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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Adults
- Theme: Science Fiction
- Subject: Science / Science Fiction
- Published: 07/03/2018
The Day the Aliens Landed.
Born 1951, M, from Wilmington NC, United States.jpeg)
No one living will ever forget the day the Aliens Landed. How could they? It was the largest Twitter Storm in the annals of Twitter History, a storm that shut down the entire system for a bit. The Aliens hacked into it though, and brought it back online. In fact, they put their landing on every form of electronic media on the planet. No one knows how they beamed pictures of the landing in the sky over head wherever you lived either. But if you looked up at the sky, no matter where you lived, there it was in full color, sound, and in real time. Yep.
Why they picked Cleveland Ohio to land and announce themselves didn’t become clear until later. It was their Alien sense of humor. They thought any place where water caught on fire would be pretty blasé about something as inconsequential as Aliens landing in their Public Square. They also figured (Or so they told the Reporters from WKYC, Channel 3) people from Cleveland could take a joke. After all, if you can call your own city the Mistake on the Lake, your skin should be thick enough to handle what other skin might look like.
Plus, as they told the Reporters from all three channels: 3, 5, 8: “Cleveland can handle disappointment; they have the Browns." (for some reason, they only allowed those channels reporters to interview them, and one Blogger from North Olmsted whose style they liked.) The Interviews were granted on the Goodtime III as it sailed the twisted turns of the Cuyahoga River. But that was later.
First the Aliens announced their ship would land in Public Square at Noon on Saturday. When asked why (later) they simply said: "Unless there is a ballgame, no one is in downtown Cleveland on a Saturday Afternoon, they are all at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, or down in the flats.” Point taken.
Then Twitter went nuts. The Aliens fixed that as I mentioned earlier. Then their ships “landed”. That was the first surprise. No one, not a single person on Earth could have predicted what their ships would look like. It turns out the Human Imagination wasn’t up to the task of predicting the mode of transportation Aliens who could cross Interstellar Space would use.
For out of some strange ruby colored glowing hole in the sky came three ships that “drove” right down to Public Square in lazy long figure eights. At first everyone was too stunned to say anything. Then there were thousands of voices going: “WTF?” or ; “No flipping way.” And then, laughter. Laughter that pealed off the walls of the Terminal Tower and the old Higbees Department Store; back into the Square. Genuine laughter filled with wonder and glee.
For the three ships were different from one another, but all three were familiar to most Humans and certainly to anyone from Cleveland. They looked like (almost exact copies) cars. The first one was a 1957 Chevy Bell Air, Aqua Marine with white naugahyde interior and wide white wall tires. The second “ship” was a cherry looking 1963 Chevrolet Corvette with a Fire Engine Red paint job that glistened like a polished Ruby. It had a Hurst Speed shifter with eight ball knob on top. Two white leather bucket seats, and a squirrel tail on the antenna. Last was a 1957 Cadillac Coupe De Ville, deep dark blue paint job, with light blue interior and wide white wall tires.
Everyone oogled the cars as they descended like a line of Classic Cars at a road show. That is if Classic Cars popped out of a Ruby Red Hole in the sky, and then floated down in low gear. Everyone smiled at the sight, even Republicans, Conspiracy Theorists, and Browns Fans. It was just such a human entrance that it was truly alien to what they had expected to see. It lightened the mood of the entire crowd- and it was a crowd on the ground. More than 2 million people were crammed onto the Lakefront, the Public Square, squatting on the High Level Bridge or shoulder to shoulder on every open inch of ground all the way to the Science Center and Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
The tension was lifted as the Alien Ships “drove” down to Earth. Especially when the lead car (The 57 Bell Air with foam dice hanging from the rear view mirror) honked it's horn and the old "Ahhoooga! Ahhoooga!” sound came out. Everyone laughed out loud. The Corvette had a sweet cute little “beep beep” horn, and the Cadillac horn caused a moment of stunned silence followed by belly laughs, because it sounded exactly like the opening five notes from: “Close Encounters of the Third Kind.”
All the world watched in humor filled awe, as 2 million Cleveland Area people answered those five notes from the Cadillac with human voices that matched both pitch and tone: do do do…bom bom. That went on for a good five minutes as the train of cars, er…ships, er..whatever drew closer to earth. Then everyone went silent as they got their first glimpse of the Aliens. If you think the Alien Ships threw us Humans for a loop, it was nothing when compared to what went through our minds when we saw the Aliens themselves.
