change the location, But before that some other girls occupied the seat next to kashmira. He got little sad, but never lost the hope. His Friend swapnil too sat at some other seat. He was shocked to see that. He was little low with his energy due to this. But a new boy Sagar came to sit next to bharat. He never saw this new boy, but most of the class students knew him. Actually this boy was in the class of kashmira before 5th standard. Within few days Sagar and bharat became best of friends. After few days their class teacher announced the monitor and asst monitor of the class for both girls and boys. Sagar was announced as senior monitor and bharat was named as asst monitor. On the other hand Vinaya kashmira’ s friend was made senior monitor and girl named prajaktha was made asst monitor. Normal schooldays started, but due to last year’s bad performance bharat started studying hard. Just after few days don’t know why but bharat started to tease kashmira with some silly childish things. One of them was that he used to write name of kashmira in defaulter list of those students who used to make mischiefs while teacher was not present .Due to this teacher used to shout at kashmira .This thing continued for some days. Finally kashmira decided to put a complaint of bharat to their class teacher. Teacher scolded bharat for his childish behaviour and gave him last warning. Bharat Became quiet after this incident. He stopped monitoring the class. He knew that he did a mistake, so decided to stop making this mistake again. It was winter of 7th standard, a school picnic was organised to Water Kingdom. Most of the student gave their names for their trip. But bharat was waiting when will kashmira give her name for the trip. Just before 2 days of the last date for giving names for the trip, She gave her name for the trip. On the next day bharat too gave his name. But his friend swapnil and other guys were not coming for the trip ,but his new buddy Sagar was coming for the trip.
It was picnic day; everybody was too excited for the picnic. Fortunately bharat was in the same bus in which kashmira was sitting. People started with antakshri. Everybody was busy in singing song enjoying the moment, but bharat was constantly looking at kashmira and her smile, her eyes, hearing her voice. He was completely mesmerized with this display.Within few minutes of travelling bus reached to water kingdom. Everybody was too excited about the rides, water pool etc. students were sent to boys’ s changing room and girls were sent to their changing room. As soon as we were allowed to go inside the pool everybody jumped out of joy and ran towards the rides. In this jumbled up crowd ,bharat lost the sight of kashmira. Each one was enjoying the rides and were having lots of fun. Bharat too joined his friend in this. While bharat and his friend were having a blast ,suddenly he saw kashmira with her friend, he felt little shy while looking at her. And she just passed from their side. He was looking back, to see whether she was looking at him or not. But as always it was one of the bharat’ s self-imagination. After lot of enjoyment and entertainment students left for the bus for going back to house. All students were tired and were lying back on their back. But as always bharat was looking at kashmira .She had removed her hair band. Her hairs were just looking like water flowing in the river. Kashmira and her friend sweety decided to play a new game which was similar to antakshri but with a little twist. In this game one opponent will start with a movie name now other opponent had to answer with a movie name with last letter of movie on which 1st opponent ends. The game started with little support but as time moved on most of students joined them. Bharat was one of them .some were supporting kashmira and other were supporting sweety. Instead of being on kashmira side bharat choose sweet’ s side and supported her. He made this decision so that he can make kashmira jealous. This was another bharat’ s assumption that kashmira might get jealous. But this had no effect on her. Finally bus reached destination. Everyone’s family were waiting to receive their children’s. Bharat’s Elder brother Hansh was waiting for him. Picnic was over and students left for their home. Next day school started normally. Bharat was aware of the fact that what he was assuming that kashmira likes him was all wrong. It was just a mere coincident that when he used see her, her eyes came in contact with him. He understood it was a one sided love. That academic year ended. Bharat progressed from his last result as jumped to 5th rank in his class. Summer Vacation started, for the entire summer vacation he was thinking why kashmira didn’t liked him. He was searching for the reason. One day while he was playing cricket with building friends one his friend teased him as ‘fatty’ .He got very angry and had a fight with him. But when he reached home ,he quietly sat down near the mirror and look into the mirror and suddenly tears started flowing through his eyes ,he got his answer why kashmira didn’t liked him the reason was he was fat. He gave a lot of thought to this and decided to change his perception towards his life. He understood that he was not a match for kashmira and he decided that he will not look at kashmira and will try to stay as far as possible and avoid any contradiction with her. Summer vacation got over and a new fresh year of 8th standard started. But this year bharat lost his friend Sagar since he left the school and joined other school since his father was transferred from his job. Bharat was back again with his old buddy swapnil ,sudhir and Vasim. He never said anything what he was going through. This year was very irritating for bharat he was not able to concentrate on his studies, whenever he used to study he saw kashmira’ s face everywhere. This made him too weak with emotion. Everyone knew a bharat that was full of life who was very help full to others. But all changed bharat nature changed entirely he became too silent. There was hardly any moment that he would