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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Adults
- Theme: Mystery
- Subject: Drama
- Published: 07/19/2012
Case 43 - The Case of the Stolen Dirt
Born 1983, M, from Atlanta,Texas, United StatesInsector Susie Young entered the dispatch office of the 169th Precinct. Ola, the day shift dispatcher, was on the telephone and was writing down information that the caller was giving her. Ola finished getting the information from the caller and hung up the phone. “That was Timmy Tucker, he said that he was hauling a load of dirt and had stopped at Con Addison Truck Stop for breakfast. While he was eating someone stole the dump truck,” said Ola writing the information on a call sheet. Susie picked up the call sheet when Ola finished filling it out. “I will take the call,” said Susie. Ola looked at the time on the console. “I’ll show you enroute at 08:17,” said Ola writing the information down on the log sheet.
Susie was in the parking garage fixing to leave when Inspector Rebella Lucas pulled into the garage. Susie started the car and was fixing to put it in reverse when Rebella stopped her. “Are you going on a call?” asked Rebella. “Yes, I am going to Con Addison Truck Stop, someone stole a dump truck loaded with dirt,” said Susie. “Dirt,” said Rebella with a puzzled look on her face. “Hold on, I will come with you,” said Rebella. She went around the car to the passenger side and got in the car.
Susie and Rebella arrived at the Con Addison Truck Stop. They got out of the car and located Timmy Tucker who was standing beside an empty dump truck. “I am inspector Susie Young and this is my partner Rebella Lucas,” said Susie. Timmy shook their hand. “I was eating breakfast and someone stole the truck. I reported it stolen just as soon as I saw that it was gone. I waited inside for you to arrive and the next thing I know they brought the dump truck back empty,” said Timmy. “They?” asked Rebella. “Yes ma’am, there was a driver and another guy with him,” said Timmy. Rebella wrote the information down. “Can you describe them for us?” asked Susie. “No, ma’am, I saw them at a distance and did not get a good look at them,” said Timmy. Rebella and Susie asked Timmy a few more questions. Susie told him that they were fixing to go write up the report and if they had any further questions they would contact him.
The next morning there was another dump truck loaded with dirt stolen from Con Addison Truck Stop. The truck was returned but like the day before it was empty. The truck driver reported that he had seen two subjects get out of the truck wearing black pants, black tee shirt, and a black stocking cap.
Susie and Rebella did a stake out the day after the second dump truck was stolen and the dirt was unloaded. Detective Conner McMasters pulled up in a dump truck loaded with dirt and went inside the truck stop. Two white males came from behind the truck stop and got in the dump truck and drove off. Susie started following the dump truck. The suspects drove to the site of where the Bearing Arms Hotel used to be before it was demolished. They unloaded the dirt and were fixing to leave when Susie pulled up in front of the dump truck. Susie and Rebella got out of the car with their service revolvers drawn. “Get out of the vehicle!” Shouted Rebella. The suspects got out of the dump truck with their hands in the air. The suspects were arrested and escorted to the 169th Precinct.
The suspects were identified as Jimmy Bohannon and Mitchell Clark. They were processed and Jimmy was escorted to Interrogation Room One and Mitchell was escorted to Interrogation Room Two to be interrogated.
Susie entered Interrogation Room One. She pulled up a chair and sat down and started filing her finger nails. “Aren’t you going to ask me some questions?” asked Jimmy. “Oh, it does not matter if you talk or not because your partner in crime is in interrogation Room Two singing like a canary. I bet he is getting a good deal for telling everything he knows,” said Susie putting down the emory board and looking at her fingernails. “Wait a minute, I want a deal too. I will tell you what I know,” said Jimmy. “I don’t know, Mitchell is providing us some valuable information,” said Susie still looking at her fingernails. “Wilson Brilliant called and said he needed three truckloads of dirt delivered to the old Bearing Arms Hotel site. The trucks were located at the Con Addison Truck Stop and when the dirt was delivered that we would be paid well,” said Jimmy. Susie stood up and started to leave the interrogation room. “What about the deal?” asked Jimmy. “I will talk to the District Attorney,” said Susie opening the door.
Susie entered the detective office. “Is Rachel in?” Susie asked Inspector J.P. Bullet. “She’s here but she is busy moving into her new office,” said J.P. “Shoot! I really need to talk to her about a case me and Rebella are working on,” said Susie. J.P. motioned for Susie to sit down. “Maybe I can help you,” said J.P. “Wilson Brilliant got these two goons to steal dump trucks loaded with dirt, dump the load at where the old Bearing Arms Hotel used to be, and then return the truck. The problem is the crime happened in the 169th Precincts jurisdiction, but the Bearing Arms Hotel is in the 467th Precincts jurisdiction and I needed to know how we need to proceed,” said Susie. “Are you telling me that Wilson had two people steal dirt?” asked J.P. in disbelief. “Yes sir, I think he was trying to bury something,” said Susie.
