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- Story Listed as: True Life For Adults
- Theme: Inspirational
- Subject: Current Events
- Published: 04/04/2021
Thoughts about Easter
Adult, F, from Florence, OR, United States.jpeg)
What do you believe about Easter? Do you believe in the Resurrection? In Easter bunnies? In life after death?
For me... Easter is a day for HOPE. Hope that perhaps our lives do not really end in a grave, or as dust in the wind.... and maybe we will see those we love once again, in another form in some future heavenly realm. It's a nice idea, after all, isn't it?
Of course the physical body dies, we all know that. But do we all possess a spiritual being that does not die but simply begins another kind of being outside of the physical realm? A renewal? A rebirth?
And isn't that what SPRING is all about? Renewal. Rebirth. Here in North America it is Spring. Sleeping bears and other wildlife are awaking from winter hibernation, many introducing their newly born young to the world for the first time. Birds are returning from their winter migrations. New growth is appearing on barren trees. Spring flowers are blooming. The mating season has begun and soon there will be new births and new lives just beginning....
New life beginning.... whether you are spiritual or not, religious or not, renewal, rebirth, and new life beginning.... This is what Easter celebrates.
For those who have lost loved ones during this past year, or in years past, may the hope of rebirth bring you comfort. And for everyone who has been through a long winter, whether physically, spiritually, or emotionally, may the renewal of life that is celebrated as Easter bring you a renewed hope for the future....
Happy Easter to you all. May you be blessed!
Thoughts about Easter(JD)
What do you believe about Easter? Do you believe in the Resurrection? In Easter bunnies? In life after death?
For me... Easter is a day for HOPE. Hope that perhaps our lives do not really end in a grave, or as dust in the wind.... and maybe we will see those we love once again, in another form in some future heavenly realm. It's a nice idea, after all, isn't it?
Of course the physical body dies, we all know that. But do we all possess a spiritual being that does not die but simply begins another kind of being outside of the physical realm? A renewal? A rebirth?
And isn't that what SPRING is all about? Renewal. Rebirth. Here in North America it is Spring. Sleeping bears and other wildlife are awaking from winter hibernation, many introducing their newly born young to the world for the first time. Birds are returning from their winter migrations. New growth is appearing on barren trees. Spring flowers are blooming. The mating season has begun and soon there will be new births and new lives just beginning....
New life beginning.... whether you are spiritual or not, religious or not, renewal, rebirth, and new life beginning.... This is what Easter celebrates.
For those who have lost loved ones during this past year, or in years past, may the hope of rebirth bring you comfort. And for everyone who has been through a long winter, whether physically, spiritually, or emotionally, may the renewal of life that is celebrated as Easter bring you a renewed hope for the future....
Happy Easter to you all. May you be blessed!
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Tom Keltner
09/11/2022I love the broder notion of rebirth in this message, specifically:
"New life beginning ..... whether you are spiritual or not, relifious or not, renewal, rebirth, and new life beginning ..... This is what Easter celebrates."
Based on individual circumstances, we all need a rebirth at times from various situations be they family tragedy, employment, personal relationships, spiritual or religious beliefs.
Your story perfectly encapsulates that message.
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09/11/2022Thanks so much for your kind comments, Tom. Much appreciated. We could all use a renewal and rebirth of hope for the future right now....
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Mandy Marsha
04/13/2022Hope is a dangerous thing... Hope can drive a man Insane
Yet without hope, What are we?
Thank you JD for this Beautiful hope-filled piece
this double-edged sword,
One side to set me free...
And the other..
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Rakesh Pandey
04/26/2021How very right! Easter is indeed a symbol of hope after a toil of miseries. You have explained it so simply and beautifully! Loved it!
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04/10/2021I have three stories about Easter in my collection. I appreciate your simple approach to address not just what we may believe or not but what it actually means for the world to wake up from its wintry nap to start again. Good job.
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04/05/2021Thank you for the encouraging words JD. Very much needed and very much appreciated. May God bles and be with you always as well.
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04/05/2021Thank you for your kind and thoughtful words and well wishes, Radrook. I wish the same for you.
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Martha Kang
04/04/2021That was a very pretty piece! I think of spring the same way! Happy Easter!
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04/04/2021Thank you Martha. I hope you have a happy Spring and a lot of fun with your cute new puppy! :-)
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Gerald R Gioglio
04/04/2021Beautiful JD. A thoughtful way to approach this special day. Thank you, Jerry
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Stephanie Egbert
04/04/2021JD, great to see you blossom in your own story. Very uplifting and very much in my line of thought of Easter. Thank you for sharing. Happy day.
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04/04/2021I'm not really a writer, Stephanie, but I sometimes like to share my thoughts about things, as occasions arise. Thanks for your kind words. Have a Happy Easter and Spring. :-)
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Kevin Hughes
That was a very beautiful piece. As you can tell from the thread, everyone enjoyed it. No matter their Faith, or the part of the world they live in. Hope does spring eternal. Life, renewal, growth, possiblity dont have to be Religious to get those points. Lovely, just lovely. Happy Easter!
Smiles, Kevin
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04/04/2021Ver beautiful work. We need such a celebration to renew our life and restore hope to be able to go own and shape a better future.
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04/04/2021Amen to that, Aziz! Thank you. May hope restore us all so that we may shape a better future! :-)
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Martha Huett
04/04/2021Easter is a fun day! The Easter Bunny comes and leaves beautiful, veggie-colored eggs for my dogs who have lots of fun hunting for them in the soft green grass and wildflowers. You described our day exactly - Spring and hope:) May your day be fun too. Happy Easter!
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Gail Moore
04/04/2021A very Happy Easter to you JD.
A beautiful piece you have written and makes you wonder about existence in the afterlife.
I suppose it's the thing that none of us can answer and the one thing we all think about whether we are religious or not.
Xx. :-)
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04/04/2021Thanks Gail... I know it is not Spring where you are, but Happy Easter to you, too! :-)