come across kashmira. This affected his studies too much. Time passed its second half of 8th standard. It was founder chairman Dr. Samant Birthday. Students were instructed to wear new dresses and come to school. Next day every one came to school wearing new dress. Bharat too came in new dress and was sitting silently at his place. Suddenly something magical happened, a girl with pink Punjabi suit with hair tied as pony tail ,eyes shining like stars and her face was glowing like sun. This girl was no one but kashmira. Bharat who was avoiding kashmira for some time now fell in love again with her as soon he saw her. He forgot that he was not a match to her. Only one thing he remembered was that he loved kashmira and how much he tried to forget her, more he is going in deep love with her. After a long time he felt that he was alive. On the same day when every one was waiting for Dr. Samant to visit our class. A small kitty came into our class, some how escaping from the eyes of all students and teacher that kitty came near to bharat’ s desk. Firstly it was sitting quietly and suddenly she started making some sound. So bharat lifted the kitty and made her comfortable by placing at a empty desk. But after some time he saw that kitty had moved from that place and moving slowly towards kashmira’ s desk. He remained silent ,now the kitty was sitting close to kashmira’ s left foot. He notice that kashmira might unknowingly place her foot on kitty’s tail. Now He was in a dilemma to whether to kashmira aware of it that a kitty is sitting near foot or let this situation as it is. Bharat had not talked to kashmira a long time ,after gathering some courage ,he called her and she looked at him with little surprisingly and he said to her that near her left foot there is little kitty sitting so please be careful. She saw down at her feet, she was little scared as well as surprised. She and her friend somehow got the kitty out of the class. After completing this, she said to bharat why he had not informed her earlier. Bharat just smiled to her question and remained silent. Now, bharat got into this again. Now due to change in behaviour of bharat, his friends used to ask him what has happened .But all the time he used avoid to answer to this. Bharat always had misconception that kashmira was looking at him. But this was not really the case. It was just mere coincidence. His love was a one sided love. Slowly this year also came to an end. But this year vacation made bharat realize that he can never get kashmira and she would never love him. So he decided that he would try his level best to forget kashmira and move on with his life.
School reopened after summer vacation. As usual all students were sitting in the class waiting for the new class teacher to come. But after some bharat saw that some new students from different division were transferred to bharat’ s class. All new student’ s occupied their places but some students were not having any place to sit. Bharat saw this, Because of his helping nature he asked one of the standing student to come and sit next to him. But that new boy saw that already on that desk two people were sitting. Bharat said its ok and will manage to sit. New boy came and sat next to bharat. They started talking casually and bharat came to know the name of new student was sushant. Few days passed and one day sushant asked about kashmira and her nature and how is she. Bharat was little shocked why he was asking about her. So bharat asked him why he was asking about her, sushant said he liked her and want know about her. Bharat got angry hearing this but after thinking for some time what he had decided about kashmira and why is he getting so hyper. So bharat gave all information of kashmira to sushant what he knew about her. But bharat never knew understood what he had done. Few days passed sushant changed his place he occupied a place that was close to kashmira. At start bharat did not found it weird but slowly as he saw sushant trying to get close to kashmira he felt jealous. He started feeling disturbed due to this. One day, during school interval bharat came into class after having breakfast. He saw that kashmira was standing with her friends and was discussing something. Within few minutes they all charged towards sushant .Kashmira asked him why he has been disturbing her, singing songs on seeing her and passing comments when she passes by. All her friends too supported kashmira on this. After that, all went out of the class and return to the class. Bharat never knew what had happened and what was decided outside the class. After that incident sushant increased his actions, he tried to convince kashmira that he loves her. For this he first took some of kashmira’ s friend into confidence. All this was happening in front of Bharat. Bharat also loved kashmira but the difference in both of their love was that bharat was not that expressive in showing his feeling were as sushant was to expressive. Kashmira’ s friends started convincing that how much sushant loved her. Slowly sushant was getting close to kashmira. Most of the class supported sushant’ s love. But there was no one to support bharat. This was one of bharat weakness that he was not sharing his thoughts with his friends and not even able to express his love. Few Days Later kashmira was not coming to school. Bharat became restless wanted to know why kashmira was not coming to the school. So he asked some of her friends why she was not coming. Her friends said that she was ill and was suffering from jaundice. That day bharat prayed to god that please make her healthier and he will do 9 days of navratri fast for her. Each day his eyes were at the door in the hope that kashmira would come today. Each day he was eagerly waiting for her but she didn’t come. Many days passed but after 15 days kashmira finally came to the class. That day was the most happiest day for bharat, entire days he was not able to stop his smile. He thanked god for this and kept his promise of fasting for 9 days in navratri. With all this twists and turns 9th standard got over.