There were a few gasps. A few folks fainted. Almost everyone stopped breathing, or thinking for a full minute. All over the globe people looking up, as the first glimpse shown in the sky above them of the Aliens came into focus, had virtually the same reaction as the folks in Cleveland did. Open hearted Joy.
Kittens. Yep. Kittens.
Well, okay, Kittens that were six foot tall (on average) walked upright, and had a hybrid human/kitten face that somehow complimented the best parts of both species. They were, in a word; Adorable.
They even purred.
When the Ships, cars, whatever…landed and the Giant Kittens got out and waved, almost all of the two million or so people on the ground tried - as one giant wave of mankind- to reach out and pet the Kittens. Surprisingly, the giant Kittens waded into the crowd without any fear, hesitation, or shyness. When humans stroked their fur, or took a paw into their hands and petted it, the giant Kittens preened a bit, turning so more people could touch, pet, stroke, or feel their fur. All fourteen of the giant Kittens were different colors, some were black and white, some golden, some were tabby coated, one was a solid grey- all were beautiful and endearing.
They even tolerated children yanking on their whiskers. Not a word had been spoken by either the Humans, or the Giant Kittens. Yet welcome was the emotion felt on both sides. It took hours before almost every human had touched at least one of the Giant Kittens, and quite a few Humans had been licked by a raspy tongue. Being licked by a Giant Kitten felt kind of like a caress and a kiss had melted into a hug, covered itself with the smell of strawberries then gently brushed your cheek. It was their way of greeting, and you learned quickly to return it by scratching lightly behind their ears, which would make them close their eyes and purr.
Finally all fourteen lined up at the Soldiers and Sailors Monument in the middle of the Square, where microphones, cameras, and dignitaries had all been mushed into a glob of waiting media. The solid silver Giant Kitten walked to the gaggle of microphones, put a paw on either side of the podium, took a long lazy look from one side of the square to the other, with those wide green cat eyes that seemed to make you want to just hug the poor thing, then it spoke.
The first words ever communicated between two different species. Actually it was just one word. One word that became the favored greeting for every Human on the Planet. Replacing all known languages hello salutation forevermore.
The Day the Aliens Landed.(Kevin Hughes)
No one living will ever forget the day the Aliens Landed. How could they? It was the largest Twitter Storm in the annals of Twitter History, a storm that shut down the entire system for a bit. The Aliens hacked into it though, and brought it back online. In fact, they put their landing on every form of electronic media on the planet. No one knows how they beamed pictures of the landing in the sky over head wherever you lived either. But if you looked up at the sky, no matter where you lived, there it was in full color, sound, and in real time. Yep.
Why they picked Cleveland Ohio to land and announce themselves didn’t become clear until later. It was their Alien sense of humor. They thought any place where water caught on fire would be pretty blasé about something as inconsequential as Aliens landing in their Public Square. They also figured (Or so they told the Reporters from WKYC, Channel 3) people from Cleveland could take a joke. After all, if you can call your own city the Mistake on the Lake, your skin should be thick enough to handle what other skin might look like.
Plus, as they told the Reporters from all three channels: 3, 5, 8: “Cleveland can handle disappointment; they have the Browns." (for some reason, they only allowed those channels reporters to interview them, and one Blogger from North Olmsted whose style they liked.) The Interviews were granted on the Goodtime III as it sailed the twisted turns of the Cuyahoga River. But that was later.
First the Aliens announced their ship would land in Public Square at Noon on Saturday. When asked why (later) they simply said: "Unless there is a ballgame, no one is in downtown Cleveland on a Saturday Afternoon, they are all at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, or down in the flats.” Point taken.
Then Twitter went nuts. The Aliens fixed that as I mentioned earlier. Then their ships “landed”. That was the first surprise. No one, not a single person on Earth could have predicted what their ships would look like. It turns out the Human Imagination wasn’t up to the task of predicting the mode of transportation Aliens who could cross Interstellar Space would use.
For out of some strange ruby colored glowing hole in the sky came three ships that “drove” right down to Public Square in lazy long figure eights. At first everyone was too stunned to say anything. Then there were thousands of voices going: “WTF?” or ; “No flipping way.” And then, laughter. Laughter that pealed off the walls of the Terminal Tower and the old Higbees Department Store; back into the Square. Genuine laughter filled with wonder and glee.
