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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Teens
- Theme: Fairy Tales & Fantasy
- Subject: Drama
- Published: 03/29/2014
The Competition with Roman
Born 1983, M, from Atlanta,Texas, United StatesNathan, Sally, Taylor, and Sattoe arrived at the card factory using the Sattoe’s teleporter card. “I hope we are not too late,” said Taylor. “We are right on time because here comes that snake right now,” said Sattoe pointing to a flying dragon approaching the card factory with Roman riding on its back.
The dragon landed in front of them. Roman got off and snapped his finger which transformed the dragon in a card. “What is this!” demanded Roman. “We are here to stop you,” said Taylor. “The four of you,” laughed Roman. “That’s right,” said Sally. “You fools! You will never stop me,” said Roman. “Oh yes, we are and I summon the power of the Rabbit and Magic Sword,” said Taylor. A sword appeared in Taylor’s hand. “I summon the Power of power ring and ultimate power ring,” said Nathan. A power ring appeared in Nathan’s hand. “A sword and power ring to stop me!” laughed Roman. “Along with Ultimate Deck. I summon Power of the Deer and Ultimate Deck,” said Sally. A deck of cards appeared in Sally’s hand. “Fools! It is going to take more than a few magic tricks to stop me,” said Roman. “You are going down, me and Sattoe challenges you to a shadow game unless you are all talk and nothing else,” said Sally. “Fine I accept your challenge and when I am through with you I am going to send your miserable souls to the graveyard,” said Roman.
The Card Master came running up. “Wait I have created a card that allows players to combine their life points and play as a team,” said the Card Master handing the card to Sally. She looked over to Sattoe. “Listen you may not like doing this, but it maybe our best shot at defeating Roman,” said Sally. “You are right I don’t like it, but eight thousand life points is better than four thousand when going up against Roman who has twelve thousand life points,” said Sattoe. Sally shook her head in agreement. “I summon Player Combo and I have one thing to say to you Roman. “You are going down” said Sally. Roman laughed at Sally’s last statement because he had the upper hand in the match. “Stand there and believe that you are going to defeat me. It will make it more enjoyable watching your miserable souls vanish to graveyard,” said Roman. “Are you going to stand there and run your mouth or are you going to play?’ asked Sattoe. “Fine I will go first. I summon first Persian Flyer Cat, then I summon The Great Attack Owl, and then I play Ball of Fate,” said Roman. A Persian cat with wings, an owl, and a ball with spikes appeared. Sattoe looked at what was on the field and then turned to Sally. “Each one of those will destroy ours before ours attack,” said Sattoe. “I think I know how to give us the upper hand in the game but I need you to take out the three that is on the field,” said Sally. “With pleasure,” said Sattoe. “I play lightning strike,” said Sattoe. A dark cloud appeared over the Persian cat, the owl, and ball with spikes. A bolt of lightning came from the dark cloud and destroyed all three. “Now it is my turn. I summon body snatcher, Red Eyes Black Dragon, and White Dragon. Roman laughed at the cards Sally played. “That is going to stop me,” laughed Roman. “Watch and see, Body Snatcher snatch Markik. A fence with a gate appeared in front of Sally and Sattoe. A pair of hands reached in Roman’s chest and pulled out Markik and placed him beside Sattoe and Sally. Taylor came up behind Markik and touched him with her sword transforming him into a card. “You just lost four thousand life points which bring you down to eight thousand, but I am not through. Since Sattoe destroyed your three monsters, you have nothing to defend you. Red Eyes Black Dragon and White Dragon attack!” shouted Sally. The two dragons started blowing fire and Roman had to jump to keep from getting burned. “My two dragons had a total of four thousand one hundred attack points which reduces your life points down to three thousand nine hundred life points. This move made Roman mad. “Each player is allowed three copies of the same card. I summon three headed blue eyed dragons, next I play dragon wings which doubles the attack points, then I play drago-merger which merges all three dragons together. Finally, I place one card face down and end my turn,” said Roman. A dragon with nine heads and twelve thousand six hundred attack points appeared. “Say goodbye to your friends,” laughed Roman. Sally turned to Sattoe. “I will take out the dragon, you attack,” said Sally. Sattoe nodded his head. “I play monster to graveyard,” said Sally. A hole appeared in front of the dragon and a hand reached out, pulled the dragon into the hole and then disappeared. “Now, it is time to finish you off! I summon blue eyes dragon,” said Sattoe. A Dragon with blue eyes appeared. “Now I play dragon wings which increases my blue eyes dragon attack points to forty two hundred. Now blue eyes dragon attack!” shouted Sattoe. The Dragon began blowing fire. “You still have not defeated me. I play the card I placed face down which is soul separation which means that Dovack will take the hit instead of me. Allowing me a chance to escape,” said Roman laughing as he walked off from the battle. “That snake,” said Sattoe as the blue eyes dragon destroyed Dovack. “At least we captured Markik and destroyed Dovack,” said Sally picking up the card with Markik picture on it and putting it with her other cards. “What are you going to do with Markik?” asked Taylor. “You will see,” said Sally.
Nathan, Sally, and Taylor went to the prison on the Isle of Tropia. Sally slid the card through the bars on the door. “I summon Markik,” said Sally. Markik appeared on the other side of the door in the cell. Nathan took a power ring and placed it on Markik’s arm. The power ring reversed what happened to Markik during the battle. They walked off with Markik in the prison cell. “Hey Come back here! Let me out!” shouted Markik. The three young heroes ignored Markik and kept on walking.