This was 10th standard now.Every one in the class was serious about their studies. Each one wanted to score good marks so that they can get admission in their favourite streams. But bharat wanted to score good marks not because he wanted to be in some best colleges but only for kashmira, so that he can get admission in the same college where kashmira takes admission. Now teacher was choosing monitor’s for the class. All Bharat’s friends started shouting, that bharat should be nominated as monitor. But Bharat said no to teacher he don’t want to be a monitor. The reason why bharat refused was that earlier when he was monitor in 7th standard how much difference came in between him and kashmira. Now bharat’ s friend swapnil and sudhir came to know that bharat loves kashmira from 5ths standard, but he was not able to convey his love. Swapnil and Sudhir came to know this by seeing the behaviour of bharat towards kashmira. Also observing him and caught him many a time seeing kashmira for hours in the class. His friend told him that he should propose her. Bharat explained the reason why he was not proposing her that he is fat and not a match for her and if he proposes her she might say no to him. His friend convinced him they are with him. They made him decide that he should propose her on annual day. Bharat agreed to them on this, since he believed his friends are with him. But bharat always had in mind that sushant too was planning for this. But after seeing response of kashmira towards sushant in class bharat was confident she would say no to him. Exams were near all the students were busy in studying. Bharat also knew days were near if he was not able to score good marks in the SSC board exams he might not able to take admission in the college where kashmira would take admission. He too involved himself in studies. Before SSC school prelims, school announced annual day. All students were excited but bharat was too nervous since his friends and he himself made a promise earlier that bharat would propose to kashmira. Annual day came each students came in a well dressed manner and everyone was busy in clicking photographs with each other as last memories of schooldays. As always Bharat was waiting for kashmira to come, she came in dressed in a Punjabi blue dress with as simple as she can. Bharat heart was beating faster and he was too nervous. Annual day function began Teachers and students shared their experienced and their journey with each other. Some teachers were felicitated by the students. Some dedicated songs to teachers. Everyone was enjoying their last moment of togetherness with their schoolmates. Finally the moment came at the end of function students were moving out of the school wishing each other best of luck for their studies. Kashmira was standing with her friends outside the school. Bharat came out of the school looking for his friends but none of them were present everyone had left. But still Bharat decided that he would propose her. Bharat was shaking with nervousness. Kashmira was busy in talking with her friends. From nowhere one of his schoolmate came and asked bharat why he was waiting. Bharat tried to avoid answering him. But that boy said to bharat, he knew why bharat was standing and for whom he was standing. He said ti bharat that, he is not match to kashmira, he is not good looking and he is fat. He said also he was not even belonging to the religion to which kashmira belongs. So she will never say yes to him. He said there was a lot of difference between both of them and they can’t be together. This entire discussion brought tears in bharat eyes. Bharat saw at kashmira with tears in his eyes and left the school campus. On his way with strong heart decided he will forget kashmira and would never ever come in to her life. This was just not an end ,anybody would never refer these as love story. Now calling it a love story might be wrong but Is it necessary that if both person love each other than only it is love. Loving Someone without expecting anything from them is love. Love cannot happen on condition it just happens. Love cannot be judged from outer beauty. It can be judged with inner beauty.
Schooldays were over. A long vacation of three months started. Everyone was waiting for their results to be out closed and so was bharat. For the entire 3 months bharat tried to forget kashmira and erase her memories off, but each time he does that more he felt the pain of losing her. I know its not correct that he would lose since he never had her. Kashmira voice was continuously echoing in bharat’ s ears ,her big black eyes were always in front of her. His each effort of forgetting her, were getting thrashed. Finally it was the result day. The moment that each student was waiting for since their future depended upon it. Bharat left for the school for the results. He was thrilled since he was excited for his results but more than that he was excited to see kashmira again.
One by one each student was coming to the class. Kashmira came into the class she was with her mother. She was wearing a check coloured short shirt and a black paint and first time she was wearing spectacles. She was nervous as she was topper of her class and was expected to be in the merit list. Bharat saw her and he was not understanding how to react. Teacher was calling each student name with their percentages. Kashmira was eagerly waiting for her turn. Teacher announced kashmira’ s name with her percentage as 89.87%. She was ok with the result but was not that happy as she was expecting it to be in ninety ‘s . Her friends were congratulating her . After sometime She left the class with her mother. It was bharat’ s turn bharat too had worked hard for his good result’s. But he was not expecting his result’ s to be in 90’s but he was expecting his result to be in mid 80’s. His name was announced and his percentage was 75%. He was shocked with his results. Since it was too lower than his expectations. It was one of the worst day for bharat. He was not able to face anybody, he left the class as soon as he got the result. His best friend swapnil got 76%. Though swapnil was happy with his result since he was suffering from malaria during exams because of which he was not able give his best. Without meeting anyone he left for the home. Bharat’ s Father was expecting the same results what bharat was expecting. As soon as he disclosed his percentages to his father, his father told him that this are not good grades to get admission in good science college and it might be the case he might won’t get admission in science college with such grades. Bharat’s moral was completely down with a reason that he got low percentages but also with the fact that he won’ t be getting admission in the same college were kashmira would get admission. This was step towards the end of a love story.