For the three ships were different from one another, but all three were familiar to most Humans and certainly to anyone from Cleveland. They looked like (almost exact copies) cars. The first one was a 1957 Chevy Bell Air, Aqua Marine with white naugahyde interior and wide white wall tires. The second “ship” was a cherry looking 1963 Chevrolet Corvette with a Fire Engine Red paint job that glistened like a polished Ruby. It had a Hurst Speed shifter with eight ball knob on top. Two white leather bucket seats, and a squirrel tail on the antenna. Last was a 1957 Cadillac Coupe De Ville, deep dark blue paint job, with light blue interior and wide white wall tires.
Everyone oogled the cars as they descended like a line of Classic Cars at a road show. That is if Classic Cars popped out of a Ruby Red Hole in the sky, and then floated down in low gear. Everyone smiled at the sight, even Republicans, Conspiracy Theorists, and Browns Fans. It was just such a human entrance that it was truly alien to what they had expected to see. It lightened the mood of the entire crowd- and it was a crowd on the ground. More than 2 million people were crammed onto the Lakefront, the Public Square, squatting on the High Level Bridge or shoulder to shoulder on every open inch of ground all the way to the Science Center and Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
The tension was lifted as the Alien Ships “drove” down to Earth. Especially when the lead car (The 57 Bell Air with foam dice hanging from the rear view mirror) honked it's horn and the old "Ahhoooga! Ahhoooga!” sound came out. Everyone laughed out loud. The Corvette had a sweet cute little “beep beep” horn, and the Cadillac horn caused a moment of stunned silence followed by belly laughs, because it sounded exactly like the opening five notes from: “Close Encounters of the Third Kind.”
All the world watched in humor filled awe, as 2 million Cleveland Area people answered those five notes from the Cadillac with human voices that matched both pitch and tone: do do do…bom bom. That went on for a good five minutes as the train of cars, er…ships, er..whatever drew closer to earth. Then everyone went silent as they got their first glimpse of the Aliens. If you think the Alien Ships threw us Humans for a loop, it was nothing when compared to what went through our minds when we saw the Aliens themselves.
There were a few gasps. A few folks fainted. Almost everyone stopped breathing, or thinking for a full minute. All over the globe people looking up, as the first glimpse shown in the sky above them of the Aliens came into focus, had virtually the same reaction as the folks in Cleveland did. Open hearted Joy.
Kittens. Yep. Kittens.
Well, okay, Kittens that were six foot tall (on average) walked upright, and had a hybrid human/kitten face that somehow complimented the best parts of both species. They were, in a word; Adorable.
They even purred.
When the Ships, cars, whatever…landed and the Giant Kittens got out and waved, almost all of the two million or so people on the ground tried - as one giant wave of mankind- to reach out and pet the Kittens. Surprisingly, the giant Kittens waded into the crowd without any fear, hesitation, or shyness. When humans stroked their fur, or took a paw into their hands and petted it, the giant Kittens preened a bit, turning so more people could touch, pet, stroke, or feel their fur. All fourteen of the giant Kittens were different colors, some were black and white, some golden, some were tabby coated, one was a solid grey- all were beautiful and endearing.
They even tolerated children yanking on their whiskers. Not a word had been spoken by either the Humans, or the Giant Kittens. Yet welcome was the emotion felt on both sides. It took hours before almost every human had touched at least one of the Giant Kittens, and quite a few Humans had been licked by a raspy tongue. Being licked by a Giant Kitten felt kind of like a caress and a kiss had melted into a hug, covered itself with the smell of strawberries then gently brushed your cheek. It was their way of greeting, and you learned quickly to return it by scratching lightly behind their ears, which would make them close their eyes and purr.
Finally all fourteen lined up at the Soldiers and Sailors Monument in the middle of the Square, where microphones, cameras, and dignitaries had all been mushed into a glob of waiting media. The solid silver Giant Kitten walked to the gaggle of microphones, put a paw on either side of the podium, took a long lazy look from one side of the square to the other, with those wide green cat eyes that seemed to make you want to just hug the poor thing, then it spoke.
The first words ever communicated between two different species. Actually it was just one word. One word that became the favored greeting for every Human on the Planet. Replacing all known languages hello salutation forevermore.
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Kevin Hughes
07/03/2018Thanks...again, Jd. I just wanted people to smile a bit on the Holliday. And who doesn't like kittens? Smiles, Kevin