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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Adults
- Theme: Mystery
- Subject: Other / Not Listed
- Published: 05/09/2012
Case 2 - Jonas Knuckles and the R&R Band
Born 1983, M, from Atlanta,Texas, United StatesTina Cassidy had just gotten off work and had stopped on her way home to get something to eat. She noticed a flyer on the window. She stopped and read it. “Jonas Knuckles and the R&R Band are going to be in town,” said Cassidy.
The next morning, Tina was tapping her fingers on the desk and sighing while she worked. Inspector Rebella Howard came into the dispatch area for Tina to enter a report into the computer. “Is something wrong?” asked Rebella. “Jonas Knuckles is going to be in town! He is so hot and I am like his biggest fan!” said Tina with excitement. “But, I don’t have money for a ticket,” said Tina who sighed as she began to lose enthusiasm of telling about Jonas Knuckles. “J.P. and the Captain are having a meeting to discuss security detail for the concert,” said Rebella. “Man! I wish I can help with the security,” said Tina.
Rebella handed Tina the report. As Rebella started to leave the room, the telephone rang. “Police department” said Tina. Tina motioned for Rebella to stop. Tina put her hand over the receiver. “They have a shoplifter at Fabrics and More. The suspect is leaving the store,” said Tina. “I am on the way, advise me when you have further information,” said Rebella. Tina wrote down on the log that Rebella was enroute to the call.
On the way out of the station, Rebella stopped at the detective’s office. Inspector Antonio Perez was reading over a case file. “Antonio, are you available to help me on a call?” asked Rebella. “What’s up?” asked Antonio. “There is a shoplifter at Fabrics and More and they are leaving the building.” Antonio got out of his chair. “Let’s roll,” said Antonio.
Antonio and Rebella arrived at the scene of the crime. They questioned the manager and took a report. The suspect had stolen 3 bolts of fabric. Antonio and Rebella exited the fabric store after taking the report. “There used to be a shop right down the street that made clothes and curtains, but the economy got bad and it closed down. I think they are storing some equipment there,” said Antonio. “Let’s go check it out, maybe we can find a lead,” said Rebella. They arrived at the old clothing shop. The door to the building was cracked open and the lock was broken. They drew their service revolvers and approached the building. Antonio got on the left side of the door while Rebella got on the other. Antonio carefully opened the door and they entered the building. As they walked through the building they heard a noise coming from the back of the building. At the back was a small room with the door closed. “The noise is coming from in there,” said Antonio. Rebella motioned for Antonio to get on one side while she got the other. She carefully opened the door and made entry. “We are the police and you are under arrest” she shouted at a guy using a sewing machine. “Turn around and put your hands behind your back,” said Antonio. The suspect complied with Antonio’s instruction and he handcuffed the suspect. After the suspect was detained, Antonio and Rebella looked around the room which was full of stolen bolts of fabric and designer name labels.
The suspect was booked and taken to Interrogation Room 1 to be interrogated. Rebella did the interrogating. “So Mr. Wallace Gray, would you like to tell me why you had so much stolen fabric?” “Please call me designer,” said Wallace Gray. “Ok, Mr. Designer, why did you have so much fabric?” asked Rebella, losing her patience. “I make clothes to sell on the Internet and my sister works at the resale shop. She cuts the labels off other clothes and brings me the labels and when I finish I put the labels on the clothes I made.” “So, in other words you are running a counterfeit clothes operation,” said Rebella. “May I please go? I have an order to fill. I received an email from a customer wanting 10 shirts for a concert for Friday night. They were willing to pay me $10,000 for my trouble,” said Designer. Rebella was fixing to ask him another question, but stopped before she did. “I will be right back,” said Rebella.
Inspector J.P. Bullet had finished meeting with the captain. Rebella came into the detective’s office. “J.P. we might have a problem,” said Rebella. “What’s going on?” asked J.P. “There was a robbery at the fabric shop this morning. I and Antonio apprehended the suspect. I have him in Interrogation 1. His actual name is Wallace Gray, but wants to be called designer. He is running a counterfeit clothing operation. He claims he got an email ordering 10 counterfeit shirts and was willing to pay $10,000 for the shirts,” said Rebella. “You think he is telling the truth? Before you start believing his story, think who would pay $10,000 for counterfeit shirts,” J.P. paused before he completed his statement. “Except Alister and Brandon, son of a gun!” said J.P.