Somehow Bharat and his best friend swapnil got admission in the same college and in the same stream of vocational science in electronics. His all other friends Vasim, sudhir all took admission in different colleges and different stream. It was the time that was testing bharat patience and his love towards kashmira. He decided that if he is able to forget kashmira and move on then his love was not true and he would accept it and move on with his life. Bharat made new friends, three of them were Ajinkya, Ritesh and Sushant. They were some of his new best buddies in college. In the class of bharat there were many pretty girls, But problem with bharat was that he was searching for kashmira in each girl and that cannot happen. His friends always used to talk about girls in their class and other neighbouring classes. Bharat too tried to fall in love some other girl. But its not you who chooses love ,its love who chooses you. Bharat joined tuition classes with swapnil. In Classes to he made some friends and one of them was Sunil. There too were many girls, But bharat was not interested in any of them. His friends always said to bharat to move on and don’t stop at one girl. They said she was past and she never loved you. But bharat had always a small but his own dream world where he believed kashmira loved him. Few days gone but bharat was not able to concentrate on his studies. He was terribly failing in his studies. But never told his friends what was the reason behind his failure. At other end his family was going through a big financial failure. Bharat college and school fees was borrowed by his father from some moneylenders. Bharat knew that he has to keep his emotions aside and concentrate on his studies since he was the only hope his father had. Few days passed one of bharat’ s old school friend met him. He knew about bharat feelings towards kashmira, his friend had kashmira’ s landline number and he gave it to bharat. But at start he never used that number to call kashmira. He was focusing on his studies as he wanted to full fill his father dreams. But he was tempted to call kashmira because he wanted to hear kashmira’ s voice. First time when he called on that number , he heard a man voice he immediately kept the phone. Second time when he called on that number he heard kashmira’ s voice, He was so happy to hear her after so much time but he was not able to utter a single word and kept that phone. This made his day he can’t stop smiling all day. It was 19th august it was kashmira’ s birthday. He called that day too, but could not dare to wish her. He prayed to God that kashmira gets everything she wishes and she would always be happy. One year passed now it was 12th. Another important carrier decider for most of the students. This time bharat has to prove his dad. He started his studies but this time he had no motivation as kashmira’ s was not there. But this it was his dad and family financial condition motivated him to achieve his target. He followed his father dream and wanted to make sure he makes it true.
Bharat completed his 12th with good percentage and got admission in a descent Engineering college with his friends swapnil and Sunil ,while his other friends all got admission in different colleges and got separate ,but they were always in contact with each other. Years passed but each year on kashmira’ s birthday bharat always prayed for her happiness. Bharat and his friends completed Engineering and Got jobs in their corresponding fields . Bharat joined Reliance Industries as First Job.. Some of his old schoolmates told bharat that she had been doing B.D.S. Bharat thought about his friends suggestion but a fear of what if kashmira ‘s says no to him what would he do then was disturbing bharat. He decided he won’t go for the Reunion Party. Days were passing on.
Bharat Got Kashmir’ s cell number from one his friend. He started with normal approach of at least starting the conversion. But there was no reply from her. He sent her many messages asking for her to at least talk to him. But still there was no reply. His asked his friend what to do, they suggested him to meet her and propose her. But he thought this is not the way at least before meeting her he should at least talk to her on phone. But one day don’t what was going through his mind that made him to do silly mistake of proposing her on message. He sent her message in which he conveyed his love for her. He was waiting this time, she might reply. Finally reply came but it was not bharat was expecting. She said that she was not interested in him and she was already dating someone and she never had such feeling for him and asked him to move on with his life. Every dream bharat had in his mind for these many years, the fear that he always had ,finally took over. Everything for bharat ended. He still tried to convince her but answer was the same. Finally she told him not to message her as she is not interested and doesn’t want to take this any further. After reading this the life of bharat stopped at that moment. The Girl whom he loved for almost 15 years had said no to him.
Story that never had an end(Bharat Jatolia)
Story that never had an ending
I am not a writer nor do I have any experience in writing. There is a saying that every man had been paired with a woman and every woman had been paired with a man to be their life partners. We all have heard many love stories of great lovers. Lovers like ‘Heer’ and ‘Raanja’ who gave their lives for their love. Another pair of lovers ‘Laila’ and ‘Majnu’ were known for their sacrificing love. The story that I am presenting in front of you all might not be the greatest love story but it comes with a new touch.
This story begins in the most colourful city that had citizens from different religions, and from different corners of the country, ‘Mumbai’. There was a rajashthani family residing in one of the most busy parts of Mumbai, Kurla. In this Family, head of the family was Mr Ramchandra and his wife Rameshwari. They had two daughters and two sons. Eldest among them was a Girl whose name was Suman. Younger to her was Boy named Hansh and Younger to her was boy named Bharat. Last was youngest daughter named Mamta.