Rebella entered the detective office and join in the conversation. “If you remember when they demolished the Bearing Arms Hotel, instead of doing haul away, Alister paid the contractor to have it buried,” said Rebella. “There may have been something valuable in the hotel when it was demolished and Wilson found out about it, dug it up, and then had dirt stolen to cover it up,” said J.P. “Brandon and Alister were always stealing things and placing them in the walls of the Bearing Arm Hotel,” said Rebella. “Rebella, you were in Brandon’s crew, can you think of anything he could have stolen and placed in the wall that Wilson would have wanted?” asked J.P..
Rebella thought back to when she first arrested Brandon. She had just finished the police academy and there had been a burglary and a unknown number of gold bars had been taken. She had arrested one of Brandon’s henchmen and he told that Brandon was hiding the gold bars in the hotel. Brandon had just finished hiding the gold bars and was fixing to make his getaway when Rebella stopped him in the hotel. “Hold it right there creep,” said Rebella to Brandon with her service revolver drawn. “You disappointed me Rafaella, I made an undercover contribution to you and Colt’s wedding and got you in the police academy to help me steal,” said Brandon. “Shut up! You, fat, bloated bucket of lard. Now put your hands behind your back,” said Rebella. Brandon thought it was Rebella’s way of helping him escape so he complied by putting his hands behind his back. Rebella handcuffed him and transported him to jail.
Rebella stood in the detective office, thoughts from the past began to trouble her. “Can you excuse me,” said Rebella walking out of the detective office. “I’ll go talk to her,” said J.P.
J.P. found Rebella sitting on a bench outside the precinct. She was trying to hide that she was fixing to start crying. “Do you want to talk about it?” asked J.P. “I was thinking about the time I arrested Brandon the first time. I had just graduated the police academy and had just married Colt when I made the arrest. He had slid some money under the counter and paid for the wedding and me to go to the police academy. It is like he was always there to be a thorn in the side,” said Rebella with a tear running down her cheek. J.P. sat down beside her. “Brandon is one of those people that like to torment people, but one day you are going to have to forgive and forget. Otherwise, what happened in the past will always continue to haunt you,” said J.P. standing up. Rebella had a puzzled look on her face. “How do I do that?” asked Rebella. “I can’t tell you, that is something you are going to have to figure out on your own,” said J.P. patting Rebella on the back. J.P. was fixing to go back in the precinct. “J.P. wait a minute,” said Rebella. “What is it?” asked J.P. “The last thing that Brandon hid in the Bearing Arms Hotel was gold bars,” said Rebella.
The site where the Bearing Arms Hotel once stood was excavated and none of the stolen gold bars were located. Jimmy Bohannon and Mitchell Clark plead guilty and were sentenced to two years in jail.
Case 43 - The Case of the Stolen Dirt(jpater)
Insector Susie Young entered the dispatch office of the 169th Precinct. Ola, the day shift dispatcher, was on the telephone and was writing down information that the caller was giving her. Ola finished getting the information from the caller and hung up the phone. “That was Timmy Tucker, he said that he was hauling a load of dirt and had stopped at Con Addison Truck Stop for breakfast. While he was eating someone stole the dump truck,” said Ola writing the information on a call sheet. Susie picked up the call sheet when Ola finished filling it out. “I will take the call,” said Susie. Ola looked at the time on the console. “I’ll show you enroute at 08:17,” said Ola writing the information down on the log sheet.
Susie was in the parking garage fixing to leave when Inspector Rebella Lucas pulled into the garage. Susie started the car and was fixing to put it in reverse when Rebella stopped her. “Are you going on a call?” asked Rebella. “Yes, I am going to Con Addison Truck Stop, someone stole a dump truck loaded with dirt,” said Susie. “Dirt,” said Rebella with a puzzled look on her face. “Hold on, I will come with you,” said Rebella. She went around the car to the passenger side and got in the car.
Susie and Rebella arrived at the Con Addison Truck Stop. They got out of the car and located Timmy Tucker who was standing beside an empty dump truck. “I am inspector Susie Young and this is my partner Rebella Lucas,” said Susie. Timmy shook their hand. “I was eating breakfast and someone stole the truck. I reported it stolen just as soon as I saw that it was gone. I waited inside for you to arrive and the next thing I know they brought the dump truck back empty,” said Timmy. “They?” asked Rebella. “Yes ma’am, there was a driver and another guy with him,” said Timmy. Rebella wrote the information down. “Can you describe them for us?” asked Susie. “No, ma’am, I saw them at a distance and did not get a good look at them,” said Timmy. Rebella and Susie asked Timmy a few more questions. Susie told him that they were fixing to go write up the report and if they had any further questions they would contact him.
The next morning there was another dump truck loaded with dirt stolen from Con Addison Truck Stop. The truck was returned but like the day before it was empty. The truck driver reported that he had seen two subjects get out of the truck wearing black pants, black tee shirt, and a black stocking cap.