J.P. went into the interrogation room. “Bubba, I don’t realize if you know this or no, but you may be involved with some dangerous criminals. You have two options: You can either work with us, or we turn you lose and let the wolves eat you,” said J.P. Designer started trembling. “What-What do you want me to do?” asked Designer. “First of all, I need to know, is making clothes your only talent?” asked J.P. “Oh no, I can do hair and makeup for any event,” said Designer. “Here is what I want you to do, I want you to make those 10 shirts and do the drop off. Then I want you to come back here and come up with a style for two people,” said J.P. “I’ll get right on it,” said Designer.
Designer left the interrogation room. J.P. motioned Harvey and Antonio to come into the interrogation room. “I want you to follow that little sneak, if he gives any hints as to what it is going on, I want you to arrest him and turn him over to the feds,” said J.P.
Designer made the 10 shirts and did the drop off as he was instructed to do and never revealed what was going on. He then returned to the precinct for further instructions. “For your protection we are going to keep you in lock-up until tomorrow,” said J.P.
J.P. went to Captain Graves. “I need you to let Cassiday have the day off tomorrow,” said J.P. “Did she did something wrong?” asked Captain Graves. “No, I need her assistance on a case,” said J.P. “I will call Greenlee and have her relieve Tina,” said Captain Grave.
It was Friday Morning and Tina came in to work on her shift. When she came in she thought she was relieving Greenlee. “The captain needs to see you,” said Greenlee. “Man! This is not going to be my day,” moaned Tina. She went to the Captain’s Office. “What did I do wrong, Captain?” asked Tina. “You did not do anything wrong,” said Captain Graves. “J.P. asked me to let you have the day off so you could help him on a case. He is waiting for you in the detective’s office,” said Captain Graves. Tina thanked the captain and headed to the detective’s office. She had a puzzled look on her face as she was trying to figure out what was going on as she open the door to go into the detective’s office. “Sit down Tina,” said J.P. Tina sat down. “You and Rebella are going undercover tonight at the Jonas Knuckles concert,” said J.P. “All right!” said Tina with excitement. “Designer is going to come up with styles for you and Rebella. He is waiting for both of you in Interrogation room 2,” said J.P. Tina was so excited when she left the room. “You do realize that Rebella is going to complain about what she is going to have to wear tonight,” said Harvey. “Everybody in the whole precinct is going to know about it,” said J.P.
Designer did Tina first. Tina came out with straight blond hair, a white crop top and tight jeans. “I used to wear clothes all the time like this when I was growing up. My parents would crap if they knew what I did. I and my girlfriends would go clothes’ shopping and we would always buy very short tops. We would always put the short tops in a carrying bag and then we would go to a bathroom at a gas station and change clothes. When it was time to go home we went back and changed back,” said Tina. J.P. and Harvey were right when Rebella came out. “Look at this! It looks horrible,” Rebella shouted. She was wearing a black crop top, tight jeans, fake tattoos, and fake belly ring.
Everyone met in the detective’s room. “Here is the plan. Rebella and Tina, you will be inside the concert, Harvey you will be watching the parking lot, me and Antonio will escort Jonas, Captain Graves and the swat team will be staged behind the building in case crap hits the ceiling. “Alright, people, let’s roll,” said J.P.
Alister and Brandon watched from a distance, with binoculars. They observed J.P. and Antonio escorting Jonas. “It’s not going as we planned. Call it off and let’s get out of here,” said Alister. Brandon called his henchmen who were awaiting instructions. “Abort the mission and get out of there, said Brandon. Alister started up the car and left unnoticed.
J.P. and Antonio escorted Jonas inside the building. Jonas got on stage and started the concert while J.P. and Antonio watched backstage. They were watching to see if they would see anyone suspicious in the audience.
Tina was enjoying the concert while the music got on Rebella’s nerves. “Is this exciting?” shouted Tina over the music. “Thrilling,” said Rebella who was highly annoyed.
Harvey noticed a white van starting up. He pulled out his ht radio. “They are in a white van fixing to leave,” said Harvey. Captain Graves acknowledged Harvey’s radio traffic. Captain Graves changed frequencies. “Move in!” he shouted. The swat team surrounded the van and all 8 of the henchmen were taken into custody.