This Story is about third number child, Bharat. He was very close to his mother and younger sister Mamta. In his childhood he used to be very sick. It continued till when he was 10 years old. He was average in his studies. He was in 5th Standard but because of his continuous illness he was not able to appear for that year and he failed in that year. The schools were to be reopening on 13thjune of 1997. It was the first day of school Bharat went to school and was feeling nervous how he would face all new students who were 1 year junior to him. He was feeling embarrassing to face them. But by putting some courage together, he entered the Class room. Without looking at anybody he walked to the third row and sat in the corner seat. Slowly slowly students were entering the class. But bharat was not looking at anybody and trying to avoid every one of them.After some time he slowly moved his eyes to the door. The Next movement he saw a very beautiful and cute angel looking Girl with Big Black eyes, long hair with typical Sadhna (Bollywood Heroine) cut hair style with a red bag on her back. A golden plated watch on her hand with a most charming smile on her face entering the class. He was not able to take his eyes of her. She came and sat on second row before the row where bharat was sitting. Suddenly all students stood up and wished ‘Good Morning Teacher’. This brought bharat back to his conscious. Time passed by, bharat was eagerly waiting for knowing the name of that girl. Teacher started taking the attendence. Teacher was calling each student name, he was waiting on which name the girl would reply. And finally the girl responded to a name as ‘Present teacher’ and her name was as beautiful as she was. Her name was ‘Kashmira’. Voice of Kashmira was echoing in the ears of bharat for the whole day. The first day school of ended. This was the best day of bharat’ s life. He came home he was smiling all day. He was not able to understand this feeling. He was eagerly waiting for the next day of the school. Now from the second day of school, his attempt to come in to eyes of Kashmira started . But every time he tried to impress her, he unknowingly hurted her many a time. This made him fill really bad. One such occasion was when one of the Teacher named Dhadas sir, scolded Kashmira because of bharat. Because as per Dhadas sir’s instruction everybody should complete their home work at home not in class room. since he complained to dhadas sir that she had completed her homework in the class ,Dhadas sir got angry and scolded her. This made bharat fill guilty, when he reached home after school he cried for the entire day because for the only reason that Kashmira cried because him. During this process of school days ,bharat made some good friends one of them named swapnil was his best friend, other was Vasim and last was sudhir. But none of his friend knew that bharat liked Kashmira. Kashmira too had some close friends named Vinaya, Dipty and sweety. Bharat and his best buddy swapnil used sit just behind Kashmira and Vinaya. They used to make some mischiefs that would always drive Kashmira’ s attention to them. One of their mischief was when they always pulled Kashmira and Vinaya’ S bag down and put it on ground ,when kashmira and Vinaya came to know that their bag had fallen down they used to shout upon them saying that why they were not trying to hold their bags when its falling on the ground. This naughtiness and this mischief continued and in this process they completed their 6th standard. Results were out as always kashmira topped the class and followed by Vinaya .But as bharat was not that brilliant he came 9th in the class.
Summer vacation started .In vacation every student used to enjoy their vacation in their best way. But there was one boy who hated vacation not because he loved school and studies but for only 1 reason that for two months he cannot see kashmira. Each day of his vacation ,he was waiting for the school to reopen. Now was the day school to reopen i.e. 14thjune. Bharat was the first one to reach class room. Now he was looking for place where to seat so that he can get better view of kashmira. This time he sat on the same seat where he used to sit before vacation. He was eagerly waiting for kashmira to come. When she came, she just sat on the seat that was far away from bharat. But as soon he saw her sitting on different location, he tried to change the location, But before that some other girls occupied the seat next to kashmira. He got little sad, but never lost the hope. His Friend swapnil too sat at some other seat. He was shocked to see that. He was little low with his energy due to this. But a new boy Sagar came to sit next to bharat. He never saw this new boy, but most of the class students knew him. Actually this boy was in the class of kashmira before 5th standard. Within few days Sagar and bharat became best of friends. After few days their class teacher announced the monitor and asst monitor of the class for both girls and boys. Sagar was announced as senior monitor and bharat was named as asst monitor. On the other hand Vinaya kashmira’ s friend was made senior monitor and girl named prajaktha was made asst monitor. Normal schooldays started, but due to last year’s bad performance bharat started studying hard. Just after few days don’t know why but bharat started to tease kashmira with some silly childish things. One of them was that he used to write name of kashmira in defaulter list of those students who used to make mischiefs while teacher was not present .Due to this teacher used to shout at kashmira .This thing continued for some days. Finally kashmira decided to put a complaint of bharat to their class teacher. Teacher scolded bharat for his childish behaviour and gave him last warning. Bharat Became quiet after this incident. He stopped monitoring the class. He knew that he did a mistake, so decided to stop making this mistake again. It was winter of 7th standard, a school picnic was organised to Water Kingdom. Most of the student gave their names for their trip. But bharat was waiting when will kashmira give her name for the trip. Just before 2 days of the last date for giving names for the trip, She gave her name for the trip. On the next day bharat too gave his name. But his friend swapnil and other guys were not coming for the trip ,but his new buddy Sagar was coming for the trip.