Susie and Rebella did a stake out the day after the second dump truck was stolen and the dirt was unloaded. Detective Conner McMasters pulled up in a dump truck loaded with dirt and went inside the truck stop. Two white males came from behind the truck stop and got in the dump truck and drove off. Susie started following the dump truck. The suspects drove to the site of where the Bearing Arms Hotel used to be before it was demolished. They unloaded the dirt and were fixing to leave when Susie pulled up in front of the dump truck. Susie and Rebella got out of the car with their service revolvers drawn. “Get out of the vehicle!” Shouted Rebella. The suspects got out of the dump truck with their hands in the air. The suspects were arrested and escorted to the 169th Precinct.
The suspects were identified as Jimmy Bohannon and Mitchell Clark. They were processed and Jimmy was escorted to Interrogation Room One and Mitchell was escorted to Interrogation Room Two to be interrogated.
Susie entered Interrogation Room One. She pulled up a chair and sat down and started filing her finger nails. “Aren’t you going to ask me some questions?” asked Jimmy. “Oh, it does not matter if you talk or not because your partner in crime is in interrogation Room Two singing like a canary. I bet he is getting a good deal for telling everything he knows,” said Susie putting down the emory board and looking at her fingernails. “Wait a minute, I want a deal too. I will tell you what I know,” said Jimmy. “I don’t know, Mitchell is providing us some valuable information,” said Susie still looking at her fingernails. “Wilson Brilliant called and said he needed three truckloads of dirt delivered to the old Bearing Arms Hotel site. The trucks were located at the Con Addison Truck Stop and when the dirt was delivered that we would be paid well,” said Jimmy. Susie stood up and started to leave the interrogation room. “What about the deal?” asked Jimmy. “I will talk to the District Attorney,” said Susie opening the door.
Susie entered the detective office. “Is Rachel in?” Susie asked Inspector J.P. Bullet. “She’s here but she is busy moving into her new office,” said J.P. “Shoot! I really need to talk to her about a case me and Rebella are working on,” said Susie. J.P. motioned for Susie to sit down. “Maybe I can help you,” said J.P. “Wilson Brilliant got these two goons to steal dump trucks loaded with dirt, dump the load at where the old Bearing Arms Hotel used to be, and then return the truck. The problem is the crime happened in the 169th Precincts jurisdiction, but the Bearing Arms Hotel is in the 467th Precincts jurisdiction and I needed to know how we need to proceed,” said Susie. “Are you telling me that Wilson had two people steal dirt?” asked J.P. in disbelief. “Yes sir, I think he was trying to bury something,” said Susie.
Rebella entered the detective office and join in the conversation. “If you remember when they demolished the Bearing Arms Hotel, instead of doing haul away, Alister paid the contractor to have it buried,” said Rebella. “There may have been something valuable in the hotel when it was demolished and Wilson found out about it, dug it up, and then had dirt stolen to cover it up,” said J.P. “Brandon and Alister were always stealing things and placing them in the walls of the Bearing Arm Hotel,” said Rebella. “Rebella, you were in Brandon’s crew, can you think of anything he could have stolen and placed in the wall that Wilson would have wanted?” asked J.P..
Rebella thought back to when she first arrested Brandon. She had just finished the police academy and there had been a burglary and a unknown number of gold bars had been taken. She had arrested one of Brandon’s henchmen and he told that Brandon was hiding the gold bars in the hotel. Brandon had just finished hiding the gold bars and was fixing to make his getaway when Rebella stopped him in the hotel. “Hold it right there creep,” said Rebella to Brandon with her service revolver drawn. “You disappointed me Rafaella, I made an undercover contribution to you and Colt’s wedding and got you in the police academy to help me steal,” said Brandon. “Shut up! You, fat, bloated bucket of lard. Now put your hands behind your back,” said Rebella. Brandon thought it was Rebella’s way of helping him escape so he complied by putting his hands behind his back. Rebella handcuffed him and transported him to jail.
Rebella stood in the detective office, thoughts from the past began to trouble her. “Can you excuse me,” said Rebella walking out of the detective office. “I’ll go talk to her,” said J.P.
J.P. found Rebella sitting on a bench outside the precinct. She was trying to hide that she was fixing to start crying. “Do you want to talk about it?” asked J.P. “I was thinking about the time I arrested Brandon the first time. I had just graduated the police academy and had just married Colt when I made the arrest. He had slid some money under the counter and paid for the wedding and me to go to the police academy. It is like he was always there to be a thorn in the side,” said Rebella with a tear running down her cheek. J.P. sat down beside her. “Brandon is one of those people that like to torment people, but one day you are going to have to forgive and forget. Otherwise, what happened in the past will always continue to haunt you,” said J.P. standing up. Rebella had a puzzled look on her face. “How do I do that?” asked Rebella. “I can’t tell you, that is something you are going to have to figure out on your own,” said J.P. patting Rebella on the back. J.P. was fixing to go back in the precinct. “J.P. wait a minute,” said Rebella. “What is it?” asked J.P. “The last thing that Brandon hid in the Bearing Arms Hotel was gold bars,” said Rebella.
The site where the Bearing Arms Hotel once stood was excavated and none of the stolen gold bars were located. Jimmy Bohannon and Mitchell Clark plead guilty and were sentenced to two years in jail.
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