There were 2 henchmen standing by the exit door. They were starting to get nervous. “Let’s get out of here,” said one of the henchmen. The other agreed and they ran out the exit door. J.P. saw them leave the building. He got on his h.t. radio. “Harv, there are two coming out the exit.” Harvey saw the two henchmen coming out of the building and he turned on the headlights. The henchmen stopped and put their hands in the air. Harvey got out of his car. “Keep your hands up,” he said as he approached the suspects. Another officer came and assisted him.
After the concert was over and everybody was leaving, Harvey went inside the building. “I am fixing to go home and burn these clothes,” complained Rebella. “You looked quite cute in them,” said Harvey. “Shut up Harvey!” said Rebella angrily.
Captain Graves, J.P. and Antonio were back stage. “We arrested all 10 of Alister and Brandon’s henchmen. We did not see Brandon or Alister but I suspect they were watching from a distance and when the caper did not go down as they had planned they left,” said Captain Graves. “I wonder what they were planning,” said Antonio. “I don’t know but whatever it was, it was not good,” said J.P.
Jonas came out and shook Captain Grave, Antonio, and J.P.’s hands. “I appreciate all your help. We are finishing loading the bus and then we will be on our way,” said Jonas. J.P. took Jonas to the side. “Do you have a few minutes to meet one of your fans?” asked J.P. “Of course I do,” said Jonas.
Tina was sitting on stage. J.P. came out from behind the curtain. He patted her on the back. “My feet are killing me,” said Tina. “There is someone that I would like for you to meet,” said J.P. and motioned Jonas to come out.
J.P. walked off to give Tina a chance to meet Jonas.
Tina came out to the car all excited. “Oh My Gosh! What a great evening! I got to meet Jonas Knuckles and he even autographed a cd,” said Tina all bubbly. She opened the cd case. “This has been a night I will never forget!” said Tina. “I guess you enjoyed the evening,” said J.P. “Man! I did!” said Tina. “I am glad you enjoyed it. Rebella had told me that you wanted to go to the concert but did not have money for the tickets. She told me that you were a big Jonas Knuckles’ fan,” said J.P. “You let me help on the case so I could meet Jonas?” asked Tina. “Yes,” said J.P. “Awwww!!! J.P. thank you”, said Tina, leaning over to kiss him on the cheek.
Case 2 - Jonas Knuckles and the R&R Band(jpater)
Tina Cassidy had just gotten off work and had stopped on her way home to get something to eat. She noticed a flyer on the window. She stopped and read it. “Jonas Knuckles and the R&R Band are going to be in town,” said Cassidy.
The next morning, Tina was tapping her fingers on the desk and sighing while she worked. Inspector Rebella Howard came into the dispatch area for Tina to enter a report into the computer. “Is something wrong?” asked Rebella. “Jonas Knuckles is going to be in town! He is so hot and I am like his biggest fan!” said Tina with excitement. “But, I don’t have money for a ticket,” said Tina who sighed as she began to lose enthusiasm of telling about Jonas Knuckles. “J.P. and the Captain are having a meeting to discuss security detail for the concert,” said Rebella. “Man! I wish I can help with the security,” said Tina.
Rebella handed Tina the report. As Rebella started to leave the room, the telephone rang. “Police department” said Tina. Tina motioned for Rebella to stop. Tina put her hand over the receiver. “They have a shoplifter at Fabrics and More. The suspect is leaving the store,” said Tina. “I am on the way, advise me when you have further information,” said Rebella. Tina wrote down on the log that Rebella was enroute to the call.
On the way out of the station, Rebella stopped at the detective’s office. Inspector Antonio Perez was reading over a case file. “Antonio, are you available to help me on a call?” asked Rebella. “What’s up?” asked Antonio. “There is a shoplifter at Fabrics and More and they are leaving the building.” Antonio got out of his chair. “Let’s roll,” said Antonio.