It was picnic day; everybody was too excited for the picnic. Fortunately bharat was in the same bus in which kashmira was sitting. People started with antakshri. Everybody was busy in singing song enjoying the moment, but bharat was constantly looking at kashmira and her smile, her eyes, hearing her voice. He was completely mesmerized with this display.Within few minutes of travelling bus reached to water kingdom. Everybody was too excited about the rides, water pool etc. students were sent to boys’ s changing room and girls were sent to their changing room. As soon as we were allowed to go inside the pool everybody jumped out of joy and ran towards the rides. In this jumbled up crowd ,bharat lost the sight of kashmira. Each one was enjoying the rides and were having lots of fun. Bharat too joined his friend in this. While bharat and his friend were having a blast ,suddenly he saw kashmira with her friend, he felt little shy while looking at her. And she just passed from their side. He was looking back, to see whether she was looking at him or not. But as always it was one of the bharat’ s self-imagination. After lot of enjoyment and entertainment students left for the bus for going back to house. All students were tired and were lying back on their back. But as always bharat was looking at kashmira .She had removed her hair band. Her hairs were just looking like water flowing in the river. Kashmira and her friend sweety decided to play a new game which was similar to antakshri but with a little twist. In this game one opponent will start with a movie name now other opponent had to answer with a movie name with last letter of movie on which 1st opponent ends. The game started with little support but as time moved on most of students joined them. Bharat was one of them .some were supporting kashmira and other were supporting sweety. Instead of being on kashmira side bharat choose sweet’ s side and supported her. He made this decision so that he can make kashmira jealous. This was another bharat’ s assumption that kashmira might get jealous. But this had no effect on her. Finally bus reached destination. Everyone’s family were waiting to receive their children’s. Bharat’s Elder brother Hansh was waiting for him. Picnic was over and students left for their home. Next day school started normally. Bharat was aware of the fact that what he was assuming that kashmira likes him was all wrong. It was just a mere coincident that when he used see her, her eyes came in contact with him. He understood it was a one sided love. That academic year ended. Bharat progressed from his last result as jumped to 5th rank in his class. Summer Vacation started, for the entire summer vacation he was thinking why kashmira didn’t liked him. He was searching for the reason. One day while he was playing cricket with building friends one his friend teased him as ‘fatty’ .He got very angry and had a fight with him. But when he reached home ,he quietly sat down near the mirror and look into the mirror and suddenly tears started flowing through his eyes ,he got his answer why kashmira didn’t liked him the reason was he was fat. He gave a lot of thought to this and decided to change his perception towards his life. He understood that he was not a match for kashmira and he decided that he will not look at kashmira and will try to stay as far as possible and avoid any contradiction with her. Summer vacation got over and a new fresh year of 8th standard started. But this year bharat lost his friend Sagar since he left the school and joined other school since his father was transferred from his job. Bharat was back again with his old buddy swapnil ,sudhir and Vasim. He never said anything what he was going through. This year was very irritating for bharat he was not able to concentrate on his studies, whenever he used to study he saw kashmira’ s face everywhere. This made him too weak with emotion. Everyone knew a bharat that was full of life who was very help full to others. But all changed bharat nature changed entirely he became too silent. There was hardly any moment that he would come across kashmira. This affected his studies too much. Time passed its second half of 8th standard. It was founder chairman Dr. Samant Birthday. Students were instructed to wear new dresses and come to school. Next day every one came to school wearing new dress. Bharat too came in new dress and was sitting silently at his place. Suddenly something magical happened, a girl with pink Punjabi suit with hair tied as pony tail ,eyes shining like stars and her face was glowing like sun. This girl was no one but kashmira. Bharat who was avoiding kashmira for some time now fell in love again with her as soon he saw her. He forgot that he was not a match to her. Only one thing he remembered was that he loved kashmira and how much he tried to forget her, more he is going in deep love with her. After a long time he felt that he was alive. On the same day when every one was waiting for Dr. Samant to visit our class. A small kitty came into our class, some how escaping from the eyes of all students and teacher that kitty came near to bharat’ s desk. Firstly it was sitting quietly and suddenly she started making some sound. So bharat lifted the kitty and made her comfortable by placing at a empty desk. But after some time he saw that kitty had moved from that place and moving slowly towards kashmira’ s desk. He remained silent ,now the kitty was sitting close to kashmira’ s left foot. He notice that kashmira might unknowingly place her foot on kitty’s tail. Now He was in a dilemma to whether to kashmira aware of it that a kitty is sitting near foot or let this situation as it is. Bharat had not talked to kashmira a long time ,after gathering some courage ,he called her and she looked at him with little surprisingly and he said to her that near her left foot there is little kitty sitting so please be careful. She saw down at her feet, she was little scared as well as surprised. She and her friend somehow got the kitty out of the class. After completing this, she said to bharat why he had not informed her earlier. Bharat just smiled to her question and remained silent. Now, bharat got into this again. Now due to change in behaviour of bharat, his friends used to ask him what has happened .But all the time he used avoid to answer to this. Bharat always had misconception that kashmira was looking at him. But this was not really the case. It was just mere coincidence. His love was a one sided love. Slowly this year also came to an end. But this year vacation made bharat realize that he can never get kashmira and she would never love him. So he decided that he would try his level best to forget kashmira and move on with his life.