The Competition with Roman(jpater)
Nathan, Sally, Taylor, and Sattoe arrived at the card factory using the Sattoe’s teleporter card. “I hope we are not too late,” said Taylor. “We are right on time because here comes that snake right now,” said Sattoe pointing to a flying dragon approaching the card factory with Roman riding on its back.
The dragon landed in front of them. Roman got off and snapped his finger which transformed the dragon in a card. “What is this!” demanded Roman. “We are here to stop you,” said Taylor. “The four of you,” laughed Roman. “That’s right,” said Sally. “You fools! You will never stop me,” said Roman. “Oh yes, we are and I summon the power of the Rabbit and Magic Sword,” said Taylor. A sword appeared in Taylor’s hand. “I summon the Power of power ring and ultimate power ring,” said Nathan. A power ring appeared in Nathan’s hand. “A sword and power ring to stop me!” laughed Roman. “Along with Ultimate Deck. I summon Power of the Deer and Ultimate Deck,” said Sally. A deck of cards appeared in Sally’s hand. “Fools! It is going to take more than a few magic tricks to stop me,” said Roman. “You are going down, me and Sattoe challenges you to a shadow game unless you are all talk and nothing else,” said Sally. “Fine I accept your challenge and when I am through with you I am going to send your miserable souls to the graveyard,” said Roman.
The Card Master came running up. “Wait I have created a card that allows players to combine their life points and play as a team,” said the Card Master handing the card to Sally. She looked over to Sattoe. “Listen you may not like doing this, but it maybe our best shot at defeating Roman,” said Sally. “You are right I don’t like it, but eight thousand life points is better than four thousand when going up against Roman who has twelve thousand life points,” said Sattoe. Sally shook her head in agreement. “I summon Player Combo and I have one thing to say to you Roman. “You are going down” said Sally. Roman laughed at Sally’s last statement because he had the upper hand in the match. “Stand there and believe that you are going to defeat me. It will make it more enjoyable watching your miserable souls vanish to graveyard,” said Roman. “Are you going to stand there and run your mouth or are you going to play?’ asked Sattoe. “Fine I will go first. I summon first Persian Flyer Cat, then I summon The Great Attack Owl, and then I play Ball of Fate,” said Roman. A Persian cat with wings, an owl, and a ball with spikes appeared. Sattoe looked at what was on the field and then turned to Sally. “Each one of those will destroy ours before ours attack,” said Sattoe. “I think I know how to give us the upper hand in the game but I need you to take out the three that is on the field,” said Sally. “With pleasure,” said Sattoe. “I play lightning strike,” said Sattoe. A dark cloud appeared over the Persian cat, the owl, and ball with spikes. A bolt of lightning came from the dark cloud and destroyed all three. “Now it is my turn. I summon body snatcher, Red Eyes Black Dragon, and White Dragon. Roman laughed at the cards Sally played. “That is going to stop me,” laughed Roman. “Watch and see, Body Snatcher snatch Markik. A fence with a gate appeared in front of Sally and Sattoe. A pair of hands reached in Roman’s chest and pulled out Markik and placed him beside Sattoe and Sally. Taylor came up behind Markik and touched him with her sword transforming him into a card. “You just lost four thousand life points which bring you down to eight thousand, but I am not through. Since Sattoe destroyed your three monsters, you have nothing to defend you. Red Eyes Black Dragon and White Dragon attack!” shouted Sally. The two dragons started blowing fire and Roman had to jump to keep from getting burned. “My two dragons had a total of four thousand one hundred attack points which reduces your life points down to three thousand nine hundred life points. This move made Roman mad. “Each player is allowed three copies of the same card. I summon three headed blue eyed dragons, next I play dragon wings which doubles the attack points, then I play drago-merger which merges all three dragons together. Finally, I place one card face down and end my turn,” said Roman. A dragon with nine heads and twelve thousand six hundred attack points appeared. “Say goodbye to your friends,” laughed Roman. Sally turned to Sattoe. “I will take out the dragon, you attack,” said Sally. Sattoe nodded his head. “I play monster to graveyard,” said Sally. A hole appeared in front of the dragon and a hand reached out, pulled the dragon into the hole and then disappeared. “Now, it is time to finish you off! I summon blue eyes dragon,” said Sattoe. A Dragon with blue eyes appeared. “Now I play dragon wings which increases my blue eyes dragon attack points to forty two hundred. Now blue eyes dragon attack!” shouted Sattoe. The Dragon began blowing fire. “You still have not defeated me. I play the card I placed face down which is soul separation which means that Dovack will take the hit instead of me. Allowing me a chance to escape,” said Roman laughing as he walked off from the battle. “That snake,” said Sattoe as the blue eyes dragon destroyed Dovack. “At least we captured Markik and destroyed Dovack,” said Sally picking up the card with Markik picture on it and putting it with her other cards. “What are you going to do with Markik?” asked Taylor. “You will see,” said Sally.
Nathan, Sally, and Taylor went to the prison on the Isle of Tropia. Sally slid the card through the bars on the door. “I summon Markik,” said Sally. Markik appeared on the other side of the door in the cell. Nathan took a power ring and placed it on Markik’s arm. The power ring reversed what happened to Markik during the battle. They walked off with Markik in the prison cell. “Hey Come back here! Let me out!” shouted Markik. The three young heroes ignored Markik and kept on walking.
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