Antonio and Rebella arrived at the scene of the crime. They questioned the manager and took a report. The suspect had stolen 3 bolts of fabric. Antonio and Rebella exited the fabric store after taking the report. “There used to be a shop right down the street that made clothes and curtains, but the economy got bad and it closed down. I think they are storing some equipment there,” said Antonio. “Let’s go check it out, maybe we can find a lead,” said Rebella. They arrived at the old clothing shop. The door to the building was cracked open and the lock was broken. They drew their service revolvers and approached the building. Antonio got on the left side of the door while Rebella got on the other. Antonio carefully opened the door and they entered the building. As they walked through the building they heard a noise coming from the back of the building. At the back was a small room with the door closed. “The noise is coming from in there,” said Antonio. Rebella motioned for Antonio to get on one side while she got the other. She carefully opened the door and made entry. “We are the police and you are under arrest” she shouted at a guy using a sewing machine. “Turn around and put your hands behind your back,” said Antonio. The suspect complied with Antonio’s instruction and he handcuffed the suspect. After the suspect was detained, Antonio and Rebella looked around the room which was full of stolen bolts of fabric and designer name labels.
The suspect was booked and taken to Interrogation Room 1 to be interrogated. Rebella did the interrogating. “So Mr. Wallace Gray, would you like to tell me why you had so much stolen fabric?” “Please call me designer,” said Wallace Gray. “Ok, Mr. Designer, why did you have so much fabric?” asked Rebella, losing her patience. “I make clothes to sell on the Internet and my sister works at the resale shop. She cuts the labels off other clothes and brings me the labels and when I finish I put the labels on the clothes I made.” “So, in other words you are running a counterfeit clothes operation,” said Rebella. “May I please go? I have an order to fill. I received an email from a customer wanting 10 shirts for a concert for Friday night. They were willing to pay me $10,000 for my trouble,” said Designer. Rebella was fixing to ask him another question, but stopped before she did. “I will be right back,” said Rebella.
Inspector J.P. Bullet had finished meeting with the captain. Rebella came into the detective’s office. “J.P. we might have a problem,” said Rebella. “What’s going on?” asked J.P. “There was a robbery at the fabric shop this morning. I and Antonio apprehended the suspect. I have him in Interrogation 1. His actual name is Wallace Gray, but wants to be called designer. He is running a counterfeit clothing operation. He claims he got an email ordering 10 counterfeit shirts and was willing to pay $10,000 for the shirts,” said Rebella. “You think he is telling the truth? Before you start believing his story, think who would pay $10,000 for counterfeit shirts,” J.P. paused before he completed his statement. “Except Alister and Brandon, son of a gun!” said J.P.
J.P. went into the interrogation room. “Bubba, I don’t realize if you know this or no, but you may be involved with some dangerous criminals. You have two options: You can either work with us, or we turn you lose and let the wolves eat you,” said J.P. Designer started trembling. “What-What do you want me to do?” asked Designer. “First of all, I need to know, is making clothes your only talent?” asked J.P. “Oh no, I can do hair and makeup for any event,” said Designer. “Here is what I want you to do, I want you to make those 10 shirts and do the drop off. Then I want you to come back here and come up with a style for two people,” said J.P. “I’ll get right on it,” said Designer.
Designer left the interrogation room. J.P. motioned Harvey and Antonio to come into the interrogation room. “I want you to follow that little sneak, if he gives any hints as to what it is going on, I want you to arrest him and turn him over to the feds,” said J.P.
Designer made the 10 shirts and did the drop off as he was instructed to do and never revealed what was going on. He then returned to the precinct for further instructions. “For your protection we are going to keep you in lock-up until tomorrow,” said J.P.
J.P. went to Captain Graves. “I need you to let Cassiday have the day off tomorrow,” said J.P. “Did she did something wrong?” asked Captain Graves. “No, I need her assistance on a case,” said J.P. “I will call Greenlee and have her relieve Tina,” said Captain Grave.
It was Friday Morning and Tina came in to work on her shift. When she came in she thought she was relieving Greenlee. “The captain needs to see you,” said Greenlee. “Man! This is not going to be my day,” moaned Tina. She went to the Captain’s Office. “What did I do wrong, Captain?” asked Tina. “You did not do anything wrong,” said Captain Graves. “J.P. asked me to let you have the day off so you could help him on a case. He is waiting for you in the detective’s office,” said Captain Graves. Tina thanked the captain and headed to the detective’s office. She had a puzzled look on her face as she was trying to figure out what was going on as she open the door to go into the detective’s office. “Sit down Tina,” said J.P. Tina sat down. “You and Rebella are going undercover tonight at the Jonas Knuckles concert,” said J.P. “All right!” said Tina with excitement. “Designer is going to come up with styles for you and Rebella. He is waiting for both of you in Interrogation room 2,” said J.P. Tina was so excited when she left the room. “You do realize that Rebella is going to complain about what she is going to have to wear tonight,” said Harvey. “Everybody in the whole precinct is going to know about it,” said J.P.