School reopened after summer vacation. As usual all students were sitting in the class waiting for the new class teacher to come. But after some bharat saw that some new students from different division were transferred to bharat’ s class. All new student’ s occupied their places but some students were not having any place to sit. Bharat saw this, Because of his helping nature he asked one of the standing student to come and sit next to him. But that new boy saw that already on that desk two people were sitting. Bharat said its ok and will manage to sit. New boy came and sat next to bharat. They started talking casually and bharat came to know the name of new student was sushant. Few days passed and one day sushant asked about kashmira and her nature and how is she. Bharat was little shocked why he was asking about her. So bharat asked him why he was asking about her, sushant said he liked her and want know about her. Bharat got angry hearing this but after thinking for some time what he had decided about kashmira and why is he getting so hyper. So bharat gave all information of kashmira to sushant what he knew about her. But bharat never knew understood what he had done. Few days passed sushant changed his place he occupied a place that was close to kashmira. At start bharat did not found it weird but slowly as he saw sushant trying to get close to kashmira he felt jealous. He started feeling disturbed due to this. One day, during school interval bharat came into class after having breakfast. He saw that kashmira was standing with her friends and was discussing something. Within few minutes they all charged towards sushant .Kashmira asked him why he has been disturbing her, singing songs on seeing her and passing comments when she passes by. All her friends too supported kashmira on this. After that, all went out of the class and return to the class. Bharat never knew what had happened and what was decided outside the class. After that incident sushant increased his actions, he tried to convince kashmira that he loves her. For this he first took some of kashmira’ s friend into confidence. All this was happening in front of Bharat. Bharat also loved kashmira but the difference in both of their love was that bharat was not that expressive in showing his feeling were as sushant was to expressive. Kashmira’ s friends started convincing that how much sushant loved her. Slowly sushant was getting close to kashmira. Most of the class supported sushant’ s love. But there was no one to support bharat. This was one of bharat weakness that he was not sharing his thoughts with his friends and not even able to express his love. Few Days Later kashmira was not coming to school. Bharat became restless wanted to know why kashmira was not coming to the school. So he asked some of her friends why she was not coming. Her friends said that she was ill and was suffering from jaundice. That day bharat prayed to god that please make her healthier and he will do 9 days of navratri fast for her. Each day his eyes were at the door in the hope that kashmira would come today. Each day he was eagerly waiting for her but she didn’t come. Many days passed but after 15 days kashmira finally came to the class. That day was the most happiest day for bharat, entire days he was not able to stop his smile. He thanked god for this and kept his promise of fasting for 9 days in navratri. With all this twists and turns 9th standard got over.
This was 10th standard now.Every one in the class was serious about their studies. Each one wanted to score good marks so that they can get admission in their favourite streams. But bharat wanted to score good marks not because he wanted to be in some best colleges but only for kashmira, so that he can get admission in the same college where kashmira takes admission. Now teacher was choosing monitor’s for the class. All Bharat’s friends started shouting, that bharat should be nominated as monitor. But Bharat said no to teacher he don’t want to be a monitor. The reason why bharat refused was that earlier when he was monitor in 7th standard how much difference came in between him and kashmira. Now bharat’ s friend swapnil and sudhir came to know that bharat loves kashmira from 5ths standard, but he was not able to convey his love. Swapnil and Sudhir came to know this by seeing the behaviour of bharat towards kashmira. Also observing him and caught him many a time seeing kashmira for hours in the class. His friend told him that he should propose her. Bharat explained the reason why he was not proposing her that he is fat and not a match for her and if he proposes her she might say no to him. His friend convinced him they are with him. They made him decide that he should propose her on annual day. Bharat agreed to them on this, since he believed his friends are with him. But bharat always had in mind that sushant too was planning for this. But after seeing response of kashmira towards sushant in class bharat was confident she would say no to him. Exams were near all the students were busy in studying. Bharat also knew days were near if he was not able to score good marks in the SSC board exams he might not able to take admission in the college where kashmira would take admission. He too involved himself in studies. Before SSC school prelims, school announced annual day. All students were excited but bharat was too nervous since his friends and he himself made a promise earlier that bharat would propose to kashmira. Annual day came each students came in a well dressed manner and everyone was busy in clicking photographs with each other as last memories of schooldays. As always Bharat was waiting for kashmira to come, she came in dressed in a Punjabi blue dress with as simple as she can. Bharat heart was beating faster and he was too nervous. Annual day function began Teachers and students shared their experienced and their journey with each other. Some teachers were felicitated by the students. Some dedicated songs to teachers. Everyone was enjoying their last moment of togetherness with their schoolmates. Finally the moment came at the end of function students were moving out of the school wishing each other best of luck for their studies. Kashmira was standing with her friends outside the school. Bharat came out of the school looking for his friends but none of them were present everyone had left. But still Bharat decided that he would propose her. Bharat was shaking with nervousness. Kashmira was busy in talking with her friends. From nowhere one of his schoolmate came and asked bharat why he was waiting. Bharat tried to avoid answering him. But that boy said to bharat, he knew why bharat was standing and for whom he was standing. He said ti bharat that, he is not match to kashmira, he is not good looking and he is fat. He said also he was not even belonging to the religion to which kashmira belongs. So she will never say yes to him. He said there was a lot of difference between both of them and they can’t be together. This entire discussion brought tears in bharat eyes. Bharat saw at kashmira with tears in his eyes and left the school campus. On his way with strong heart decided he will forget kashmira and would never ever come in to her life. This was just not an end ,anybody would never refer these as love story. Now calling it a love story might be wrong but Is it necessary that if both person love each other than only it is love. Loving Someone without expecting anything from them is love. Love cannot happen on condition it just happens. Love cannot be judged from outer beauty. It can be judged with inner beauty.
Schooldays were over. A long vacation of three months started. Everyone was waiting for their results to be out closed and so was bharat. For the entire 3 months bharat tried to forget kashmira and erase her memories off, but each time he does that more he felt the pain of losing her. I know its not correct that he would lose since he never had her. Kashmira voice was continuously echoing in bharat’ s ears ,her big black eyes were always in front of her. His each effort of forgetting her, were getting thrashed. Finally it was the result day. The moment that each student was waiting for since their future depended upon it. Bharat left for the school for the results. He was thrilled since he was excited for his results but more than that he was excited to see kashmira again.
One by one each student was coming to the class. Kashmira came into the class she was with her mother. She was wearing a check coloured short shirt and a black paint and first time she was wearing spectacles. She was nervous as she was topper of her class and was expected to be in the merit list. Bharat saw her and he was not understanding how to react. Teacher was calling each student name with their percentages. Kashmira was eagerly waiting for her turn. Teacher announced kashmira’ s name with her percentage as 89.87%. She was ok with the result but was not that happy as she was expecting it to be in ninety ‘s . Her friends were congratulating her . After sometime She left the class with her mother. It was bharat’ s turn bharat too had worked hard for his good result’s. But he was not expecting his result’ s to be in 90’s but he was expecting his result to be in mid 80’s. His name was announced and his percentage was 75%. He was shocked with his results. Since it was too lower than his expectations. It was one of the worst day for bharat. He was not able to face anybody, he left the class as soon as he got the result. His best friend swapnil got 76%. Though swapnil was happy with his result since he was suffering from malaria during exams because of which he was not able give his best. Without meeting anyone he left for the home. Bharat’ s Father was expecting the same results what bharat was expecting. As soon as he disclosed his percentages to his father, his father told him that this are not good grades to get admission in good science college and it might be the case he might won’t get admission in science college with such grades. Bharat’s moral was completely down with a reason that he got low percentages but also with the fact that he won’ t be getting admission in the same college were kashmira would get admission. This was step towards the end of a love story.
Somehow Bharat and his best friend swapnil got admission in the same college and in the same stream of vocational science in electronics. His all other friends Vasim, sudhir all took admission in different colleges and different stream. It was the time that was testing bharat patience and his love towards kashmira. He decided that if he is able to forget kashmira and move on then his love was not true and he would accept it and move on with his life. Bharat made new friends, three of them were Ajinkya, Ritesh and Sushant. They were some of his new best buddies in college. In the class of bharat there were many pretty girls, But problem with bharat was that he was searching for kashmira in each girl and that cannot happen. His friends always used to talk about girls in their class and other neighbouring classes. Bharat too tried to fall in love some other girl. But its not you who chooses love ,its love who chooses you. Bharat joined tuition classes with swapnil. In Classes to he made some friends and one of them was Sunil. There too were many girls, But bharat was not interested in any of them. His friends always said to bharat to move on and don’t stop at one girl. They said she was past and she never loved you. But bharat had always a small but his own dream world where he believed kashmira loved him. Few days gone but bharat was not able to concentrate on his studies. He was terribly failing in his studies. But never told his friends what was the reason behind his failure. At other end his family was going through a big financial failure. Bharat college and school fees was borrowed by his father from some moneylenders. Bharat knew that he has to keep his emotions aside and concentrate on his studies since he was the only hope his father had. Few days passed one of bharat’ s old school friend met him. He knew about bharat feelings towards kashmira, his friend had kashmira’ s landline number and he gave it to bharat. But at start he never used that number to call kashmira. He was focusing on his studies as he wanted to full fill his father dreams. But he was tempted to call kashmira because he wanted to hear kashmira’ s voice. First time when he called on that number , he heard a man voice he immediately kept the phone. Second time when he called on that number he heard kashmira’ s voice, He was so happy to hear her after so much time but he was not able to utter a single word and kept that phone. This made his day he can’t stop smiling all day. It was 19th august it was kashmira’ s birthday. He called that day too, but could not dare to wish her. He prayed to God that kashmira gets everything she wishes and she would always be happy. One year passed now it was 12th. Another important carrier decider for most of the students. This time bharat has to prove his dad. He started his studies but this time he had no motivation as kashmira’ s was not there. But this it was his dad and family financial condition motivated him to achieve his target. He followed his father dream and wanted to make sure he makes it true.
Bharat completed his 12th with good percentage and got admission in a descent Engineering college with his friends swapnil and Sunil ,while his other friends all got admission in different colleges and got separate ,but they were always in contact with each other. Years passed but each year on kashmira’ s birthday bharat always prayed for her happiness. Bharat and his friends completed Engineering and Got jobs in their corresponding fields . Bharat joined Reliance Industries as First Job.. Some of his old schoolmates told bharat that she had been doing B.D.S. Bharat thought about his friends suggestion but a fear of what if kashmira ‘s says no to him what would he do then was disturbing bharat. He decided he won’t go for the Reunion Party. Days were passing on.
Bharat Got Kashmir’ s cell number from one his friend. He started with normal approach of at least starting the conversion. But there was no reply from her. He sent her many messages asking for her to at least talk to him. But still there was no reply. His asked his friend what to do, they suggested him to meet her and propose her. But he thought this is not the way at least before meeting her he should at least talk to her on phone. But one day don’t what was going through his mind that made him to do silly mistake of proposing her on message. He sent her message in which he conveyed his love for her. He was waiting this time, she might reply. Finally reply came but it was not bharat was expecting. She said that she was not interested in him and she was already dating someone and she never had such feeling for him and asked him to move on with his life. Every dream bharat had in his mind for these many years, the fear that he always had ,finally took over. Everything for bharat ended. He still tried to convince her but answer was the same. Finally she told him not to message her as she is not interested and doesn’t want to take this any further. After reading this the life of bharat stopped at that moment. The Girl whom he loved for almost 15 years had said no to him.
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