Designer did Tina first. Tina came out with straight blond hair, a white crop top and tight jeans. “I used to wear clothes all the time like this when I was growing up. My parents would crap if they knew what I did. I and my girlfriends would go clothes’ shopping and we would always buy very short tops. We would always put the short tops in a carrying bag and then we would go to a bathroom at a gas station and change clothes. When it was time to go home we went back and changed back,” said Tina. J.P. and Harvey were right when Rebella came out. “Look at this! It looks horrible,” Rebella shouted. She was wearing a black crop top, tight jeans, fake tattoos, and fake belly ring.
Everyone met in the detective’s room. “Here is the plan. Rebella and Tina, you will be inside the concert, Harvey you will be watching the parking lot, me and Antonio will escort Jonas, Captain Graves and the swat team will be staged behind the building in case crap hits the ceiling. “Alright, people, let’s roll,” said J.P.
Alister and Brandon watched from a distance, with binoculars. They observed J.P. and Antonio escorting Jonas. “It’s not going as we planned. Call it off and let’s get out of here,” said Alister. Brandon called his henchmen who were awaiting instructions. “Abort the mission and get out of there, said Brandon. Alister started up the car and left unnoticed.
J.P. and Antonio escorted Jonas inside the building. Jonas got on stage and started the concert while J.P. and Antonio watched backstage. They were watching to see if they would see anyone suspicious in the audience.
Tina was enjoying the concert while the music got on Rebella’s nerves. “Is this exciting?” shouted Tina over the music. “Thrilling,” said Rebella who was highly annoyed.
Harvey noticed a white van starting up. He pulled out his ht radio. “They are in a white van fixing to leave,” said Harvey. Captain Graves acknowledged Harvey’s radio traffic. Captain Graves changed frequencies. “Move in!” he shouted. The swat team surrounded the van and all 8 of the henchmen were taken into custody.
There were 2 henchmen standing by the exit door. They were starting to get nervous. “Let’s get out of here,” said one of the henchmen. The other agreed and they ran out the exit door. J.P. saw them leave the building. He got on his h.t. radio. “Harv, there are two coming out the exit.” Harvey saw the two henchmen coming out of the building and he turned on the headlights. The henchmen stopped and put their hands in the air. Harvey got out of his car. “Keep your hands up,” he said as he approached the suspects. Another officer came and assisted him.
After the concert was over and everybody was leaving, Harvey went inside the building. “I am fixing to go home and burn these clothes,” complained Rebella. “You looked quite cute in them,” said Harvey. “Shut up Harvey!” said Rebella angrily.
Captain Graves, J.P. and Antonio were back stage. “We arrested all 10 of Alister and Brandon’s henchmen. We did not see Brandon or Alister but I suspect they were watching from a distance and when the caper did not go down as they had planned they left,” said Captain Graves. “I wonder what they were planning,” said Antonio. “I don’t know but whatever it was, it was not good,” said J.P.
Jonas came out and shook Captain Grave, Antonio, and J.P.’s hands. “I appreciate all your help. We are finishing loading the bus and then we will be on our way,” said Jonas. J.P. took Jonas to the side. “Do you have a few minutes to meet one of your fans?” asked J.P. “Of course I do,” said Jonas.
Tina was sitting on stage. J.P. came out from behind the curtain. He patted her on the back. “My feet are killing me,” said Tina. “There is someone that I would like for you to meet,” said J.P. and motioned Jonas to come out.
J.P. walked off to give Tina a chance to meet Jonas.
Tina came out to the car all excited. “Oh My Gosh! What a great evening! I got to meet Jonas Knuckles and he even autographed a cd,” said Tina all bubbly. She opened the cd case. “This has been a night I will never forget!” said Tina. “I guess you enjoyed the evening,” said J.P. “Man! I did!” said Tina. “I am glad you enjoyed it. Rebella had told me that you wanted to go to the concert but did not have money for the tickets. She told me that you were a big Jonas Knuckles’ fan,” said J.P. “You let me help on the case so I could meet Jonas?” asked Tina. “Yes,” said J.P. “Awwww!!! J.P. thank you”, said Tina, leaning over to kiss him on the cheek.
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